nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
倉茂 好匡 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "倉茂 好匡")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
43: 倉茂 好匡
7: 平川 一臣
5: 池尻 公祐
2: 中島 吾郎, 中野 利昭, 安東 新吾, 西村 茂樹, 野見山 誉, 長谷川 博
1: 三上 恭治, 三井 直美, 中野 繁, 丸尾 雅啓, 伊藤 賢史, 伏見 碩二, 冉 肸, 安藤 新吾, 小林 良幸, 山下 大樹, 山形 耕太郎, 山県 耕太郎, 時岡 菜穂, 木林 大, 森川 利信, 江口 誠一, 石川 守, 竹中 健, 粕渕 恵理, 西口 茜, 谷原 弘堂, 豊島 輝雄, 野中 理伸
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1984: 盤渓川流域の土砂流出機構
1985: 北海道盤渓川流域の土砂供給機構
Mode of Sediment Supply in the Bankei RIver Catchment, Hokkaido, Japan
1985: 融雪出水時の河床からの懸濁物質巻き上げモデル
Model for pulling up fine particles from armour coated gravel bed at the snowmelt season
1985: 融雪期初期におけるアーマーコート状態の河床からの懸濁物質巻き上げモデル
Model for Pulling Up Fine Particles from Armour Coated Gravel Bed in the Early Snowmelt Season
1993: 河川懸濁物の極大濃度の遅れ機構
Mechanism on Delayed Appearance of Peak Suspended Sediment Concentration in a Small River
1995: 北海道東部・西別川の平水時における透明度と懸濁物質
Visual Water Clarity and Suspended Substance under Baseflow Conditions in the Nishibetsu River, Japan
1996: 河川の浮流土砂研究における最近の動向
Recent studies on suspended sediment in river
1996: 生息場所造成後の河床地形変化
Topographical Change in a Channel Bed after Habitat Improvement
1999: 北海道.パンケナイ川における河床堆積物層厚モニタリング
Monitoring of thickness of river bed sediment in the Pankenai River, Hokkaido, Japan
1999: 大雪山で観測された岩盤崩壊現象の線形破壊力学的考察
The rock fracturing phenomena in the Daisetsu Mts. and its consideration from the linear fracture mechanics
1999: 改良型プレッシャーピローを用いた河床堆積物層厚モニタリング
Monitoring of thickness of river bed sediment by the improved pressure pillow method
2000: パンケナイ川の河床地形変化と土砂移動(ポスターセッション)
Topographical change and sediment transport at the Pankenai River, Hokkaido, Japan
2000: 粒径組成に関するノンパラメトリック検定に基づいた河川懸濁土砂供給源の推定法(第二報)
Source identification of suspended sediment from grain size distributions based on application of nonparametirc statistical tests (part 2)
2001: 犬上川下流部における堤外地堆積物の段丘化編年
Sedimentational history of the river bed sediment at the lower reach of the Inukami River, Shiga, Japan
2001: 高時川上流域における摺墨川流域の地形的特徴
The topographic feature of the Surumi basin in the Takatoki River basin
2002: 活断層地域山地小流域における不安定斜面の検出
Detection of unstable slope in a small mountainous basin of active fault zone
2002: 活断層地域山地小流域における土砂流出機構
Mechanism of sediment discharge in a small mountainous basin of active fault zone
2002: 犬上川河口部の砂利採取が犬上川河床地形に及ぼした影響
Effect of gravel digging at river mouth on river bed topography in the Inukami River
2003: ヨシ群落の分布に及ぼす地形的影響 十勝南部・当縁川流域の事例
Topographical impact on the distribution of reed stands in the Toberi River, Hpkkaido, Japan
2003: 人工改変をうけた犬上川河口部の土砂動態
Effect of artificial change on sediment transport around river mouth of the Inukami River
2003: 十勝地方の森林伐採・開墾に伴う河川環境の急激な変化(1) 洪水氾濫堆積物
Drastic change of fluvial environment in response to forest clearance in the Tokachi Plain, Northern Japan (1) Fluvial sediments
2003: 十勝地方の森林伐採・開墾に伴う河川環境の急激な変化(2) 水文環境 (ポスターセッション)
Drastic change of fluvial environment in response to forest clearance in the Tokachi Plain, Northern Japan (2) Hydrogical environment
2003: 水文データより計算した河床剪断応力と河床堆積物限界掃流力の比較
Comparison Between Shear Stress Calculated from Hydrological Data and Critical Shear Stress Estimated from Stratigraphy and Grain Size Distribution of River Bed and River Terrace Deposits
2003: 水文データより計算した河床剪断応力と河床堆積物限界掃流力の比較
Comparison between shear stress calculated from hydrological data and critical shear stress of gravel bed sediment
2004: 十勝平野南部における開墾・森林伐採にともなう過去100年間の河川環境・堆積物の変化
Drastic change of fluvial environment in response to forest clearance and cultivation since last 100 years in the southern Tokachi Plain, Hokkaido, Japan
2004: 河道測方湾上水域への土砂堆積特性−−人工ワンドと自然ワンドの実験的比較−−
Experimental study of sedimentation around open channel embayment
2004: 活断層地域山地小流域におけるパイプからの浮遊土砂流出機構
Mechanism of suspended sediment supply from a pipe in a small mountainous basin in an active fault area
2004: 滋賀県犬上川河口部の掘削凹地を埋積した土砂の堆積過程
Sedimentary Process of the Sediment Deposited around the Dredged River Mouth of the Inukami River, Shiga, Japan
2005: 20世紀の大規模農業開墾に伴う砂質堆積物流出−−北海道・当縁川流域の事例−−
Sandy Sediment Supply due to Intensive Cultivation during the 20th Century in the Toberi River Basin, Hokkaido, Japan
2005: 地形形成過程はヨシ(Phragmites australis)集団の成立と分布に影響を与える
Landform Processes Have Great Impacts on the Establishment and Distribution of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) Populations
2006: 出水時の河床堆積物層厚変化:4河川での観測事例
Monitoring of thickness of river bed sediment during runoff events: case studies of four rivers in Japan
2007: 滋賀県犬上川河口部の掘削凹地における地形の形成過程
Geomorphological Process at the Dredged River Mouth of the Inukami River, Shiga, Japan
2008: せん断変形対応型ストレインプローブの試作
Flexible Print Circuit Type Strain Probe for Monitoring of Shearing Deformation of Soil
2008: 風化花崗岩森林斜面における夏季の乾燥と降雨に伴う土層の歪発生と測定方法について
Five years' observations of soil creep behavior on a forest slope of weathered granite and their methods
2009: 滋賀県犬上川下流部における河口部掘削後の河床低下と堆積物の段丘化
Channel Degradation and Formation of New Terraced Gravel Bars after Excavation of the Inukami River Mouth Delta, Shiga, Japan
2009: 風化花崗岩森林斜面の表層土クリープの特徴と測定方法
Characteristics of soil creep phenomenon on a forest slope of weathered granite and its method of measurement
2010: 奈良県明日香村森林試験斜面におけるソイルクリープ研究で分かったこと
6 years' observational results of soil creep behavior on a experimental forest slope in Asuka village, Nara prefecture
2011: 過去13年間、人為的擾乱を受けていない実験圃場における原生イネ科植物ならびに表層土壌から産出した植物珪酸体(P29)
Opal phytoliths in living Gramineae and surface soil samples from an experimental field without human disturbances over the past 13 years(P29)
2012: 滋賀県彦根市北川河口部にある人工蛇行流路
Artificial meandering channel at river mouth of Kita River in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture
2013: 犬上川扇端部河床からの湧水の挙動特性
Characteristics of groundwater flow in river bed of Inukami River at around outer fringe of its alluvial fan
2014: 彦根市北川河口域の堆積物柱状試料を用いた過去30年の環境復元の試み
2014: 犬上川河口部における人工掘削後の地形変化 特に砂嘴形成プロセスに着目して
Topographical change after artificial excavation at the river mouth of the Inukami River: Formation process of a spit
2015: 彦根市北川河口域堆積物を用いた近過去復元の試み
Preliminary study on reconstruction of water quality for recent 20 years from river mouth sediment of Kita River in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture