About Our Laborotory
Human Informatics and Interaction Research Institute
Physiological System Research Group

Our Laborotory investigates:
- Key physiological changes that occur with normal and pathological aging
- Modulatory effects of lifestyle modification (particularly physical activity) on the aging process
- Physiological interaction between the brain, heart, muscle, and other organ functions
Within this context, our current research projects focus on 1) the impact of cardiovascular aging, such as aortic stiffening, on the cerebral function and 2) the modulatory effects of regular exercise on the heart-brain connection. To accomplish our research aims, we use the multimodal physiological methods, including the state-of-the-art magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging technologies.
2024/11/27 :The manuscript by Sugawara has been published in the Frontier in Physiology.

2024/8/8 :The manuscript by Qin has been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2024/8/8 :The manuscript by Sugawara has been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2024/8/1 :The manuscript by Sugawara has been published in the Hypertension Research.

2024/1/11 :The manuscript by Fukuie has been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2023/12/13 : The manuscript by Tomoto has been published in the Aging and Disease.

2023/9/1 : Commentary by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism.

2023/6/13 : The manuscript by Sugawara has been published in the Experimental Physiology.

2023/3/10 : The manuscript by Tomoto (co-authored by Tarumi) has been published in the Journal of Hypertension.

2022/11/29 : The manuscript by Tarumi has been published in the Frontiers in Neuroscience.

2022/11/7 : The manuscript by Sugawara has been selected for the APS Select Award of the American Physiological Society.

2022/10/13 : The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara has been published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

2022/8/22-23 : Dr. Tarumi gave a presentation at the 1st OJC Seminar (Sapporo Medical University).

2022/6/24: Dr. Tarumi gave an online lecture on exercise and brain function at Mahidol University (Thailand).

2022/6/21: The manuscript by Tarumi et al. has been published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

2022/4/4: The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara and Tarumi has been published in the Hypertension Research.

2022/4/1: Dr.Tomoto and Dr.Fukuie joined the laboratory.

2021/12/3: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been accepted in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

2021/11/25: The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara has been published in the Physiological Reports.

2021/10/15: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Brain Research.

2021/10/15: TThe manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.

2021/10/15: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2021/8/10: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2021/2/16: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

2021/1/22: The manuscript by Tarumi et al. has been published in the Journal of Physiology.

2021/1/19: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Circulation Heart Failure.

2021/1/16: The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara and Tarumi has been accepted in the Artery Research.

2021/1/8: The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara has been published in the Artery Research.

2021/1/1: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Brain Injury.

2020/10/27: The manuscript by Sugawara et al. has been accepted in the J Appl Physiol.

2020/10/23: The manuscript by Tarumi et al. has been accepted in the NeuroImage.

2020/08/26: The manuscript by Tarumi et al. has been accepted in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

2020/07/10: The manuscript by Sugawara et al. has been accepted in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2020/07/02: The manuscript by Sugawara and Tomoto has been accepted in the Journal of Physiological Sciences.

2020/06/22: The manuscript co-authored by Sugawara has been accepted in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

2020/06/04: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Brain Research.

2020/05/19: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease.

2020/04/30: The manuscript co-authored by Tarumi has been published in the Brain Structure and Function.

February 2019: Our manuscript has been accepted in Pulse.
Fukuie M, Yamabe T, Nomura Y, Hashitomi T, Maeda S, Sugawara J
The Effect of Head-out Aquatic Exercise on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-aged and Elderly Peoples

November 2018: Our Laboratory web site opened

August 2018: Dr. Sugawara went to the IEEM for a 1-year by the Funding Program for the Promotion of Joint International Research (KAKENHI).

April 2018: Dr. Tarumi joined the laboratory