nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
國廣 秀光 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "國廣 秀光")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2011: 地震に係る電磁波異常の原理予測と観測ネット(D31 01)
An expected theory and observation net of the electromagnetic wave abnormality to affect an earthquake (D31 01)
2012: 地震直前の電磁気変化とその原因(SCG69 P14)
The electromagnetism change just before the earthquake and the cause(SCG69 P14)
2013: 大地震の前兆観測と予測情報の一般公開
It is Opened the Harbinger Observation of the Major Earthquake and the Predictive Information to the Public
2013: 電磁波の観測網で捕らえた地震直前の伝搬異常とその理論的根拠となる3種類の記録グラフ
Three Kinds of Record Graphs that it is the Propagation Abnormality just before the Earthquake that I Caught in an Observation Network of the Electromagnetic Wave and the Rationale
2014: FM放送電波の観測網で捉えた地震直前の前兆現象
2014: 地震の予知情報を生かそう(MIS29 08)
Let's make use of foretelling an earthquake information (MIS29 08)
2014: 地震トリガーの研究 潮汐と電磁波異常の相似
2015: 地殻変動を捉える電磁気パルスの観測(SSS31 P06)
The observation of the electromagnetism pulse to capture crustal movement (SSS31 P06)
2015: 地震直前の電磁現象と電磁波観測による地震予測
2015: 電磁波観測で判った地震トリガー(MIS27 P01)
The earthquake trigger which I understood by electromagnetic wave observation (MIS27 P01)