nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MASHIMA Hidehisa 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MASHIMA Hidehisa")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
10: MASHIMA Hidehisa
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2003: An alternative model for within plate basalts generation suggested by their major elements, trace elements and Pb Sr Nd isotope compositions (V12C 0609)
2004: Thermal state of northwest Kyushu mantle suggested by the petrochemistry of the Tara dake basalts
2004: Time scale of magma mixing between basalt and dacite estimated for the Saga Futagoyama volcanic rocks in northwest Kyushu, southwest Japan
2005: Partial melting controls on the northwest Kyushu basalts from Saga Futagoyama
2006: Comment on Stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin induced by mantle diapiric upwelling and eustatic event by Yamada and Nakada (Tectonophysics 415 (2006) 103 121)
2008: Comment on Evolution of the eastern margin of Korea: Constraints on the opening of the East Sea (Japan Sea) by Kim H.J. et al. [Tectonophysics 436 (2007) 37 55]
2008: Comments on Tomographic evidence for the mantle upwelling beneath southwestern Japan and its implications for arc magmatism by J. Nakajima and A. Hasegawa (Earth Planet. Sci, Lett., 254(2007), 90 105)
2009: A melting anomaly in Northwest Kyushu, Southwest Japan: A consequence of the tectonic evolution of NW Kyushu and the origin of a pseudo hot spot in a convergent zone
2009: The basalt high magnesium andesite association formed by multi stage partial melting of a heterogeneous source mantle: Evidence from Hirado Seto, Northwest Kyushu, Southwest Japan
2016: The genesis of high magnesium andesites and basalts from Shodoshima in the Setiuchi district, southwest Japan (SVC48 01)