nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
SASAI Yoichi 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "SASAI Yoichi")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
48: SASAI Yoichi
12: NAGAO Toshiyasu
9: KAGIYAMA Tsuneomi, ZLOTNICKI Jacques
6: TAKEUCHI Akihiro, TANAKA Yoshikazu, UTSUGI Mitsuru
5: HARADA Makoto, UYESHIMA Makoto, YAMAYA Yusuke
4: HONKURA Yoshimori, ISHIKAWA Yoshinobu, KOSTROV Nikolai, MASUTANI Fumio, NISHIDA Yasunori, OSHIMAN Naoto, UTADA Hisashi, YAMAGUCHI Masaru
3: ALANIS Paul Karson B., KOYAMA Shigeru, MOGI Toru, SABIT Julio P., SAKANAKA Shin'ya, TAKAHASHI Yuji
2: ALANIS Paul, ALANIS Paul K.B., CLARITO Christian, CORDON Jr. Juan M., CORPUZ Ernesto G., HASE Hideaki, JOHNSTON Malcolm, JOHNSTON Malcolm J.S., KIMATA Fumiaki, PAREJA Javier Salgado, PUERTOLLANO Jesus, PUNONGBAYAN Jane T., YVETOT Paul
1: ALANIS Paul K., ALANIS Paul Karson, BANKS Philip O., BORNAS Ma. Antonia V., BORNAS Maria, BORNAS Mariton, CLARITO Christian J., CORDON Jr. Juan, CORDON Juan, CORDON Juan Jr, CORDON Juan M., CURRENTI Gilda M., FAUQUET Frederic, FIGUEROA 2 Melquiades S., FUJII Ikuko, FUJITA Eisuke, GORDON Juan, IRWAN Meilano, ISEZAKI Nobuhiro, ISHIKAWA Ysohinobu, JAVIER S., JOHSTON Malcolm, KOYAMA Etsuro, KUMAGAI Hiroyuki, LACSON Jr. Rudy A., MAEDA Yuta, MATSUMOTO Takumi, MUELLER Robert, NISHIDA Yasuhori, OGAWA Tsutomu, OHKURA Takahiro, OKADA Yoshihiro, OKUBO Kan, PUERTOLLANO Jesus R., RENIVA Paolo R., SALGADO Pareja, SALGADO-PAREJA Javier S., SHIRATO Shomei, SINCIOCO Jaime S., SIRIPUNVARAPORN Weerachai, SOLIDUM Jr. RENATO U., STUART William D., SUGIOKA Manabu, TAKEUCHI Nobunao, TAKIZAWA Tomoaki, TOUTAIN Jean-Paul, UEDA Hideki, UESHIMA Makoto, UKAWA Motoo, UYEDA Seiya, VILLACORTE Edgardo U., VILLACORTE Egardo U., WATANABE Hidefumi, YAMAMOTO Eiji, YAMASHINA Tadashi, YAMAYA Yousuke, YAMAZAKI Ken-ichi, YUKUTAKE Takesi, YUMOTO Kiyohumi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1986: A Green's Function for Tectonomagnetic Problems in an Elastic Half Space
1988: The Geoelectric Structure of Ebino Kogen Plain and its Relation with Geothermal Processes
1988: VLF ELF Resistivity Survey at Kirishima Volcanic Area
1989: Controlling Factor of an Occurrence of Thermal Precursor of Volcanic Eruptions
1989: Distribution of Electrical Resistivity in the Kirishima Volcanic Area and its Geothermal Significance
1989: 霧島火山地域の電気抵抗分布と,その地熱への重要性
1991: Magnetometer Array Observation in the North Eastern Izu Region after the Teisi Knoll Seafloor Eruption in 1989
1991: Piezomagnetic Change due to Shear and Tensile Faults
1991: Piezomagnetic Field Associated with the Mogi Model Revisited: Analytic Solution for Finite Spherical Source
1991: Tectonomagnetic Signals Related to the Seismo Volcanic Activity in the Izu Peninsula
1992: Theoretical Piezomagnetic Field at Parkfield (S51A 7)
1994: Resolution of Contradiction between Seismomagnetic Models
1997: Geomagnetic changes correlated with crustal movement in the north eastern part of the Izu Peninsula, Japan
2000: Piezomagnetic potentials due to an inclined rectangular fault in a semi infinite medium
2001: Effect of Topographic Changes to Geomagnetic Field in Miyake Jima Volcano during Recent Eruption: Results of 3D Modeling
2001: Effect of Topographic Changes to Geomagnetic Field in Miyakejima Volcano during Recent Eruption: Results of 3D Modeling
2001: Evaluation of electric and magnetic field monitoring of Miyake jima volcano (Central Japan): 1995 1999
2001: Long term geomagnetic changes observed in association with earthquake swarm, activities in the Izu Peninsula, Japan
2001: Preliminary Results of Earthquake Precursors Searching in Geomagnetic Data Series Obtained in Izu Peninsula in 1997
2001: Preliminary Results of Earthquake Precursors Searching in Geomagnetic Data Series Obtained in Izu Peninsula in 1997
2001: Tectonomagnetic modeling based on the piezomagnetism: a review
2002: Magnetic and electric field observations during the 2000 activity of Miyake jima volcano, Central Japan
2003: Change in Geomagnetic Field of Miyakejima Volcano after the 2000 Caldera Formation (JSA06/02P/D 018)
2003: Enhancement of Piezomagnetic Signals above a Borehole: The Mogi Source as an Example (JSA06/02P/D 004)
2003: Fluid/Mass/Heat Migration during the Caldera Formation of Miyakejima Volcano in 2000 as Inferred from Electromagnetic Observations (JSA06/03P/A09 005)
2003: Geomagnetic Changes Observed in Association with Earthquake Swarm Activity in the Izu Peninsula in 2002 (JSA06/02P/D 005)
2003: On Self Potential Variation Coincident with the 2000 Summit Eruption on Miyakejima Island, Japan (JSA06/03P/A09 004)
2003: On the Annual Variations in Geomagnetic Differences Observed in Long Valley Caldera, California (JSA06/03P/A09 008)
2003: Piezomagnetic Signals in a Borehole due to Dislocation Sources (JSA06/04A/A09 003)
2003: Seasonal Enhancement of Local Self Potential at Owens Valley, CA (JSA06/03P/A09 007)
2003: Three Dimensional Conductivity Structure beneath Miyake Jima Volcano before the 2000 Eruption (JSA10/30P/D 009)
2005: Electromagnetic studies on Taal Volcano, Philippines(D22 10)
2005: Magnetic and electric field monitoring of Taal volcano, Philippines Part 1: Magnetic measurements
2006: Geomagnetic changes associated with the dike intrusion during the 2000 Miyakejima eruptive activity, Japan
2006: Taal Volcano (Philippines) : Breathing of Volcano and Electromagnetic Reaction (T24A 0171)
2007: A Note on Tectonomagnetic Modeling in a Viscoelastic Half Space: Application to the Mogi Model
2007: Electromagnetic and Geochemical Monitoring of Taal Volcano, the Philippines: 2005 2007(12 P 31)
2009: Magnetic Source Inversion for a Triaxial Ellipsoid with the Aid of the Genetic Algorithm
2011: Direct magnetic signals from earthquake rupturing: Iwate Miyagi earthquake of M 7.2, Japan
2012: Hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines): Implications to volcanic activity(A003 09)
2013: A large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines) revealed by MT surveys and its relation to the volcanic activity(R003 P001)
2013: A large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines) revealed by magnetotelluric observations and its implications to the volcanic activity
2013: An attempt for magnetometric detection of the hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines)(2D P14)
2013: Enhanced multi parameter monitoring network in Taal Volcano, Philippines(2A P22)
2013: Implications of a large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines) as revealed by magnetotelluric surveys (SVC52 03)
2013: Implications to the volcanic activity of a large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano (Philippines) as revealed by magnetotelluric observations(2D O13)
2013: Magnetic source inversion for a triaxial ellipsoid using the genetic algorithm(2D O10)
2013: Recent activity of Taal volcano (Philippines) inferred by electromagnetic and other geophysical monitoring networks: 2009 2012(2D O12)