nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
SUKO Takeshi 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "SUKO Takeshi")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
6: SUKO Takeshi
5: SUZUKI Yohey
3: TAKENO Naoto
2: ITO Kazumasa, NANBA Kenji, SEKI Yoji, TAKAHASHI Masaaki, TSUNOGAI Urumu, YOSHIOKA Hideyoshi
1: ITOH Kazumasa, MANAKA Mitsuo, OKUZAWA Koichi, SAKATA Susumu, SUZUKI Masaya, WATANABE Yoshio
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2006: A study of the change in uranium load of streamwater during downstream mainly about the biofilm on the riverbed (H23B 1515)
2006: Geomicrobiological factors controlling uranium mobility in natural systems
2006: Geomicrobiological factors that control uranium mobility in the environment: Update on recent advances in the bioremediation of uranium contaminated sites
2007: In situ Hydraulic Property Estimation with Minimum Chemical/Microbiological Disturbance for HC Modeling of Sedimentary Rocks(H33D 1611)
2008: Nitrate dependent deep subsurface biosphere and nitrite accumulation in an inland fore arc basin, Japan
2009: Biogeochemical profiles in deep sedimentary rocks in an inland fore arc basin, Central Japan