
村田 正行




著者 論文タイトル 雑誌
Masayuki Murata*, Mari Suzuki, Kayo Aoyama, Kazuo Nagase, Hironori Ohshima, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Measurements of Thermoelectric Properties of Identical Bi-Sb Sample in Magnetic Fields and Influence of Sample Geometry Materials Transactions, Vol.65, p.1162, 2024.
Masayuki Murata*, Takamasa Hirai, Takeshi Seki, Ken-ichi Uchida* Zero-magnetic-field operation of ordinary-Nernst-effect-based transverse thermoelectric module using embedded permanent magnets Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 124, p.193901, 2024.
Featured Article 選出
Kaoru Toko*, Shintaro Maeda, Takamitsu Ishiyama, Koki Nozawa, Masayuki Murata, Takashi Suemasu Layer Exchange Synthesis of SiGe for Flexible Thermoelectric Generators: A Comprehensive Review Advanced Electronic Materials, p.2400130, 2024.
Yosuke Goto, Hidetomo Usui, Masayuki Murata, Joshua E. Goldberger, Joseph P. Heremans, and Chul-Ho Lee Band Anisotropy Generates Axis-Dependent Conduction Polarity of Mg3Sb2 and Mg3Bi2 Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 36, p.2018-2026, 2024
Masayuki Murata*, Kazuo Nagase, Kayo Aoyama, Natsuko Abe, Atsushi Yamamoto Influence of carrier doping on thermo- and galvano-magnetic effects of Bi88Sb12 alloys Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 134, p.215103, 2023
村田 正行*,鈴木 真理,青山 佳代,長瀬 和夫,大島 博典,山本 淳,長谷川 靖洋,小峰 啓史 Bi-Sbにおける磁場中熱電物性の同一試料測定と試料形状の影響 日本熱電学会誌, 20巻,2号,p.67-74, 2023.
Isao Ohkubo*, Masayuki Murata, Akihiko Ohi, Mariana S. L. Lima, Takeaki Sakurai, Takashi Aizawa, Takao Mori Structural effects on the performance of microfabricated in-plane π-type thermoelectric devices composed of p-type Mg2Sn0.8Ge0.2 and n-type Bi layers Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 122, p.243901, 2023
Isao Ohkubo*, Masayuki Murata, Mariana S. L. Lima, Takeaki Sakurai, Yuko Sugai, Akihiko Ohi, Takashi Aizawa, Takao Mori Miniaturized in-plane π-type thermoelectric device composed of a II–IV semiconductor thin film prepared by microfabrication Materials Today Energy, Vol. 28, p.101075, 2022
Jun-Liang Chen, Yuntiao Liao, Qi Zhou, Jisheng Liang, Lei Miao, Yu Zhu, Shixue Wang, Wei He, Hirotaka Nishiate, Chul-Ho Lee, Masayuki Murata, Huajun Lai, Zhixia Li Realizing high conversion efficiency in shallow cryogenic thermoelectric module based on n-type BiSb and p-type MgAgSb materials Materials Today Physics, Vol. 28, p.100855, 2022
Shinichi Fujimoto, Kazuo Nagase, Hironori Ohshima, Masayuki Murata, Atsushi Yamamoto, Chul Ho Lee Thermoelectric Module of SiGe Bulk Alloys Forming p-n Junction at the Hot Side Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 24, p.2101520, 2022
Rajkumar Modak*, Masayuki Murata, Dazhi Hou, Asuka Miura, Ryo Iguchi, Bin Xu, Rulei Guo, Junichiro Shiomi, Yuya Sakuraba, Ken-ichi Uchida* Phase-transition-induced giant Thomson effect for thermoelectric cooling Applied Physics Reviews, Vol. 9, p.011414, 2022
Featured Article と Scilight 選出
Tomoki Ozawa, Masayuki Murata*, Takashi Suemasu, Kaoru Toko* Flexible Thermoelectric Generator Based on Polycrystalline SiGe Thin Films Materials, Vol. 15, p.608, 2022
Chetty Raju, Jood Priyanka*, Masayuki Murata, Koichiro Suekuni, Michihiro Ohta* A prototype thermoelectric module based on p-type colusite together with n-type nanostructured PbTe for power generation Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 120, p.013501, 2022
Daisuke Ohori, Masayuki Murata, Atsushi Yamamoto, Kazuhiko Endo, Min-Hui Chuang, Ming-Yi Lee, Yiming Li, Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Yao-Jen Lee, Seiji Samukawa* Si Nanopillar/SiGe Composite Structure for Thermally Managed Nano-devices IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY , p.199, 2021
Daisuke Ohori, Min-Hui Chuang, Asahi Sato, Sou Takeuchi, Masayuki Murata, Atsushi Yamamoto, Ming-Yi Lee, Kazuhiko Endo, Yiming Li*, Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Yao-Jen Lee, Seiji Samukawa* Management of Phonon Transport in Lateral Direction for Gap-Controlled Si Nanopillar/SiGe Interlayer Composite Materials IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, p.148, 2021
Ying Peng, Lei Miao*, Chengyan Liu, Haili Song, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Jong Soo Rhyee, Masayuki Murata, Sakae Tanemura, Kunihito Koumoto, Takao Mori* Constructed Ge Quantum Dots and Sn Precipitate SiGeSn Hybrid Film with High Thermoelectric Performance at Low Temperature Region Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. 12, p.2103191, 2021
Tomoki Ozawa, Kinta Kusano, Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Takashi Suemasu, Kaoru Toko* Thickness-dependent thermoelectric properties of Si1-xGex films formed by Al-induced layer exchange Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 129, p.015303, 2021
Editor's Pick 選出
Masayuki Murata*, Kazuo Nagase, Kayo Aoyama, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yuya Sakuraba Prototype fabrication and performance evaluation of a thermoelectric module operating with the Nernst effect iScience, Vol. 24, p.101967, 2021
Mikie Tsuji, Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Takashi Suemasu, Kaoru Toko* Thin-film thermoelectric generator based on polycrystalline SiGe formed by Ag-induced layer exchange Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 117, p.162103, 2020
Ken-ichi Uchida*, Masayuki Murata, Asuka Miura, and Ryo Iguchi Observation of the Magneto-Thomson Effect Physical Review Letters, Vol. 125, p.106601, 2020
Featured in Physics と Editors' Suggestion 選出
Masayuki Murata*, Kazuo Nagase, Kayo Aoyama, Atsushi Yamamoto Enhancement of figure of merit for Nernst effect in Bi77Sb23 alloy by Te-doping Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 117, p.103903, 2020
Featured Article 選出
A.Y. Fong, Y. Kodera, M. Murata, T. Imai, H. Xu, M.R. Dirmyer, S.J. Obrey, J.E. Garay* Kinetics of densification/phase transformation and transport properties of Mg-Sn cubic/trigonal composites Materials Science and Engineering: B, Vol. 259, p.114607, 2020
Hiroyasu Nakayama*, Keisuke Masuda, Jian Wang, Asuka Miura, Ken-ichi Uchida, Masayuki Murata, Yuya Sakuraba* Mechanism of strong enhancement of anomalous Nernst effect in Fe by Ga substitution Physical Review Materials, Vol. 3, p.114412, 2019
Michihiro Ohta*, Priyanka Jood, Masayuki Murata, Chul‐Ho Lee, Atsushi Yamamoto, Haruhiko Obara An Integrated Approach to Thermoelectrics: Combining Phonon Dynamics, Nanoengineering, Novel Materials Development, Module Fabrication, and Metrology Advanced Energy Materials, p.1801304, 2018
Y. Goto*, A. Nishida, H. Nishiate, M. Murata, C. H. Lee, A. Miura, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, and Y. Mizuguchi Effect of Te substitution on crystal structure and transport properties of AgBiSe2 thermoelectric material Dalton Transactions, Vol.47, p.2575-2580, 2018
Pathikumar Sellappan, Anthony Y. Fong, Masayuki Murata, Yasuhiro Kodera, Javier E. Garay* Synthesis, processing and transport properties of cubic and trigonal solid solutions in the Mg-Si-Sn system Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.735, p.741-749, 2018
Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine, Akira Endo Theoretical modeling of electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient of bismuth nanowires by considering carrier mean free path limitation Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.121, p.014303, 2017
Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Experimental and Theoretical Evaluations of the Galvanomagnetic Effect in an Individual Bismuth Nanowire Nano Letters, Vol.17, pp.110-119, 2017
Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Fabrication of a Nanoscale Electrical Contact on a Bismuth Nanowire Encapsulated in a Quartz Template by Using FIB-SEM Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.46, pp.2782-2789, 2017
Masayuki Murata*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Magnetic-field dependence of thermoelectric properties of sintered Bi90Sb10 alloy Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.45, pp.1875-1885, 2016
The ITS Outstanding Research Paper 受賞
Takashi Komine*, Tomosuke Aono, Yuta Nabatame, Masayuki Murata, Yasuhiro Hasegawa Enhancement of Seebeck coefficient in Bi nanowires by electric field effect Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.45, pp.1555-1560, 2016
Masayuki Murata*, Yasuhiro Hasegawa Focused ion beam processing to fabricate ohmic contact electrodes on a bismuth nanowire for Hall measurements Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 8, p.400, 2013.9
Masayuki Murata*, Fumiaki Tsunemi, Yusuke Saito, Katsuhito Shirota, Keisuke Fujiwara, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity in individual single-crystal bismuth nanowires Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.42, pp.2143-2150, 2013.4
Yuta Nabatame*, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Yuki Ichige, Takashi Komine, Ryuji Sugita, Masayuki Murata, Yasuhiro Hasegawa Numerical Analysis of the Boundary Scattering Effect on Transport Properties in Bi-Sb Nanowires Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.42, pp.2172-2177, 2013.4
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Fumiaki Tsunemi, Yusuke Saito, Katsuhito Shirota, Takashi Komine, Chris Dames, Javier E. Garay Thermal Conductivity of an Individual Bismuth Nanowire Covered with a Quartz Template Using a 3-Omega Technique Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.42, pp.2048-2055, 2013.3
Fumiaki Tsunemi, Masayuki Murata, Yusuke Saito, Katsuhito Shirota, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine* Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in individual single-crystal bismuth nanowires encased in quartz template Applied Physics Express, Vol. 6, p.045002, 2013.3
Masayuki Murata*, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine, Tomohiro Kobayashi Preparation of bismuth nanowire encased in quartz template for Hall measurements using focused ion beam processing Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 7, p.505, 2012.9
Masayuki Murata*, Hiroya Yamamoto, Fumiaki Tsunemi, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine Four-Wire Resistance Measurements of a Bismuth Nanowire Encased in a Quartz Template Utilizing Focused Ion Beam Processing Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.41, pp.1442-1449, 2012.3
Daiki Nakamura, Masayuki Murata, Hiroya Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Takashi Komine Thermoelectric properties for single crystal bismuth nanowires using a mean free path limitation model Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, p.053702, 2011.9
Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Hiroya Yamamoto, Fumiaki Tsunemi, Takashi Komine Reduction of temperature fluctuation within low temperature region using a cryocooler Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.82, p.044903, 2011.4
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Takashi Komine, Takashi Taguchi, Shinichiro Nakamura Crystal Orientation and Transport Properties of a 633-nm-Diameter Bismuth Nanowire Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.40, pp.1005-1009, 2010.12
Yuki Ichige*, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Takashi Komine, Ryuji Sugita, Tomosuke Aono, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa Numerical Study of Effects of Scattering Processes on Transport Properties of Bi Nanowires Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.40, pp.523-528, 2010.12
Tsuyoshi Matsumoto*, Yuki Ichige, Takashi Komine, Ryuji Sugita, Tomosuke Aono, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa Numerical Study of Effect of Surface Potential on Transport Properties of Bi Nanowires Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.40, pp.1260-1265, 2010.12
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Daiki Nakamura, Masayuki Murata, Hiroya Yamamoto, Takashi Komine High-precision temperature control and stabilization using a cryocooler Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.76, p.094901, 2010.9
Masayuki Murata*, Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine, Daisuke Uematsu, Shinichiro Nakamura, Takashi Taguchi Electrical nanocontact between bismuth nanowire edges and electrodes Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.39, pp.1536-1542, 2010.6
Takashi Komine*, Masahiro Kuraishi, Takayuki Teramoto, Ryuji Sugita, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura Numerical Analysis of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Microwire Array Element Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.39, pp.1606-1610, 2010.5
Daiki Nakamura*, Masayuki Murata, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Takashi Komine, Daisuke Uematsu, Shinichiro Nakamura, Takashi Taguchi Thermoelectric Properties of a 593-nm Individual Bismuth Nanowire Prepared Using a Quartz Template Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.39, pp.1960-1965, 2009.12
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Takashi Komine Reducing thermal conductivity of thermoelectric materials by using a narrow wire geometry Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.106, p.063703, 2009.9
Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Takashi Komine, Takashi Taguchi and Shinichiro Nakamura, Christopher M. Jaworski, Vladimir Jovovic, Joseph P. Heremans Mean free path limitation of thermoelectric properties on bismuth nano-wire Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.105, p.113706, 2009.6
Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Takashi Komine, Takashi Taguchi and Shinichiro Nakamura, Vladimir Jovovic, Joseph P. Heremans Thermoelectric properties of bismuth nanowires in a quartz template Applied Physics Letters, Vol.94, p.192104, 2009.5
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Takashi Komine, Takashi Taguchi, Shinichiro Nakamura Mobility estimation in microsized bismuth wire arrays Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.105, p.103715, 2009.5
Yasuhiro Hasegawa*, Masayuki Murata, Daiki Nakamura, Takashi Komine, Takashi Taguchi, Shinichiro Nakamura Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth Micro/Nanowire Array Elements Pressured into a Quartz Template Mold Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.38, pp.944-949, 2009.4


著者 論文タイトル 雑誌
村田 正行 高効率熱電変換システムの開発 ケミカルエンジニヤリング, Vol.65, No.3, p.160, 2020
久保山 瑛哲、山本 淳、村田 正行、遠藤 和彦、大堀 大介、寒川 誠二 3ω法によるナノスケール熱伝導率の測定とフォノン輸送の制御 応用物理学会分科会誌 , Vol.212, p.34, 2018
村田 正行 磁気-熱-電気間相互作用の体系的解明と新原理デバイスの開発 日本熱電学会誌, Vol.15, p.34, 2018
村田 正行 ナノワイヤーのホール係数測定 エレクトロニクスコミュニケーション, No.33, p.18, 2017
村田 正行 集束イオンビーム加工を利用したBiナノワイヤー熱電変換素子の4端子測定 日本熱電学会誌, Vol.8, p.9, 2011


タイトル 出版 編集 備考
マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展 エヌ・ティー・エス,2021年5月 丸山茂夫  第2編9章「熱電変換」執筆


タイトル 誌名 出版社 出版日
技術で未来拓く 産総研の挑戦・熱を電気に有効利用 日刊工業新聞 日刊工業新聞社 2023年6月1日
未来の電力供給にむけた新しい挑戦!熱電変換による新しい発電を目指して。 【業界トレンドNEWS】62号 パナソニック株式会社 2022年6月
省エネ技術の未来「蓄熱技術・熱マネージメント」の今後の可能性 電材NEW 2022年4月号  パナソニック株式会社 2022年4月


出願番号 名称 発明者 出願日
特願2015-028885 スタック型熱電発電ユニットの流体炉形成枠 山本淳、西当弘隆、太田道広、李哲虎、村田正行、藤井孝博 平成27年12 月25 日
特願2015-203912 熱電変換モジュールの作製方法 村田正行,山本淳 平成27年10月15日
特願2013-019839 熱電変換モジュール 長谷川靖洋, 村田正行 平成25年2月4日


発表日 題名 発表者 備考
2024年2月8日 熱流と垂直方向に発電する新しい熱電材料の開発-電極界面が劣化しないメンテナンスフリーな新規熱電モジュールへ期待- 後藤陽介,李哲虎,村田正行,臼井秀知  
2022年6月23日 IoT機器駆動に向けた微細化熱電素子を開発-半導体微細加工でIoT機器駆動に必要な0.5 Vの壁を克服- Isao Ohkubo, Masayuki Murata, Mariana S. L. Lima, Takeaki Sakurai, Yuko Sugai, Akihiko Ohi, Takashi Aizawa, Takao Mori  
2020年9月2日 「磁気トムソン効果」の直接観測に世界で初めて成功-熱・電気・磁気変換現象に関する新たな物性・機能開拓へ道- 内田健一,井口亮,三浦飛鳥,村田正行  
2016年12月12日 ナノワイヤーの新たな評価技術を開発-ナノテクノロジーを駆使してホール係数の測定に成功- 村田正行,山本淳,長谷川靖洋,小峰啓史 日刊産業新聞9面(2016年12月15日),日刊工業新聞31面(2016年12月16日)