nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
IWAMOTO Hisanori 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "IWAMOTO Hisanori")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
4: BABA Kiyoshi, UTADA Hisashi
3: GOTO Tada-nori, ICHIKI Masahiro, MATSUNO Tetsuo, SCHWALENBERG Katrin, SUYEHIRO Kiyoshi, TAKEMOTO Kazuhiro
2: NOGI Yoshifumi, OTOFUJI Yo-ichiro, TADA Noriko, TOH Hiroaki, YANG Zhenyu, YOKOYAMA Masahiko, ZAMAN Haider
1: BABA Yuta, BOREN Goran, CHANTHAVICHITH Kongkham, CHAVE Alan, EVANS Rob, FUJIHARA Makoto, GOTO Tadanori, HEINSON Graham, INOKUCHI Hiroo, INTHAVONG Thongpath, KASAYA Takafumi, KATOH Shigehiro, KIDO Yukari, KITADA Kazuya, LIU Yuyan, MIURA Daisuke, MU Chuanlong, MURAKAMI Hideki, OSHIMAN Naoto, SATO Ken, SATO Shun, SHIOZAKI Ichiro, SYEHIRO Kiyoshi, TADA Noroko, TANAKA Kenji, TSUJINO Ryosuke, UNO Koji, WHITE Antony, YAMAGUCHI Satoru, YONEDA Asami
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2002: Mantle conductivity structure below the Mariana island arc (C42 04)
2003: Mantle Conductivity Structure Below the Mariana Island Arc (GAI.08/08P/D 008)
2003: Marine Magnetotelluric Experiment for the Mariana Subduction System (T31H 01)
2005: Geophysical features on Mariana forearc serpentine seamounts region(A31 P037)
2007: Two dimensional resistivity structure of the fault associated with the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake
2008: Electrical structure beneath the central Mariana subduction, fore arc, arc, back arc system
2008: Tectonic deformation around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: constraints from the Cretaceous palaeomagnetic data of the Shan Thai Block
2009: Tectonic deformation of the Indochina Peninsula recorded in the Mesozoic palaeomagnetic results