
SystemMixin Plug-in User's Manual

The Purpose of the SystemMixin Plug-in

The SystemMixin plug-in adds features for building highly extendable systems such as EPP to the Java language. With the SystemMixin plug-in, you can breakup programs into small components called "system mixins" which can be written separately. System mixins describe only the differences from the original system and are somewhat similar to patch files for unix systems. EPP will load plug-ins designated by the #epp directive prior to preprocessing. These plug-ins are comprised of one or multiple system mixins. The EPP program will be extended by adding the "difference" defined by the plug-in to the original EPP program.

A Simple Example

In convetional object oriented languages, a method including a nested "if" statement would look like this. -------------------------------------------------- class Foo { void m(String d){ if (d.equals("B")){ doB(); } else if (d.equals("A")){ doA(); } else { doDefault(); } } -------------------------------------------------- What do we do in order to add an operation for example such as "else if (d.equals("C") { doC() }" to this method ? If you do not want to edit the orginal source code, the only way is to inherit the class. If you use inheritance, you could write like the following. -------------------------------------------------- class Bar extends Foo { void m(String d){ if (d.equals("C")){ doC(); } else { super.m(d); } } -------------------------------------------------- However, the original Foo class remains unchanged and you will have to define a new subclass called Bar. If you have used the name Foo in other places of your program such as in "class X extends Foo {...}" or "new Foo()", you will need to rewrite them to "class X exteneds Bar {...}" or "new Bar()". As such, in most object oriented languages, you cannot extend the behavior of a method without changing its "method and the name of the class to which it belongs". Furthermore, it is impossible to remove certain parts like "else if (d.equals("A") { doA(); }" from the original source code. Features of system mixins solve this limitation. The above program can be divided into three system mixins and described as follows. -------------------------------------------------- SystemMixin Skeleton { class Foo { define void m(String d){ doDefault(); } } } SystemMixin A { class Foo { void m(String d){ if (d.equals("A")) { doA(); } else { original(d); } } } } SystemMixin B { class Foo { void m(String d){ if (d.equals("B")) { doB(); } else { original(d); } } } } -------------------------------------------------- Thus, methods that were required to be written as single monolithic methods now can be divided and described as multiple "method fragments". And by adding new system mixins, you can extend the behavior of methods without having to change class names and method names. (Thus, if Foo has any subclasses, a change to method "m" would automatically apply to all those subclasses.) You can also remove certain system mixins just prior to launching your program.

Syntax Overview

The SystemMixin plug-in implements a completely new object oriented language on top of the Java langauge. The name of this language is "Ld-2" (Description Language version 2). For the purpose of implementation, classes defined using system mixins are not complatible with Java classes. The syntax of this object oriented language, Ld-2 is different from Java in the following areas. instantiation newObj ClassName(args ...) method invocation obj!methodName(args ...) invoking local methods methodName(args ...) accessing local instance variables self!varName i"self!" is mandatoryj self self invoking original methods original(args ...) Instances of classes defined with system mixins are handled as Obj type data in Java. For example, to instantiate class Foo and call its method "m", you write as shown below. Obj foo = objNew Foo(); foo!m(d);

DefineModifier and MethodRole


Use BeforeLoadingPlugIn statements to write code to be execcuted when loading plug-ins. For example, if a certain plug-in requires another plug-in ("Symbol plug-in" in this example), you include the following statement after the package declaration and the import declaration (grammatically, where you should specify the TypeDeclaration). BeforeLoadingPlugIn{ requirePlugIn("jp.go.etl.epp.Symbol.PlugIn"); } requirePlugIn loads the specified plug-in if it is not loaded yet, and adds it to the setup list. epp/sample/PComp/ shows another example. It examines the contents of the setup list and removes any mixins that define the grammar of comparison operations of the original Java language.

Difference Between Ld-2 and Java, and Special Notes

Error Message Reference

Source code translated using the SystemMixin plug-in may produce error messages when compiled with javac, that are somewhat uncomprehensible. However, you may be able to guess the cause by reading the following. How to decode error messages generated with Javac ----------------------------------------- "Superclass M_foo of class CompilationUnit_Epp_initEmitTable not found." or "Incompatible type for constructor. Can't convert SSS_CCC_foo to java.lang.Object." You wrote an Ld method "foo" in your source code, but the the compiler cound not find the declaration of the method. Please check the following. 1. Do not forget specifying the "define" modifier. 2. Translate the Java file that contains the method declaration with "define" before compiling Java files that extend the method. 3. Check the spelling of the method name. "Class M_foo not found in type declaration." You wrote an Ld method invocation "foo()" or "obj!foo()", but the compiler cound not find the method declaration. So, this message can be interpreted as "Method foo not found." Please check the spelling of the method name. "Method redefined with different return type: ..." Please check the return type of the Ld method written in the indicated line. "No method found matching call(Obj,Object[],int)" You wrote method invocation foo(), obj!foo() or original() but method foo requires additional arguments. Please check the method definition. Other error messages should be easy to understand as normal javac errors.


The following is the syntax of the syntax extend by the SystemMixin plug-in. The notation used is the same as the one used in JLS1.0. (Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols beginning with uppercase characters are non-terminals and those beginning with lowercase characters are "keywords". Also, those marked with "_opt" are optional.) Syntax ------ CompilationUnit <original alternatives> SystemMixinDefinition SystemMixinDefinition SystemMixin { LdClassDeclarations } # Note: The "SystemMixin" in this rule # is not a non-terminal. It is a token. LdClassDeclarations DefineModifier_opt class Identifier { LdClassBodyDeclarations } LdClassBodyDeclarations LdClassBodyDeclarations LdClassBodyDeclaration LdClassBodyDeclaration FieldDeclaration LdMethodDeclaration LdMethodDeclaration DefineModifier_opt MethodRole_opt Type MethodDeclarator Throws_opt DefineModifier define MethodRole abstract default implement extend redefine Primary <original alternatives> LdInstanceCreation LdFieldAccess LdMethodInvocation OriginalMethodInvocation LdInstanceCreation newObj Identifier ( ArgumentList_opt ) LdFieldAccess Primary ! Identifier LdMethodInvocation Primary ! Identifier ( ArgumentList_opt ) OriginalMethodInvocation original ( ArgumentList_opt )
