nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
宮西 賢一 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "宮西 賢一")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2004: 土質の異なる油汚染土壌洗浄実験及び油含有排水処理実施例
Washing Experiment of Oil Polluted Soil with Different Property and the Practical Example of Oil Contaminated Water Treatment
2004: 石油系臭気土壌の脱臭検討とその実施例
Examination and Instance of Deodorization Methods as to Soil with Odor Oil
2005: 焼却場解体工事における重金属処理方法
A heavy metals processing method in incineration site dismantling construction
2005: 鉱油類汚染水処理技術の実際
The Practical Side of Mineral Oil Contaminated Water Treatment
2006: フッ素浄化技術の基礎実験および実施例についての報告
Fundamental experiment of fluorine purification technology and a report about an exmple
2007: 天然鉱物資源を利用した超深層地下水中のフッ素除去技術の実例
The practical side of fluorine contaminated groundwater treatment
2008: 砒素吸着材の性能とその利用方法の検討
Performance of arsenic adsorption materials and examination of the usage
2008: 粘土鉱物を原料とした高性能凝集剤と環境浄化への応用
Application and development of efficient coagulant that makes clay minerals