nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
清水 隆夫 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "清水 隆夫")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1982: 黒鉱隨伴岩における元素分布
1985: 大型造波水路実験による岸沖漂砂量分布形のモデル化
Modeling of Onshore Offshore Sand Transport Rate Distribution Based on the Large Wave Flume Experimemts
1986: 岸沖地形変化予測モデルの開発と検証
Verification of Improved Numerical Model for Prediction of On offshore Beach Change
1986: 砂漣の形状特性と消滅限界
Sand Ripples Generated by Prototype Waves in the Large Wave Flume
1988: 岸沖海浜変形実験の相似性
Similarity of Model Experiments on Onshore Offshore Beach Profile Change
2001: 露岩域を有する砂浜海岸に港湾を建設する場合の海浜変形予測モデルの適用
Application of beach deformation numerical model to a field site of sandy beach including exposed rock area around a harbor
2002: 混合粒径砂を用いた大型岸沖海浜変形実験 粒径別漂砂の特性解明とモデル化
Grain size screening process and size graded sediment transport by large scale cross shore beach deformation experiments using mixed sized sand and numerical modeling
2007: 河口流出土砂の周辺海域への粒径別移動に及ぼす波の影響に関する実験
Physical model tests on effects of wave action on graded sand sediment transport of discharged mixed sized sands from river mouth