
Java Grammar Accepted by EPP

This document describes the Java grammar EPP accepts. The notation is in extended BNF notation.

Plug-ins may add new alternatives to the non-terminals described in this document and extend the grammar.

For implementation purposes, there are two types of non-terminals and their extension methods are different.

( "xxx" is a string derived from the non-terminal name with the first character being in lower case. )
About meta-symbols: 
  • Empty (<e>)
  • Zero or more iterations of the preceding symbol (<*>)
  • Zero or more iterations of the preceding two symbols (<**>)
  • One or more iterations of the preceding two symbols (<..>)
  • Iteration in the form of "A B <**> A" of the preceding two symbols (designated as "A B") (<...>) # StartTop#: CompilationUnit CompilationUnit#: PackageDeclaration ImportDeclarations TypeDeclarations PackageDeclaration: PackageDeclarationBody PackageDeclarationBody#: <e> package name ; ImportDeclarations: ImportDeclarationsBody ImportDeclarationsBody#: ImportDeclaration <*> ImportDeclaration: ImportDeclarationBody ImportDeclarationBody#: import name .* ; import name ; TypeDeclarations: TypeDeclarationsBody TypeDeclarationsBody#: TypeDeclaraion <*> TypeDeclaration: ; TypeDeclarationOtherwise # Extends: ExtendsOtherwise ExtendsOtherwise#: <e> extends Name , <...> Implements: ImplementsOtherwise ImplementsOtherwise#: implements Name , <...> Throws: ThrowsOtherwise ThrowsOtherwise#: throws Name , <...> FormalParameter: FormarlParameterOtherwise FormalParameterList#: FormalParameter , <...> FormalParameterOtherwise#: Modifiers Type VariableDeclaratorId TypeDeclarationOtherwise#: Modifiers ClassDeclaration ClassDeclaration#: Identifier Identifier Extends Implements Throws ClassBody ClassBody#: { ClassBodyRest ClassBodyRest#: ClassBodyDeclaration <*> } ClassBodyDeclaration: StaticInitializer Block ; Modifier ClassBodyDeclarationAfterModifiers StaticInitializer#: static Block ClassBodyDeclarationAfterModifiers#: ClassDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration MethodOrFieldDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration#: Identifier ( FormalParameterList ) Throws Block MethodOrFieldDeclaration#: Type MethodDeclaration Type FieldDeclaration MethodDeclaration#: Identifier ( FormalParameterList ) [ ] <**> Throws Statement Identifier ( FormalParameterList ) [ ] <**> Throws Block FieldDeclaration#: VariableDeclarators ; # Statement: Block ; switch ( Expression ) Block case Expression : default : do Statement while ( Expression ) ; break ; break Identifier ; continue ; continue Identifier ; return ; return Expression ; synchronized ( Expression ) Block throw Expression ; try Block CatchClause <*> FinallyClause_opt if ( Expression ) Statement else Statement if ( Expression ) Statement while ( Expression ) Statement for ( Statement Expression_opt ; Expression_opt ) Statement StatementOtherwise StatementOtherwise#: Expression ; Expression : # Error if Expression is not an id LocalVariableDecl Block: BlockOtherwise BlockOtherwise#: { BlockRest BlockRest#: Statement <*> } CatchClause#: catch ( FormalParameter ) Block FinallyClause#: finally Block Modifiers: ModifiersOtherwise Modifier: <e> public protected private static abstract final native synchronized transient volatile LocalVariableDecl#: Modifiers ClassDeclaration Modifiers Type VariableDeclarators ; ModifiersOtherwise#: Modifier <*> VariableDeclarators#: variableDeclarator , <...> VariableDeclarator#: VariableDeclaratorId VariableDeclaratorId = VariableInitializer VariableDeclaratorId: Identifer VariableDeclaratorId [ ] VariableInitializer#: ArrayInitializer ExpressionNoComma ArrayInitializer#: { , } { } { VariableIntializer , <...> , } { VariableIntializer , <...> } #, Primary: Literal this ( ArgumentList ) this super ( ArgumentList ) super . Identifier ( ArgumentList ) super . Identifier ( Expression ) unaryExpression # If Expression is basic type ( Expression ) unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus # If Expression is type ( Expression ) InstanceCreation Primary . InstanceCreation Primary . class Primary . Identifier ( ArgumentList ) Primary . Identifier Primary [ ] Primary [ Expression ] PrimaryOtherwise Type#: Primary InstanceCreation#: new Name ( ArgumentList ) ClassBody new Name ( ArgumentList ) new Name ArrayCreation ArrayCreation#: [ ] ArrayInitializer_opt [ Expression ] ArrayInitializer_opt PostfixExpression: PostfixExpression ++ PostfixExpression -- Primary UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus: ~ UnaryExpression ! UnaryExpression PostfixExpression UnaryExpression: ++ UnaryExpression -- UnaryExpression + UnaryExpression - UnaryExpression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus MemberSectionExpression: MemberSectionExpression .* UnaryExpression UnaryExpression MultipicativeExpression: MultiplicativeExpression * MemberSectionExpression MultiplicativeExpression / MemberSectionExpression MultiplicativeExpression % MemberSectionExpression MemberSectionExpression AdditiveExpression: AdditiveExpression + MultiplicativeExpression AdditiveExpression - MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeExpresson ShiftExpression: ShiftExpression << AdditiveExpression ShiftExpression >> AdditiveExpression ShiftExpression >>> AdditiveExpression AdditiveExpression RelationalExpression: RelationalExpression < ShiftExpression RelationalExpression > ShiftExpression RelationalExpression <= ShiftExpression RelationalExpression >= ShiftExpression RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ShiftExpression EqualityExpression: EqualitExpression == RelationalExpression EqualitExpression != RelationalExpression RelationalExpression AndExpression: AndExpression & EqualitiExpression EqualityExpression ExclusiveOrExpression: ExclusiveOrExpression ^ AndExpression AndExpression InclusiveOrExpression: InclusiveOrExpression | ExclusiveOrExpression ExclusiveOrExpression ConditionalAndExpression: ConditionalAndExpression && InclusiveOrExpression InclusiveOrExpression ConditionalOrExpression: ConditinalOrExpression || ConditionalAndExpression ConditionalAndExpression ConditionalExpression: ConditionalOrExpression ? Expression : ConditionalExpression ConditionalOrExpression AssignmentExpression: ConditionalExpression = AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression *= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression /= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression %= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression += AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression -= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression <<= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression >>= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression >>>= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression &= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression ^= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression |= AssignmentExpression ConditionalExpression ExpressionNoComma: AssignmentExpression CommaExpression: CommaExpression , ExpressionNoComma ExpressionNoComma Expression: CommaExpression Name#: Identifier . <...> PrimaryOtherwise#: Identifier . <..> InstanceCreation Identifier . <..> class Identifier ( ArgumentList ) Identifier Identifier . <...> ( ArgumentList ) Identifier . <...> Argument: ExpressionNoComma ArgumentList#: Argument , <...>

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