nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
上村 謙一郎 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "上村 謙一郎")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2011: 九州八代地方黒瀬川帯小田尾ユニットの変成分帯
The metamorphic zonation of Otao unit, Kurosegawa belt in Yatsushiro region, Kyushu
2012: 九州・八代地方の黒瀬川帯箱石サブユニットに産する高圧変成岩類の白雲母K Ar年代
Phengite K Ar ages of High P type metamorphic rocks of the Hakoishi sub unit of the Kurosegawa belt in Yatsushiro area, Kyushu
2014: 九州・八代地域の箱石・飛石サブユニットの低変成度岩の白雲母K Ar年代
White mica K Ar ages obtained from lower grade metamorphic rocks in the Hakoishi/Tobiishi sub units in Yatsushiro, Kyushu
2014: 冷たい沈み込み場(ca. 15 degrees C/km)で形成された古生代後期のローソン石青色片岩体の地質
Geology of lawsonite blueschist facies unit crystallized under relatively low geothermal gradient (ca. 15 degrees C/km)
2015: Lawsonite blueschist in the Hakoishi sub unit, Kurosegawa belt, Kyushu, Japan, asWater Carrier Into the mantle. (SMP08 04)
2016: ローソン石青色片岩の相平衡関係と吸水・脱水機構 黒瀬川構造帯箱石サブユニットの例 (SMP13 02)
Phase relation of lawsonite blueschists and their role as a water budget: A case study from the Hakoishi sub unit of the Kurosegawa belt, SW Japan (SMP13 02)