AIST:t-tanaka /publication list of Tanaka



102. A. Takakura, T. Nishihara, K. Harano, O. Cretu, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Y. Miyauchi, Nature Commun. 16 (2025) pp. 1093-1-9.
"Coalescence of carbon nanotubes while preserving the chiral angles" Open access

101. M. R. Snowdon, E. V. Sukhanova, Z. I. Popov, S. Li, L. Nurdiwijayanto, T. Taniguchi, S. Ishihara, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, K. Tsukagoshi, R. L. F. Liang, M. Freire-Gormaly, D. J. Schipper, D. G. Kvashnin, D. M. Tang, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 8 (2025) pp. 944−951
"Iptycene-assisted alignment of chirality-sorted SWCNTs for field-effect transistors"


100. H. Wu, T. Nishihara, A. Takakura, K. Matsuda, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Y. Miyauchi, Carbon 218 (2024) pp. 118720-1-7.
"Birefringent optical responses of single-chirality carbon nanotube membranes"

99. Y. Nagai, R. Hamano, K. Nakamura, I. Widjaja, N. Tanaka, M. Zhang, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, M. Yudasaka, T. Fujigaya, Carbon 218 (2024) pp. 118728-1-6.
"Bright NIR-II fluorescence from biocompatible gel-coated carbon nanotubes for in vivo imaging"


98. A. Hirano, T. Kameda, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Nano Lett. 23 (2023) pp. 11167-11173.
"Solubilization of carbon nanobelts in aqueous solutions: optical and colloidal properties"

97. T. Tanaka, M. Higuchi, M. Tsuzuki, A. Hiratsuka, H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 (2023) pp. 5955-5959. Selected as the suppl. cover
"Near-infrared photoluminescence of carbon nanotubes powered by biochemical reactions of luciferin/luciferase"

96. S. Kanoh, K. Shiraki, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, M. Kitamura, K. Kato, A. Hirano, J. Chromatogr. A 1703 (2023) 464112.
"Chromatographic purification of histidine-tagged proteins using zirconia particles modified with phosphate groups"

95. M. Chahal, M. Sumita, J. Labuta, D. Payne, J. Hill, Y. Yamauchi, T. Nakanishi, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, K. Koga, H. Miyamura, Y. Kon, D. Hong, S. Ishihara, ACS Sens. 8 (2023) pp. 1585-1592.
"Selective detection of toxic C1 chemicals using a hydroxylamine-based chemiresistive sensor array"

94. T. Tomai, H. Iwasa, A. Hiratsuka, T. Tanaka, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, Y. Hoshino, and H. Muguruma, IEEE Sensors Letters 7 (2023) pp. 4500704-1-4.
"Low potential operation of direct electron transfer biosensor strip with single-walled carbon nanotubes and flavin adenine dinucleotide glucose dehydrogenase"

93. A. Hirano, T. Kameda, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Nanoscale 15 (2023) pp. 2340-2353.
"Coenzyme corona formation on carbon nanotubes leads to disruption of the redox balance in metabolic reactions"

92. K. Suzuki, H. Muguruma, H. Iwasa, T. Tanaka, A. Hiratsuka, T. Shimidu, Y. Hoshino, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (2023) pp. 1778-1785.
"Amperometric biosensor strip with carbon nanotube and ketone body 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase"


91. R. Zhang, Y. Feng, H. Li, A. Kumamoto, S. Wang, Y. Zheng, W. Dai, N. Fang, M. Liu, T. Tanaka, Y. K. Kato, H. Kataura, Y. Ikuhara, S. Maruyama, R. Xiang , Carbon 199 (2022) pp. 407-414.
"Fabricating one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures on chirality-sorted single-walled carbon nanotubes"

90. T. Nishihara, A. Takakura, M. Shimasaki, K. Matsuda, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Y. Miyauchi, Nanophotonics 11 (2022) pp. 1011-1020.
"Empirical formulation of broadband complex refractive index spectra of single-chirality carbon nanotube assembly"


89. M. Yudasaka, Y. Okamatsu-Ogura, T. Tanaka, K. Saeki, H. Kataura, Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 54 (2021) pp. 131-141.
"Cold-induced conversion of connective tissue skeleton in brown adipose tissues"

88. T. Fukuda, H. Muguruma, H. Iwasa, T. Tanaka, A. Hiratsuka, T. Shimizu, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol. 20 (2021) pp. 610-618.
"Direct electron transfer between single-walled carbon nanotube and fructose dehydrogenase"

87. W. Gao, D. Adinehloo, X. Li, A. Mojibpour, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, M. Zheng, V. Perebeinos, J. Kono, Carbon 183 (2021) pp. 774-779.
"Band structure dependent electronic localization in macroscopic films of single-chirality single-wall carbon nanotubes"


86. Y. Yomogida, T. Tanaka, M. Tsuzuki, X. Wei, H. Kataura, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3 (2020) pp. 11289-11297.
"Automatic sorting of single-chirality single-wall carbon nanotubes using hydrophobic cholates: implications for multicolor near-infrared optical technologies"

85. H. Iwasa, A. Hiratsuka, T. Tanaka, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, Y. Watanabe, Y. Hoshino, H. Muguruma, IEEE Sens. 20 (2020) pp. 12522-12529.
"Xylose-insensitive direct electron transfer biosensor strip with single-walled carbon nanotubes and novel fungal flavin adenine dinucleotide glucose dehydrogenase"

84. H. Lin, S. Okawa, Y. Ma, S. Yotsumoto, C. Lee, S. Tan, S. Manzhos, M. Yoshizawa, S. Chiashi, H. Lee, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, I. Jeon, Y. Matsuo, S. Maruyama, Chem. Mater. 32 (2020) pp. 5125-5133.
"Polyaromatic nanotweezers on semiconducting carbon nanotubes for the growth and interfacing of lead halide perovskite crystal grains in solar cells"

83. S. Li, X. Wei, L. Li, J. Cui, D. Yang, Y. Wang, W. Zhou, S. Xie, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, H. Liu, Anal. Methods 12 (2020) pp. 2376-2384.
"Quantitative analysis of the effect of reabsorption on the Raman spectroscopy of distinct (n, m) carbon nanotubes"

82. G. Wang, T. Tanaka, M. Koshino, K. Suenaga, H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Express 13 (2020) pp. 065003-1-5.
"Filling control of n-type and p-type dopant molecules in single-wall carbon nanotubes"

81. S. Ishihara, A. Bahuguna, S. Kumar, V. Krishnan, J. Labuta, T. Nakanishi, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Y. Kon, D. Hong, ACS Sens. 5 (2020) pp.1405-1410.
"Cascade reaction-based chemiresistive array for ethylene sensing"

80. R. Fukuda, T. Umeyama, M. Tsujimoto, F. Ishidate, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, H. Imahori, T. Murakami, Carbon 161 (2020) pp. 718-725.
"Sustained photodynamic effect of single chirality-enriched single-walled carbon nanotubes"

79. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, S. Li, M. Tsuzuki, G. Wang, Z. Yao, L. Li, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, H. Liu, H. Kataura, Nano Lett. 20 (2020) pp. 410-417.
"Photoluminescence quantum yield of single-wall carbon nanotubes corrected for the photon reabsorption effect"

78. T. Fukuda, H. Muguruma, H. Iwasa, T. Tanaka, A. Hiratsuka, T. Shimizu, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, Anal. Biochem. 590 (2020) pp. 113533-1-7.
"Electrochemical determination of uric acid in urine and serum with uricase/carbon nanotube/carboxymethylcellulose electrode"

77. G. Wang, T. Tanaka, X. Wei, M. Yudasaka, A. Hirano, H. Kataura, Carbon 156 (2020) pp. 422-429.
"Directly crosslinked dextran gels for SWCNT separation"


76. S. Seo, I. Jeon, R. Xiang, C. Lee, H. Zhang, T. Tanaka, J. Lee, D. Suh, T. Ogamoto, R. Nishikubo, A. Saeki, S. Chiashi, J. Shiomi, H. Kataura, H. M. Lee, Y. Yang, Y. Matsuo, S. Maruyama, J. Mater. Chem. A 7 (2019) pp. 12987-12992.
"Semiconducting carbon nanotubes as crystal growth templates and grain bridges in perovskite solar cells"

75. A. Suzuki, K. Ishida, H. Muguruma, H. Iwasa, T. Tanaka, A. Hiratsuka, K. Tsuji, T. Kishimoto, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58 (2019) pp. 051015-1-5.
"Diameter dependence of single-walled carbon nanotubes with flavin adenine dinucleotide glucose dehydrogenase for direct electron transfer bioanodes"

74. E. Hirata, M. Yudasaka, N. Ushijima, N. Sakaguchi, Y. Maeda, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, A. Yokoyama, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2 (2019) pp. 1382-1390.
"Fate of carbon nanotubes locally implanted in mice evaluated by near-infrared fluorescence imaging: implications for tissue regeneration"

73. Y. Kim, K. A. Velizhanin, X. He, I. Sarpkaya, Y. Yomogida, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, S. K. Doorn, H. Htoon, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10 (2019) pp. 1423-1430.
"Photoluminescence intensity fluctuations and temperature-dependent decay dynamics of individual carbon nanotube sp3 defects"

72. A. Hirano, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, ACS Nano 13 (2019) pp. 1805-1816.
"Oxidative stress of carbon nanotubes on proteins is mediated by metals originating from the catalyst remains"


71. M. Yudasaka, Y. Yomogida, M. Zhang, M. Nakahara, N. Kobayashi, T. Tanaka, Y. O. Ogura, K. Saeki, H. Kataura, Sci. Reports 8 (2018) pp. 14446-1-13.
"Fasting-dependent vascular permeability enhancement in brown adipose tissues evidenced by using carbon nanotubes as fluorescent probes"

70. R. Senga, T. Pichler, Y. Yomogida, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, and K. Suenaga, Nano Lett. 18 (2018) pp. 3920-3925.
"Direct proof of a defect-modulated gap transition in semiconducting nanotubes"

69. T. Nakayama, T. Tanaka, K. Shiraki, M. Hase, and A. Hirano, Appl. Phys. Express 11 (2018) pp. 075101-1-5.
"Suppression of single-wall carbon nanotube redox reaction by adsorbed proteins"

68. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, T. Hirakawa, M. Tsuzuki, G. Wang, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, H. Kataura, Carbon 132 (2018) pp. 1-7.
"High-yield and high-throughput single-chirality enantiomer separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes"

67. G. Wang, X. Wei, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Carbon 129 (2018) pp.745-749.
"Facile synthesis of guar gum gel for the separation of metallic and semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes"


66. T. Nakayama, S. Yoshizawa, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, K. Shiraki, M. Hase, Appl. Phys. Express 10 (2017) pp. 125101-1-4
"Vibrational energy transfer from photo-excited carbon nanotubes to proteins observed by coherent phonon spectroscopy"

65. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, T. Hirakawa, Y. Yomogida, and H. Kataura, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 (2017) pp.16068-16071.
"Determination of enantiomeric purity of single-wall carbon nanotubes using flavin mononucleotide"

64. S. Ishihara, J. Labuta, T. Nakanishi, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, ACS Sens. 2 (2017) pp.1405-1409.
"Amperometric detection of sub-ppm formaldehyde using single-walled carbon nanotubes and hydroxylamines: a referenced chemiresistive system"

63. S. Ishihara, C. J. O'Kelly, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, J. Labuta, Y. Shingaya, T. Nakayama, T. Ohsawa, T. Nakanishi, and T. M. Swager, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) pp. 38062-38067.
"Metallic versus semiconducting SWCNT chemiresistors: a case for separated SWCNTs wrapped by a metallosupramolecular polymer"

62. A. Hirano, T. Kameda, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 (2017) pp. 5216-5221.
"Carbon nanotubes facilitate oxidation of cysteine residues of proteins"

61. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, T. Hirakawa, G. Wang, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B on line published (2017) pp. (DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201700279).
"High-efficiency separation of (6,5) carbon nanotubes by stepwise elution gel chromatography"

60. G. Wang, X. Wei, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B on line published (2017) pp. (DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201700294)
"Diameter-selective separation of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes in large diameter range"

59. X. He, N. F. Hartmann, X. Ma, Y. Kim, R. Ihly, J. L. Blackburn, W. Gao, J. Kono, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, H. Htoon and S. K. Doorn, Nature Photonics 11 (2017) pp. 577-582.
"Tunable room-temperature single-photon emission at telecom wavelengths from sp3 defects in carbon nanotubes"

58. A. Hirano, T. Kameda, S. Sakuraba, M. Wada, T. Tanaka and H. Kataura, Nanoscale 9 (2017) pp. 5389-5393.
"Disulfide bond formation of thiols by using carbon nanotubes"

57. M. Yudasaka, Y. Yomogida, M. Zhang, T. Tanaka, M. Nakahara, N. Kobayashi, Y. O. Ogura, K. Machida, K. Ishihara, K. Saeki and H. Kataura, Sci. Reports 7 (2017) pp. 44760-1-12.
"Near-Infrared photoluminescent carbon nanotubes for imaging of brown fat" Open access


56. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, Y. Yomogida, N. Sato, R. Saito, and H. Kataura, Nature Commun. 7 (2016) pp. 12899-1-9.
"Experimental determination of excitonic band structures of single-walled carbon nanotubes using circular dichroism spectra" Open access

55. A. Hirano, T. Kameda, Y. Yomogida, M. Wada, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, ChemNanoMat 2 (2016) pp. 911-920.
"Origin of the surfactant-dependent redox chemistry of single- wall carbon nanotubes"

54. Y. Yomogida, T. Tanaka, M. Zhang, M. Yudasaka, X. Wei, and H. Kataura, Nature Commun. 7 (2016) pp. 12056-1-8.
"Industrial-scale separation of high-purity single-chirality single-wall carbon nanotubes for biological imaging" Open access

53. K. Iwashita, K. Shiraki, R. Ishii, T. Tanaka, A. Hirano, Chem. Lett. 45 (2016) pp. 952-954.
"Arginine suppresses the adsorption of lysozyme onto single-wall carbon nanotubes"

52. X. Wei, T. Tanaka, N. Akizuki, Y. Miyauchi, K. Matsuda, M. Ohfuchi, and H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) pp. 10705-10710.
"Single-chirality separation and optical properties of (5,4) single-wall carbon nanotubes"


51. T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, T. Hirakawa, and H. Kataura, Anal. Chem. 87 (2015) pp. 9467-9472.
"Simultaneous chirality and enantiomer separation of metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes by gel column chromatography"

50. K. Iwashita, K. Shiraki, R. Ishii, T. Tanaka, A. Hirano, Langmuir 31 (2015) pp. 8923-8929.
"Liquid chromatographic analysis of the interaction between amino acids and aromatic surfaces using single-wall carbon nanotubes"

49. Z. Li, T. Kameda, T. Isoshima, E. Kobatake, T. Tanaka, Y. Ito, and M. Kawamoto, Langmuir 31 (2015) pp. 3482-3488.
"Solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes using a peptide aptamer in water below the critical micelle concentration"


48. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Nano Lett. 14 (2014) pp. 6237-6243.
"Optical isomer separation of single-chirality carbon nanotubes using gel column chromatography"

47. Y. Kikkawa, M. Fukuda, T. Kimura, A. Kashiwada, K. Matsuda, M. Kanesato, M. Wada, T. Imanaka, and T. Tanaka, Biomacromolecules 15 (2014) pp. 1074-1077.
"Atomic force microscopic study of chitinase binding onto chitin and cellulose surfaces"

46. A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, and T. Kameda, Chem. Eur. J. 20 (2014) pp. 4922-4930.
"Arginine side chains as a dispersant for individual single-wall carbon nanotubes"


45. A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, and H. Kataura, ACS Nano 7 (2013) pp. 10285-10295.
"pH- and solute-dependent adsorption of single-wall carbon nanotubes onto hydrogels: mechanistic insights into the metal/semiconductor separation"

44. T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Synthesiology 2 (2013) pp. 75-83.
"Separation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by the separation method for biomolecules - Towards large-scale, low-cost separation of metallic and semiconducting CNTs-"

43. M. Shimizu, S. Fujii, S. Asano, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) pp. 105103-1-4.
"Fabrication of homogeneous thin films of semiconductor-enriched single-wall carbon nanotubes for uniform-quality transistors by using immersion coating"

42. Y. Honda, E. Maret, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, K. Makino, and M. Hase, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (2013) pp. 222109-1-4.
"Coherent monochromatic phonons in highly purified semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes"

41. M. Shimizu, S. Fujii, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) pp. 11744-11749.
"The effects of surfactants on the electronic transport properties of thin film transistors of single-wall carbon nanotubes"

40. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, and H. Kataura, Nano Lett. 13 (2013) pp. 1996-2003.
"High-efficiency single-chirality separation of carbon nanotubes using temperature-controlled gel chromatography"

39. Z. Li, T. Uzawa, T. Tanaka, A. Hida, K. Ishibashi, H. Kataura, E. Kobatake, Y. Ito, Biotechnol. Lett. 35 (2013) pp. 39-45.
"In vitro selection of peptide aptamers with affinity to single-wall carbon nanotubes using a ribosome display"


38. A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, ACS Nano 6 (2012) pp. 10195-10205.
"Thermodynamic determination of the metal/semiconductor separation of carbon nanotubes using hydrogels"

37. S. Fujii, T. Z. Duan, T. Okukawa, Y. Yanagi, A. Yoshida, T. Tanaka, G. Zhao, Y. Nishioka, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 249 (2012) pp. 2648-2651.
"Synthesis of novel thiophene-phenylene oligomer derivatives with a dibenzothiophene-5,5,-dioxide core for use in organic solar cells"

36. A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, and H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) pp. 9816-9823.
"Purification of single-wall carbon nanotubes by controlling the adsorbability onto agarose gels using deoxycholate"

35. Y. Yamada, T. Tanaka, K. Machida, S. Suematsu, K. Tamamitsu, H. Kataura, H. Hatori, Carbon 50 (2012) pp. 1422-1424.
"Electrochemical behavior of metallic and semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes for electric double-layer capacitor"


34. T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, D. Nishide, H. Kataura, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) pp. 17610-17613.
"Discovery of surfactants for metal/semiconductor separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes via high-throughput screening"

33. A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) pp. 21723-21729.
"Adsorbability of single-wall carbon nanotubes onto agarose gels affects the quality of the metal/semiconductor separation"

32. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 248 (2011) pp. 2524-2527.
"One-step separation of high-purity (6, 5) carbon nanotubes by multicolumn gel chromatography"

31. S. Fujii, T. Tanaka, S. Nishiyama, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 248 (2011) pp. 2692-2696.
"High performance thin-film transistors using moderately aligned semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes"

30. T. Tanaka, H. Liu, S. Fujii, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 9 (2011) pp. 301-306. OnlineOpen Selected as the front cover
Review "From metal/semiconductor separation to single-chirality separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes using gel"

29. Y. Kikkawa, M. Fukuda, A. Kashiwada, K. Matsuda, M. Kanesato, M. Wada, T. Imanaka, and T. Tanaka, Polymer J. 43 (2011) pp. 742-744.
"Binding ability of chitinase onto cellulose: an atomic force microscopy study"

28. H. Liu, D. Nishide, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Nature Commun. 2 (2011) pp. 309-1-8. (DOI:10.1038/ncomms1313)
"Large-scale single-chirality separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by simple gel chromatography" Open access Japanese abstract


27. T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, D. Nishide, H. Liu, S. Asano, S. Nishiyama, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010) pp. 2867-2870.
"Metal/semiconductor separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by selective adsorption and desorption for agarose gel"

26. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, Y. Feng, H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010) pp. 2649-2652.
"Diameter-selective desorption of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes from agarose gel"

25. D. Nishide, H. Liu, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010) pp. 2746-2749.
"Sorting single-wall carbon nanotubes combining gel chromatography and density-gradient ultracentrifugation"

24. S. Fujii, T. Tanaka, H. Suga, Y. Naitoh, T. Minari, K. Tsukagoshi, H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010) pp. 2750-2753.
Selected as the back cover
"Site-selective deposition of single-wall carbon nanotubes by patterning self-assembled monolayer for application to thin-film transistors"

23. H. Liu, Y. Feng, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) pp. 9270-9276.
"Diameter-selective metal/semiconductor separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by agarose gel"

22. Kurashima, S. Shimada, T. Tanaka, S. Hagiwara, H. Kataura and Y. Sakakibara, Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) pp. 1516-1518.
"Embedding of single-wall carbon nanotubes into nanopores of porous alumina by electrophoresis"


21. T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, D. Nishide, and H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Express 2 (2009) pp. 125002-1-3.
"Continuous separation of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes using agarose gel" Open Select (free PDF)

20. D. Nishide, Y. Miyata, K. Yanagi, T. Tanaka, and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 246 (2009) pp. 2728-2731.
"PERIPUTOS: Purity evaluated by Raman intensity of pristine and ultracentrifuged topping of single-wall carbon nanotubes"

19. S. Fujii, T. Tanaka, Y. Miyata, H. Suga, Y. Naitoh, T. Minari, T. Miyadera, K. Tsukagoshi and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 246 (2009) pp. 2849-2852.
"Thin-film transistors fabricated from semiconductor-enriched single-wall carbon nanotubes"

18. T. Tanaka, H. Jin, Y. Miyata, S. Fujii, D. Nishide and H. Kataura, Phys. Status Solidi B 246 (2009) pp. 2490-2493.
"Mass separation of metallic and semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes using agarose gel"

17. S. Fujii, T. Tanaka, Y. Miyata, H. Suga, Y. Naitoh, T. Minari, T. Miyadera, K. Tsukagoshi and H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Express 2 (2009) pp. 071601-1-3.
"Performance enhancement of thin-film transistors by using high-purity semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes"

16. K. Yanagi, Y. Miyata, T. Tanaka, S. Fujii, D. Nishide, H. Kataura, Diamond and Related Materials 18 (2009) pp. 935-939.
"Colors of carbon nanotubes"

15. T. Tanaka, H. Jin, Y. Miyata, S. Fujii, H. Suga, Y. Naitoh, T. Minari, T. Miyadera, K. Tsukagoshi and H. Kataura, Nano Lett. 9 (2009) pp. 1497-1500.
"Simple and scalable gel-based separation of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes"

14. Y. Naitoh, K. Yanagi, H. Suga, M. Horikawa, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, and T. Shimizu, Appl. Phys. Express 2 (2009) pp. 035008-1-3.
"Non-volatile resistance switching using single-wall carbon nanotube encapsulating fullerene molecules"

13. D. Nishide, Y. Miyata, K. Yanagi, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Jpn. J. App. Phys. 48 (2009) pp. 015004-1-4.
"Effective separation of carbon nanotubes and metal particles from pristine raw soot by ultracentrifugation"


12. T. Tanaka, H. Jin, Y. Miyata and H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Express 1 (2008) pp. 114001-1-3. JSAP OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD - 2010
"High yield separation of metallic and semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes by agarose gel electrophoresis"

11. Y. Miyata, K. Yanagi, Y. Maniwa, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, J. Phys. Chem. C 112(2008) pp. 15997-16001.
"Diameter analysis of rebundled single-wall carbon nanotubes using X-ray diffraction: verification of chirality assignment based on optical spectra"

10. Y. Kikkawa, H. Tokuhisa, H. Shingai, T. Hiraishi, H. Houjou, M. Kanesato, T. Imanaka and T. Tanaka, Biomacromolecules 9 (2008) pp. 2126-2131.
"Interaction force of chitin-binding domains onto chitin surface"

9. A. Danno, W. Fukuda, M. Yoshida, R. Aki, T. Tanaka, T. Kanai, T. Imanaka and S. Fujiwara, J. Mol. Biol. 382 (2008) pp. 298-311.
"Expression profiles and physiological roles of two types of prefoldins from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis"

Before 2007

8. T. Hiromoto, H. Matsue, M. Yoshida, T. Tanaka, H. Higashibata, K. Hosokawa, H. Yamaguchi and S. Fujiwara, J. Mol. Biol. 364 (2006) pp. 863-877.
"Characterization of MobR, the 3-hydroxybenzoate-responsive transcriptional regulator for the 3-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase gene of Comamonas testosteroni KH122-3s"

7. T. Tanaka, F. Takahashi, T. Fukui, S. Fujiwara, H. Atomi and T. Imanaka, J. Bacteriol. 187 (2005) pp. 7038-7044.
"Characterization of a novel glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon"

6. T. Tanaka, T. Fukui, S. Fujiwara, H. Atomi and T. Imanaka, J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) pp. 30021-30027.
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