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タイトル マーモセット平均脳形状テンプレート
説明 A tissue-segmented, population-averaged standard template of the common marmoset brain. This template was created by using anatomical T1-weighted images from 22 adult marmosets with a high-resolution isotropic voxel size of (0.2 mm)3 at 7-Tesla and DARTEL algorithm in SPM8.
掲載誌 Hikishima K, Quallo MM, Komaki Y, Yamada M, Kawai K, Momoshima S, Okano HJ, Sasaki E, Tamaoki N, Lemon RN, Iriki A, Okano H. Population-averaged standard template brain atlas for the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).
Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 14;54(4):2741-9.
ダウンロード https://brainatlas.brain.riken.jp/marmoset/modules/xoonips/detail.php?id=004
タイトル ラット平均脳形状テンプレート
説明 The average signal intensity, stereotaxic templates and TPMs of rat brain are intended for SPM normalization and segmentation (including skull-stripping) of rat head MRI data. Ex-vivo T2WI (an isotropic resolution of 118μm) of Long Evans (n=4, male, 8wo) rat head were acquired and DARTEL in SPM8 was used for the creation of templates and TPMs. The bounding box (a three dimensional space) of templates encompassed the followings x, y, z dimensions (-18,18; -20, 7; -14, 6) and the origin was (0, 0, 0) in mm. The horizontal slice (z=0) passed through bregma and lambda (the flat-skull position) and the coronal slice (y=0) lay perpendicular to the horizontal plane and passes through the bregma, and the sagittal slice (x=0) was located at the median sagittal plane. The locations of bregma and lambda were determined from the image contrasts of T2WI and CT data.
作成者 Hikishima K, Setogawa S, Mizuma H, Cui Y, Kobayashi K, Onoe H
ダウンロード https://www.nitrc.org/projects/tpm_rat
タイトル マウス平均脳形状テンプレート
説明 The templates for in vivo mouse brain are intended for SPM normalization and segmentation (including skull-stripping). The population-averaged, stereotaxic, and tissue segmented template were created from in vivo T1WI (an isotropic resolution of 80μm) of C57Bl/6(n=30, male), BALB/cBy(n=10, male), C3H/He(n=10, male), and DBA/2 (n=10, male) mice. The voxel size of templates were multiplied by 10 to be able to use SPM directly.
掲載誌 Hikishima K, Komaki Y, Seki F, Ohnishi Y, Okano HJ, Okano H. In vivo microscopic voxel-based morphometry with a brain template to characterize strain-specific structures in the mouse brain.
Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 7;7(1):85.
ダウンロード https://www.nitrc.org/projects/tpm_mouse
発行年月 マーモセット胎生期脳発達MRIデータ
説明 High-resolution 3D MRI data of developing brain and movies of atlas reconstructed from MRI data.
掲載誌 Hikishima K, Sawada K, Murayama AY, Komaki Y, Kawai K, Sato N, Inoue T, Itoh T, Momoshima S, Iriki A, Okano HJ, Sasaki E, Okano H. Atlas of the developing brain of the marmoset monkey constructed using magnetic resonance histology.
Neuroscience. 2013 Jan 29;230:102-13.
ダウンロード https://www.ciea.or.jp/marmoset/development.htm