nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
ASANUMA Hisashi 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "ASANUMA Hisashi")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
7: ASANUMA Hisashi, SAWAKI Yusuke
5: MARUYAMA Shigenori, SAKATA Shuhei, WINDLEY Brian F.
4: FUJISAKI Wataru, HIRATA Takafumi, SATO Tomohiko, SUZUKI Kazue
1: AOKI Kazumasa, EDOU-MINKO Amboise, HIRATA Takavumi, ISOZAKI Yukio, ITAYA Tetsumaru, LI Yibing, LIGNA Cedric, MATSUO Motoyuki, MOUSSAVOU Mathieu, OBAYASHI Hideyuki, SHOZUGAWA Katsumi, YAMAMOTO Shinji, YOKOYAMA Tetsuya
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2013: Detection of Cosmogenic Material in Deep Sea Sediments Based on Platinum Group Element (PGE) Abundances(66 11)
2015: Ordovician ocean plate stratigraphy and thrust duplexes of the Ballantrae Complex, SW Scotland: Implications for the pelagic deposition rate and forearc accretion in the closing Iapetus Ocean
2015: Reconstruction of ocean plate stratigraphy in the Gwna Group, NW Wales: Implications for the subduction–accretion process of a latest Proterozoic trench forearc
2015: Redox condition of the late Neoproterozoic pelagic deep ocean: 57Fe Mössbauer analyses of pelagic mudstones in the Ediacaran accretionary complex, Wales, UK
2016: New chronological constraints on Neoarchean gneisses, Proterozoic cover sediments, and Triassic granite, Jixian, China
2017: Chronological constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Group in Gabon
2017: New isotopic age data constrain the depositional age and accretionary history of the Neoproterozoic Ordovician Mona Complex (Anglesey Lleyn, Wales)