nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
CHIBA Masaru 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "CHIBA Masaru")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
8: CHIBA Masaru
3: ORITO Kohtaro, TANAKA Taichu Y.
1: ANYOJI Nobuo, EBITA Ayataka, KUROSAKI Yasunori, MAKI Takashi, SASAHARA Katsuo, SASAKI Hidetaka, SASAKI Toru, SEINO Naoko, SHIBATA Kiyotaka, SHIMA Hironao, TAKAHASHI Masaaki, TANAKA Taicyu, YAMAMOTO Akira, YAMASHITA Shintaro, YAMAZAKI Koji, YOKOTA Takashi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1993: A 3 D global simulation of the advective transport of passive tracers from various northern hemisphere sources
1997: Effect of Summer Terrestrial Biosphere over Siberia on the CO2 Concentration over Japan
2003: A Modeling Study of the Relative Contribution of the Dust Source Areas (MI02b/02P/D 035)
2003: Aeolian Dust Prediction System at Japan Meteorological Agency (MI02b/02P/D 037)
2003: Increasing of Recent Three Years Kosa Event in Japan (MI02/03A/B17 003)
2003: Numerical Simulation of Tephra Fall Deposition from Mt. Usu 1977 Eruption and Mt. Fuji 1707 Eruption (JSV02/30A/A02 008)
2003: Numerical Simulations by Each Hazardous Event for the Hazard Maps of Fuji Volcano (V13/04A/D 016)
2006: A numerical study of the contributions of dust source regions to the global dust budget