Konishi, N., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2024). Prosociality predicts changes in leisure activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, doi: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1320885. [Frontiers]
Choi, D., Takeda, Y., Akamatsu, M., Kimura, M., Konishi, N., Ando, T., & Sato, T. (2024). Effect of perfectionism on self-other blame in driving situations. Personality and Individual Differences, 217, 112462. [ScienceDirect]
Konishi, N., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2023). Association between intentional behavioral changes and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1201770. [Frontiers]
山川香織・木村司・伏田幸平・森本文人・井澤修平・木村元洋・手塚洋介・入戸野宏 (2022). 査読者視点からの論文執筆セミナー -採択される論文を書くには-. 生理心理学と精神生理学, 40(3), 218-233. [J-STAGE:「第4節 事象関連電位編」の資料はお問い合わせに応じてご提供します]
赤松幹之・木村元洋 (2022). タスク・ディマンドとパフォーマンスのインタラクション:人間工学における人間活動の理解のための包括的枠組み. 人間工学, 58(6), 260-275. [J-STAGE]
Egashira, Y., Kaga, Y., Gunji, A., Kita, Y., Kimura, M., Hironaga, N., Takeichi, H., Hayashi, S., Kaneko Y., Takahashi, H., Hanakawa, T., Okada, T., & Inagaki, M. (2022). Detection of deviance in Japanese kanji compaund words. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.913945. [PubMed]
Fujii, Y., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2022). Effects of visuospatial implicit sequence learning on visual stimulus processing: evidence from event-related potentials and neural synchrony. Acta Psychologica, 228, 103662. [ScienceDirect]
Sugimoto, F., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2022). Investigation of the optimal time interval between task-irrelevant auditory probes for evaluating mental workload in the shortest possible time. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 177, 103-110. [PubMed].
Kimura, M., Kimura, K., & Takeda, Y. (2022). Assessment of driver's attentional resource allocation to visual, cognitive, and action processing by brain and eye signals. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 86, 161-177. [ScienceDirect]
Sugimoto, F., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2021). Attenuation of auditory N2 for self-modulated tones during continuous actions. Biological Psychology, 166, 108201. [PubMed]
Kimura, M. (2021). Prediction, suppression of visual response, and modulation of visual perception: Insights from visual evoked potentials and representational momentum. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.730962. [PubMed]
Hasegawa, K., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2020). Age-related differences in correction behavior for unintended acceleration. PLoS ONE, 15(7), e0236053. [PubMed]
Hasegawa, K., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2020). Pedal misapplication: Interruption effects and age-related differences. Human Factors. [PubMed]
Sugimoto, F., Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y., Akamatsu, M., Kitazaki, S., Yajima, K., & Miki, Y. (2020). Effects of one-pedal automobile operation on the driver's emotional state and cognitive workload. Applied Ergonomics, 88, 103179. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2019). Action-induced adjustment of prediction explains no visual mismatch negativity to self-generated deviants. Neuropsychologia, 131, 111-118. [PubMed]
Kimura, M. (2018). Visual mismatch negativity and representational momentum: their possible involvement in the same automatic prediction. Biological Psychology, 139, 178-185. [PubMed]
Kimura, M. (2018). Visual mismatch negativity is unaffected by top-down prediction of the timing of deviant events. Experimental Brain Research, 236, 1283-1292. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2018). Omission P3 after voluntary action indexes the formation of action-driven prediction. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 124, 54-61. [PubMed]
Sugimoto, F., Kimura, M., Takeda, Y., & Katayama, J. (2017). Temporal attention is involved in the enhancement of attentional capture with task difficulty: an ERP study. NeuroReport, 28, 755-759. [PubMed]
Inoue, K., Takeda, Y., & Kimura, M. (2017). Sense of agency in continuous action: assistance-induced performance improvement is self-attributed even with knowledge of assistance. Consciousness and Cognition, 48, 246-252. [PubMed]
Takeda, Y., Inoue, K., Kimura, M., Sato, T., & Nagai, C. (2016). Electrophysiological assessment of driving pleasure and difficulty using a task-irrelevant probe technique. Biological Psychology, 120, 137-141. [PubMed]
Kimura, K., & Kimura, M. (2016). Temporal prediction restores the evaluative processing of delayed action feedback: an electrophysiological study. NeuroReport, 27, 1061-1067. [PubMed]
Kimura, K., Kimura, M., & Iwaki, S. (2016). Temporal prediction modulates the evaluative processing of "good" action feedback: an electrophysiological study. Psychophysiology, 53, 1552-1559. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2015). Top-down control over the processing of task-irrelevant rule violation: evidence from visual mismatch negativity. Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology, 33, 19-31. [J-STAGE]
Kimura, M., Sugimoto, F., Ueda, M., Takeda, Y., & Katayama, J. (2015). Aftermath of 3/11: A pilot study on the relationship between indirect exposure to earthquakes and auditory attention. Psychologia, 58, 27-35. [J-STAGE]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2015). Automatic prediction regarding the next state of a visual object: electrophysiological indicators of prediction match and mismatch. Brain Research, 1626, 31-44 (in the Special Issue, "Predictive and attentive processing in perception and action" edited by E. Schröger, S. Kotz, and I. SanMiguel). [PubMed]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2014). Voluntary action modulates the brain response to rule-violating events indexed by visual mismatch negativity. Neuropsychologia, 65, 63-73. [PubMed]
Takeda, Y., & Kimura, M. (2014). The auditory N1 amplitude for task-irrelevant probes reflects visual interest. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94, 35-41. [PubMed]
Takeda, Y., Okuma, T., Kimura, M., Kurata, T., Takenaka, T., & Iwaki, S. (2014). Electrophysiological measurement of interest during walking in a simulated environment. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 93, 363-370. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Ueda, M., Takeda, Y., Sugimoto, F., & Katayama, J. (2013). Aftermath of 3/11: Earthquakes and involuntary attentional orienting to sudden ambient sounds. Biological Psychology, 94, 419-425. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., & Takeda, Y. (2013). Task difficulty affects the predictive process indexed by visual mismatch negativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00267. [PubMed]
Hendrawan, D., Yamakawa, K., Kimura, M., Murakami, H., & Ohira, H. (2012). Executive functioning performance predicts subjective and physiological acute stress reactivity: Preliminary results. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 84, 277-283.[PubMed]
Kimura, M. (2012). Visual mismatch negativity and unintentional temporal-context- based prediction in vision. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83, 144-155 (in the Special Issue, "Predictive information processing in the brain: Principles, neural mechanisms and models" edited by J. Todd, E. Schröger, and I. Winkler). [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Kondo, H., Ohira, H., & Schröger, E. (2012). Unintentional temporal-context-based prediction of emotional faces: An electrophysiological study. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 1774-1785. [PubMed]
木村元洋 (2011). 視覚ミスマッチ陰性電位:視覚における時間文脈ベースの予測に関する電気生理学的指標. 生理心理学と精神生理学, 29, 53-71. [J-STAGE]
Kimura, M., Schröger, E., & Czigler, I. (2011). Visual mismatch negativity and its importance in visual cognitive sciences. NeuroReport, 22, 669-673. [PubMed]
Stefanics, G., Kimura, M., & Czigler, I. (2011). Visual mismatch negativity reveals automatic detection of sequential regularity violation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00046. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Ohira, H., & Schröger, E. (2010). Localizing sensory and cognitive systems for pre-attentive visual deviance detection: An sLORETA analysis of the data of Kimura et al. (2009). Neuroscience Letters, 485, 198-203. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). Top-down attention affects sequential regularity representation in the human visual system. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77, 126-134. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). Human visual system automatically represents large-scale sequential regularities. Brain Research, 1317, 165-179. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Schröger, E., Czigler, I., & Ohira, H. (2010). Human visual system automatically encodes sequential regularities of discrete events. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 1124-1139. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., Ohira, H., & Schröger, E. (2009). Visual mismatch negativity: New evidence from the equiprobable paradigm. Psychophysiology, 46, 402-409. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Ohira, H. (2008). Event-related brain potential evidence for implicit change detection: A replication of Fernandez-Duque et al. (2003). Neuroscience Letters, 448, 236-239. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Underlying mechanisms of P3a-task-difficulty effect. Psychophysiology, 45, 731-741. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Effects of feature and spatial attention on visual change detection. NeuroReport, 19, 389-392. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Attention switching function of memory-comparison-based change detection system in the visual modality. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 67, 101-113. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Involvement of memory-comparison-based change detection in visual distraction. Psychophysiology, 45, 445-457. [PubMed]
木村元洋・片山順一・室橋春光 (2007). 事象関連脳電位を用いた視覚変化検出メカニズムの解明. Vision, 19, 137-142.
木村元洋・片山順一・室橋春光 (2007). 視覚変化検出に関する事象関連脳電位研究の概観. 臨床脳波, 49, 750-755.
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2006). Probability-independent and -dependent ERPs reflecting visual change detection. Psychophysiology, 43, 180-189. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2006). An ERP study of visual change detection: Effects of magnitude of spatial frequency changes on the change-related posterior positivity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62, 14-23. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2006). Independent processing of visual stimulus changes in ventral and dorsal stream features indexed by an early positive difference in event-related brain potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 59, 141-150. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2005). Neural correlates of preattentive and attentive processing of visual changes. NeuroReport, 16, 2061-2064. [PubMed]
Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2005). Positive difference in ERPs reflects independent processing of visual changes. Psychophysiology, 42, 369-379. [PubMed]
木村元洋 (2021). 系列的規則に基づく視覚的予測と事象関連電位. 臨床神経生理学, 49(9), 184-191. [J-STAGE]
木村元洋 (2018). 事象関連電位のサイズとタイミングの定量化. 基礎心理学研究, 37(1), 99-113. [J-STAGE]
木村元洋 (2018.06). 脳波・発生源推定 日本基礎心理学会 (監修) 坂上貴之・河原純一郎・木村英司・三浦佳世・行場次朗・石金浩史 (編集) 基礎心理学実験法ハンドブック(第6部 生理学的測定法) 朝倉書店.
木村元洋 (2017.09). 知覚・注意・認知過程(視覚) 堀忠雄・尾﨑久記(監修) 片山順一・鈴木直人(編集) 生理心理学と精神生理学 第II巻 応用(第2部 認知) 北大路書房.