nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
佐野 絵里香 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "佐野 絵里香")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
2: 小圷 健太郎
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2009: 島根県内における未利用砕石の有効活用の地質学的検討 浜田市(株)三隅興産採石場の流紋岩の例
Geologic examination of utility of waste material occurring with construction stone in Shimane Prefecture Japan A case study of rhyolite from the Misumi Kosan Co. Ltd. Quarry, Hamada city (Preliminary Report)
2010: 山陰海岸西部のポケットビーチの特徴と元素組成からみた成熟度
Characteristics of pocket beaches in the western San'in coast, southwest Japan, and evaluation of geochemical maturity of beach sand
2010: 岡山県笠岡湾およびその周辺の干潟堆積物の元素組成
Geochemical compositions of sediments from the tidal flat in Kasaoka Bay and neighboring areas in Okayama Prefecture, Japan
2011: 山口県西部のポケットビーチにおける主元素と微量元素組成の検討
Major and trace element compositions of sands from pocket beaches in western Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
2011: 山陰地域のポケットビーチの特徴と海浜砂の地球化学的成熟度
Characteristics of pocket beaches in the San'in district southwest Japan and geochemical maturity of beach sands
2011: 鳥取県の海浜砂の地球化学組成の検討
Geochemical composition of beach sands from Tottori Prefecture, Japan
2013: 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震による東北地方太平洋沿岸の津波堆積物の地球化学的検討
Geochemistry of tsunami sediments deposited after the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of the Tohoku Earthquake, northeast Japan
2013: 岡山県笠岡湾およびその周辺の干潟環境とアマモの生体元素濃縮
Marine environment of the tidal flat and bioelement concentrations of Zostera marine (submerged plant) in Kasaoka bay and surrounding areas, Okayama Prefecture, Japan