nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
BRUMSACK Hans-Jurgen 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "BRUMSACK Hans-Jurgen")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
2: ALEXANDROVICH Joanne M., ALLAN James, BARNES David A., BOGGS Sam, BRUNNER Charlotte A., CRAMP Adrian, JOLIVET Laurent, JORDAN Richard W., KAWKA Orest E., KOC Nalan, KOIZUMI Itaru, KURAMOTO Shin'ichi, MCEVOY James, MEREDITH Jeffrey A., MERTZ Karl A. Jr., NOBES David C., PISCIOTTO Kenneth A., RAHMAN Atiur, SCHAAR Ralph, STEWART Kathryn P., STICKLEY Catherine E., SUTO Itsuki, TADA Ryuji, TAMAKI Kensaku, THY Peter, VIGLIOTTI Luigi, WHITE Lisa D., WIPPERN Jobst J.M., YAMASHITA Shigeru
1: LANGSETH Marcus, LANGSETH Marcus G., Leg 127 and Leg 128 Shipboard Scientific Parties, PISCIOTTO Kenneth
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1990: Initial Reports Sites 794 797 Japan Sea
1990: Ocean Drilling Program Evolution of the Japan Sea
1992: Thermal History of Japan Sea Sediments from Isotopic Studies of Diagenetic Silica and Associated Pore Waters
2007: A Siliceous Microfossil View of Middle Eocene Arctic Paleoenvironments(PP41D 0776)
2008: A siliceous microfossil view of middle Eocene Arctic paleoenvironments: A window of biosilica production and preservation