2.国際・国内会議 実行委員 |
- International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign国際会議)
- International Conference on Remanufacturing (ICoR)
- ICoR 2025、Scientific committee member (2024- )
- Electronics Goes Green (EGG) Conference
- EGG 2024+、Program committee member (2023-2024)
- EGG 2020+、Program committee member (2019-2020)
- EGG 2016+、Program committee member (2015-2016)
- Care Innovation Conference
- Care Innovation 2023、Steering committee member (2022-2023)
- Care Innovation 2018、International program committee member (2017-2018)
- International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM)
- PRESM2022、
Publication committee member (2022)
- PRESM2021、
Publication committee member (2021)
- PRESM2020、
Publication committee member (2019-2020)
- PRESM2019、
Publication committee member (2018-2019)
- PRESM2018、
Publication committee member (2017-2018)
- International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA)
- ISGMA2017、
Publication committee member (2016-2017)
- ISGMA2016、
Publication committee member (2015-2016)
- ISGMA2015、
Publication committee member (2014-2015)
- ISGMA2014、
Publication committee member (2013-2014)
- エコデザイン・プロダクツ アンド サービスシンポジウム(EcoDePS)
- The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Enginering (CIRP-LCE 2017)
- Organizing committee member (2015-2017)
- Emerging Green 2015 Conference
- Program committee member (2015)
3.非常勤講師他 |
- 千葉工業大学 非常勤講師
- 「環境マネジメントおよび演習」(2017後期、2018後期、2019後期、2020後期、2021後期)
- 科学技術政策研究所
- 専門調査員 (2013-2017)
- 客員研究官 (2011-2013)
- 東京工業大学大学院 非常勤講師
- 「合意形成学」の一講義を担当 (2009前期、2010前期、2011前期、2012前期、2013前期、2015前期)
- 東京理科大学 非常勤講師
- 「環境と工学倫理」の一講義を担当 (2012前期、2013後期)
4.国際研究プロジェクト委員 |
- G7 Meeting on Resource Efficiency
- Panel speaker at Session "Towards a Roadmap for the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency - the viewpoint of stakeholders" (2017.2)
- 欧州委員会(EC)、"Intraw (International Raw Material Observatory)" プロジェクト
- Member of the Panel of Experts on Research and Innovation (2016-2017)
- 欧州委員会(EC)、"European Remanufacturing Network: Horizon 2020" プロジェクト
- International Steering Committee Member (2015-2017)
- スウェーデン Kunskapsformedlingen, "Efficient Remanufacture through Use of Lean principles and Product Life-cycle data (RemProLife)" プロジェクト
- フィンランド Tekes, "Dematerialization and Sustainable Competitiveness through New Models for Industrial Networking (DemaNET)" プロジェクト
- OECD "Green Growth & Eco-Innovation" プロジェクト
- アジア生産性機構(APO) Eco-design Workshop
- Expert (2011.12)
- Expert (2010.11)
- OECD "Sustainable manufacturing and Eco-innovation" 専門家会合