nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
羽佐田 紘大 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "羽佐田 紘大")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2011: 矢作川下流低地における完新世の堆積土砂量と炭素蓄積量の時系列的変動
Time series variation of sediment budget and stored carbon during the Holocene in the Yahagi River Delta
2012: 矢作川下流低地における完新世の堆積土砂量と蓄積炭素量の時系列的変動
Time Series Variation of Stored Sediment and Carbon during the Holocene in the Yahagi River Delta, Central Japan
2013: 木曽川デルタの前進と堆積土砂量・蓄積炭素量の変動(HQR23 08)
Delta progradation and variation in sediment and carbon storage of the Kiso River delta, central Japan (HQR23 08)
2013: 濃尾平野におけるデルタの前進と堆積土砂量の変動
Delta progradation and variation in sediment storage of the Nobi Plain, central Japan
2015: GISを用いたボーリングデータ解析に基づく濃尾平野の3次元構造と堆積土砂量の復原
Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Stratigraphic Architecture and Sediment Storage on the Nobi Plain Based on Borehole Data Analysis Using GIS
2016: 多摩川低地の沖積層における人工改変の定量的評価
Quantitative evaluation of artficial change in the incised valley fill of the Tama River Lowland, central Japan