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SEARD Claire 様の 共著関連データベース

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+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "SEARD Claire")

共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))

    6: SEARD Claire

    5: CAMOIN Gilbert

    4: WEBSTER Jody M., YOKOYAMA Yusuke

    3: ABBEY Elizabeth, BRAGA Juan C., IRYU Yasufumi, POTTS Donald

    2: DESCHAMPS Pierre, DONE Terry, DURAND Nicolas, MATSUZAKI Hiroyuki, WALLACE Carden

    1: BARD Edouard, BARD Edouard HAMELIN Bruno, BOURILLOT Raphael, BRAGA Juan Carlos, CAMOIN Gilbert F., DUSSOUILLEZ Philippe, DUTTON Andrea, ESAT Tezer, Expedition 325 Scientists, FALLON Stewart, HENDERSON Gideon M., HINESTROSA Gustavo, HUMBLET Marc, LUND Steve, PLATZMAN Ellen, SEPULCRE Sophie, SUGIHARA Kaoru, THOMAS Alex, THOMAS Alexander L., THOMPSON Bill, THOUVENY Nicolas, 井龍 康文, 杉原 薫

発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))

    2009: Evidence for Two New Magnetic Field Excursions (11, 000 and 13, 000 Cal Yrs BP) from Sediments of the Tahiti Coral Reef (Maraa tract) (GP21B 0786) [Net] [Bib]

    2011: Microbialite development patterns in the last deglacial reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia; IODP Expedition #310): Implications on reef framework architecture [Net] [Bib]

    2011: Variation in deglacial coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental significance: IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level [Net] [Bib]

    2011: タヒチ島における最終融氷期の造礁生物群集の時空変化 統合国際深海掘削計画第310次航海「タヒチ島の海水準」の成果 (C10) [Net] [Bib]
    Variation in deglacial coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental significance: IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level(C10) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: IODP Expedition 325 to the Great Barrier Reef: unlocking the history of reef growth and demise since the Last Glacial Maximum [Net] [Bib]

    2012: Reef response to sea level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level [Net] [Bib]

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