nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
菅原 正明 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "菅原 正明")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1978: 花輪鉱山,明通鉱床の生成の場について 特に下盤流紋岩との関係
Environment of Kuroko mineralization in the Aketooshi deposits, Hanawa Mine With special reference to relation between the ore deposits and the foot wall rhyolite
1982: 釈迦内鉱床の堆積地質学的産状 黒鉱鉱床の続成作用(記載編)
Mode of occurrence of the Shakanai kuroko deposits with special reference to some sedimentological and diagenetic features Studies on diagenesis of kuroko deposits (Description)
1982: 釈迦内鉱床の続成進化過程復元の試み 黒鉱鉱床の続成作用(考察篇)
An attempt to reconstruct the diagenetic evolution history of the Shakanai kuroko deposits Studies on diagenesis of kuroko deposits (Discussion)
1983: 浦辺・松本両氏の討論にお答えして
1984: 花輪鉱山明通−東明鉱床胚胎の場
Aketoshi and Toumei Kuroko deposits, Hanawa Mine, Japan with special reference to dacites and siliceous rocks associated with the deposits
1985: 釈迦内鉱床における黒鉱鉱体の変形
Deformation of orebodies in the Shakanai Kuroko deposits, Akita
2004: チリ共和国第1州地域資源開発協力基礎調査結果