Fail-Safe C: Download

Source-code Download

Release versions

The released versions of Fail-Safe C can be downloaded from the location below.

Development revisions

The source-code of the Fail-Safe C is managed on our Subversion repository. The mostly current revision of the source code can be fetched using svn command via URL The command

svn co FailSafeC-trunk

will download the latest version of the compiler.

If your download fails with certificates problems, please install appropriate trusted root CA certificates into system. For example, in Debian GNU/Linux systems this can be achieved by installing the “ca-certificates” package and enable Mozilla-supplied root certificates (at least “DST_Root_CA_X3” certificate).

You can also browse the source code on web browsers via Trac interface

Known issue about repository access

I found that some of the commit logs to “pub/trunk” area are not visible through “svn log” command. I am considering some workaround (or fixing Subversion program) to this issue.

A similar thing is happening for source repository access via Trac interface. Please wait a while for resolving these problems. Thank you for your patience.

Technically, this happens when new files are merged from my private development/test branches (a) to the public trunk (b) using “svn merge” command. It generates the revision record that a file is copied from (a) to (b). Subversion treats that this revision’s log must be hidden because it leaks some information about a modification to unaccecible path (a), although the path (a) is actually not modified.

After downloading, proceed to the compilation.

Precompiled Binary Download

Currently there is a Debian-unofficial binary package for Debian GNU/Linux (etch and lenny).

Unofficial Debian packages

Unofficial Debian package for etch/lenny are available under (or below http).

To download packages using APT system, please follow the following procedure:

1. Install my OpenPGP key as a trusted sign key.

      wget -O- | apt-key add -

The public key should only be fetched using secure transport. If your key download fails with certificates problems, either download using Web browsers, or install the “ca-certificates” package and enable Mozilla-supplied root certificates (at least “DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA” certificate).

Note: This step is optional, but if omitted (not only my trustfulness but) transport-level package integrity is unassured. If you want not to register my key as globally trustful, I recommend to download packages manually via HTTPS.

2. Add one of the the following APT lines to /etc/apt/sources, according to your Debian’s release.

      deb etch failsafec
      deb lenny failsafec

Source package is currently not provided: the packages are directly compiled from the official source archive above.

Once installation has finised, proceed to the usage page.