nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
HELL Joseph V. 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "HELL Joseph V.")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
10: HELL Joseph V.
8: KUSAKABE Minoru, OHBA Takeshi, TANYILEKE Gregory
4: FANTONG Wilson Y., UEDA Akira
3: ANAZAWA Katsuro, FOUEPE Alain, KANEKO Katsuya, SAIKI Kazuto, SANEMASA Mitsuhisa
2: KAMTCHUENG Brice T., TANYILEKE Greg, WIRMVEM Mengnjo J., YOSHIDA Yutaka, 大場 武
1: AKA Festus T., Issad, KOZONO Tomofumi, MVONDO Joseph O., NKAMDJOU Luc S., OZAWA Akiko, TIODJIO Edwige R., YAMAGUCHI Kohei, ZHANG Jing, 丈六 啓介, 佐伯 和人, 吉田 裕, 小園 誠史, 日下部 実, 金子 克哉
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2013: Estimation of vertical profile of dissolved CO2 concentration in Cameroonian volcanic lakes using sound velocity of lake water(3I O4)
2013: Surface and ground water chemistry in the vicinity of Lake Nyos(3I O7)
2014: Assessment of shallow groundwater in Lake Nyos catchment (Cameroon, Central Africa): implications for hydrogeochemical controls and uses
2015: Characteristics of chemical weathering and water–rock interaction in Lake Nyos dam (Cameroon): Implications for vulnerability to failure and re enforcement
2015: ニオス湖マヌン湖における湖水の音速分布と透明度の観測による湖水の化学的特徴の推定(SVC45 P09)
Estimation of chemical properties of lake water at Lakes Nyos and Monoun using sound velocity profiles and transparency (SMP45 P09)
2015: 定期観測データに基づく,カメルーン火口湖における湖水爆発発生可能性の数値的評価(SVC46 P19)
Numerical assessment of the potential for future limnic eruptions in Cameroon, based on regular monitoring data (SMP46 P19)
2017: A new method to determine dissolved CO2 concentration of lakes Nyos and Monoun using the sound speed and electrical conductivity of lake water
2017: Numerical assessment of the potential for future limnic eruptions at lake Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon, based on regular monitoring data
2017: Rate of siderite precipitation in Lake Nyos, Cameroon
2017: Vertical distribution of dissolved CO2 in lakes Nyos and Monoun (Cameroon) as estimated by sound speed in water