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坂田 剛 様の 共著関連データベース

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+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "坂田 剛")

共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))

    10: 坂田 剛, 田所 敬一

    9: 永井 悟

    8: 生田 領野

    7: 渡部 豪

    6: 安田 健二

    5: 江藤 周平

    4: 奥田 隆

    2: 久野 正博

    1: 佐柳 敬造, 渡辺 豪

発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))

    2011: 海底地殻変動観測の精度向上に向けた音響測距データ解析(D32 11) [Net] [Bib]
    Development of Ocean Acoustic Ranging Data Analysis for High resoluted Seafloor Geodetic Observation (D32 11) [Net] [Bib]

    2011: 海底地殻変動計測システムにおける適切なブイ配置の設計(SCG059 P03) [Net] [Bib]
    Layout of buoys and seafloor transponders for next generation measurement system for ocean floor crustal deformation(SCG059 P03) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 海中音速のモデル化による海底局位置推定誤差 海底地殻変動観測の精度向上に向けたシミュレーションスタディー (P2 22) [Net] [Bib]
    Error Evaluation in Analysis of Acoustic Ranging Data due to Sound Speed Modeling for High resoluted Seafloor Geodetic Observation (P2 22) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 海中音速構造の空間変化を把握するための海底地殻変動計測システムにおける適切なブイ配置の設計(SCG66 P16) [Net] [Bib]
    Layout of buoys and seafloor transponder for next generation measurement system for ocean floor crustal deformation(SCG66 P16) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 海底地殻変動観測より推定される南海トラフのすべり欠損速度(再考)(SCG66 11) [Net] [Bib]
    Slip deficit at the Nankai subduction zone inferred from seafloor geodetic observations (second thought)(SCG66 11) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 海底地殻変動観測より推定される南海トラフのプレート固着状態推定(P2 09) [Net] [Bib]
    Slip distribution at the Nankai subduction zone inferred from seafloor geodetic observations (P2 09) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 海洋音響則距における速度構造と波線追跡法による精度検証 海底地殻変動観測における推定精度向上に向けて (SCG66 P15) [Net] [Bib]
    Accuracy due to ray tracing and velocity structure in acoustic ranging to develop seafloor geodetic observations(SCG66 P15) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 熊野海盆における海底地殻変動モニタリング結果(SCG66 10) [Net] [Bib]
    Results of sea floor crustal deformation Monitoring at Kumano Basin(SCG66 10) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 熊野灘・駿河湾における海底地殻変動観測(C22 03) [Net] [Bib]
    Observation of Sea floor Crusal Deformation at the Kumano Basin and Suruga Bay (C22 03) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 駿河湾における海底地殻変動モニタリング(SCG66 12) [Net] [Bib]
    Monitoring of seafloor crustal deformation using GPS/acoustic techniques at the Suruga trough(SCG66 12) [Net] [Bib]

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