Original text in Japanese written by I. Cho and translated into English by T. Tada.  (Japanese version here)


What is BIDO?

BIDO is a package of analysis codes to identify properties of surface waves using circular-array records of microtremors (ambient vibrations; bidô in Japanese).


Left: Simultaneous measurement of microtremors using a circular array of six seismic sensors with a radius of 30 cm. Right: A scene from a mobile measurement campaign. The entire recording system, including the set of seismic sensors shown in the left, was loaded on a vehicle. (See One Approach to Make the Most of the Method's Potential) (Related publication in Japanese: reference [6]).



What Array Geometries Is BIDO Good for?

The new version can be applied to single-station measurements (with one seismic sensor alone; left end panel in the figure below) , huddle tests (tests to check the homogeneity of equipment properties by huddling all seismic sensors at a single location), and preprocessing (including elimination of the trend, application of tapers, bandpass filtering, decimation and correction for differeces in instrumental response). It can also be applied to irregularly shaped arrays, such as linear arrays of two seismic sensors and L-shaped arrays of three seismic sensors (second and third panels on the left). However, the analyzable quantities differ for different numbers of sensors and for different record components (vertical/horizontal/three-component). It would not be easy to design the analysis procedures while taking account of the correspondence relations between data and the analyzable quantities, which are fairly complicated (click here for a table of correspondence relations). We have therefore designed the program in such a way that simply replacing the file that describes the sensor locations and the record components allows the program to automatically identify the analyzable quantities and proceed with analysis.




Click here for a history of updates.


User Manual  

PDF manual  (If you encounter problems during download of a PDF file, click the right mouse button and save the target as a file.)

1. Outline

2. For Whom It Is Meant

3. Usage

4. Technical Information / How to Install

5. Program Description and Algorithm

6. Example of Program Execution Using Demo Data

7. Warnings / Download

8. How to Cite

9. Help



ikuo-chou-xx@aist.go.jp   (remove –xx to send email)