Author Archives: kchinzei

Tutorial: Building SCCToolKit

NOTE: This project is ‘dormant’ and no longer updated. This page is posted for referencepurpose. Contents here may not be valid under current environment.

Step 0: Prepare Necessary Resources

Currently, SCCToolKit runs only on OS X 10.7 to 10.10. This is due to the use of CoreImage and libdispatch library and Apple’s language extension of C/C++.  You need the following files.

  • Apple’s Xcode app [Apple].
  • OpenCV version 2.4 or later [download].
  • Qt 4.7 or later. [download].
  • Decklink SDK version 9.0 or later. [download]
  • Cmake version 2.8.10 or greater is used to build SCCToolKit. [download]

You can install these in their default directories. I do differently from the default – here is my preferences, but you don’t need to do same.

Step 1: Download SCCToolKit

You can download from GitHub. Expand it and put in your preferred directory. You can even change the name of the top directory, which is SCCToolKit originally. But do not change or relocate directories or files inside it.

Step 2: Build SCCToolKit

  1. Start in Applications folder.

Tips: By dropping a file or folder from Finder into’s window, you will get full path of the file/folder appearing at the end of command line. if you type ‘cd ‘ before drop, you can get something like ‘cd /Users/you/foo‘.

  1. Do cd to the root directory, SCCToolKit.
  2. Do mkdir build ; cd build.
  3. Run ccmake ... If you want Xcode to do debug, do ccmake -GXcode ..
  4. Type ‘c’ once. ccmake will ask you where’s your OpenCV, Qt and DeckLink SDK.
  5. After ccmake successfully identifies these, you type a few more ‘c’ and you can finish ccmake by typing ‘g’.
  6. Run make. This will build the library and sample programs in Examples.
  7. If everything goes fine, you get make complete with 100% done.
  8. Play with the examples.

Step 3: Build Apps in SCCToolKit

To build application programs in Apps directory, you need to do similar to the above process. For example,

  1. Do cd to Apps/lkdemo.
  2. Do mkdir build ; cd build
  3. Run ccmake ..
  4. Type c once. This case, you need to tell ccmake where is SCCToolKitConfig.cmake file, which is in ../../build in above example.
  5. After finding SCCToolKitConfig.cmake and do some customization, type ‘c’ a few more and if you are satisfied to your setting, type ‘g’.
  6. Run make. When successful, you will get an executable file (App) in build/bin/
  7. Play with App.

Enjoy happy hacking!