Slides and Posters

Geospatial Intelligence for Health and Productivity Management in Japanese Restaurants and Other Industries

Benchmarking framework of vision-based spatial registration and tracking methods for MAR (ISO/IEC CD 18520)

Up-to-date Virtual UX of the Kesennuma-Yokocho Food Stall Village: Integration with Social Media

Augmented Reality Tactile Maps for Pre-Journey Learning

Role of Servicing Activity Visualization in Quality Control Circle

PDR Benchmark:View Models and Case Studies
UbiComp/ISWC 2015PDR Challenge

Smartphone-based Talking Navigation System for Walking Training

Roles of Navigation System in Walking with Long Cane and Guide Dog

Improving service processes based on visualization of human-behavior and POS data: A case study in a Japanese restaurant
Texture Significant Hash Function with Robust Occlusion Handling for Fast Inpainting
the Virtualized-Reality Models
IDW/AD'12 (PDF:377KB)

Human-Behavior Sensing and Visualization for Service Quality Control
CSCW 2012 Workshop
Indoor-Outdoor Navigation System for Visually-Impaired Pedestrians: Preliminary Evaluation of Position Measurement and Obstacle Display
MFI2003 (PDF:351KB)
ICAT2006 (PDF:1.04MB)
SocPar2009 (PDF:805KB)

Service-Field Simulator using MR Techniques:
Behavior Comparison in Real and Virtual Environments

MR Models for Practical Evidence-Based Services
ISMAR2010 Augmented Reality Super Models WorkshopINDIN2010
SocPar2009 (PDF:805KB)
HCII2009 (PDF:1.89MB)
ISVC2009 (PDF:302KB)
MFI2003 (PDF:351KB)
ISWC2001 (PDF:822KB)

Service Cooperation and Co-creative Intelligence Cycles Based on Mixed-Reality Technology
Pedestrian Tracking System Synergistically Enhanced by Service Linkages
In-Situ 3D Indoor Modeler with a Camera and Self-Contained Sensors
HCII2009 (PDF:1.89MB)
A 3-D pedestrian guide system usable indoors and outdoors
ICAT2006 (PDF:1.04MB)
Tangible Tabletop Interface Based on Position/Orientation Measurement of Tags Using Photo Sensors and Accelerometers
DHMS 2008(PDF:2.76MB)ISMAR 06 (PDF:703KB)

Interaction Using Nearby-and-Far Projection Surfaces with a Body Worn ProCam system
EI2008(PDF:3.74MB)ISWC2004 (PDF:3.04MB)
CollabTech 2006 (PDF:2.69MB)

Recent Progress on Augmented-Reality Interaction in AIST
ICCAS2007 (PDF:2.59MB)ISMAR2007 (PDF:688KB)
ICAT2006 (PDF:1.04MB)
CollabTech2005 (PDF:3.64MB)
DHMS 2008(PDF:2.76MB)
International Digital Image Forum (PDF:3.8MB)

Reliving Museum Visiting Experiences on-and-off the Spot
ISMAR2007 (PDF:688KB)CollabTech 2006 (PDF:2.69MB)

A Pilot User Study on 3-D Museum Guide with Route Recommendation Using a Sustainable Positioning System
ICCAS2007 (PDF:2.59MB)
Indoor/Outdoor Pedestrian Navigation with an Embedded GPS/RFID/Selfcontained Sensor System
ICAT2006 (PDF:1.04MB)
Tangible TableTop (TTT) Interface Based on Position/Orientation Measurement of Tags Using Photo Sensors and Accelerometers
ISMAR 06 (PDF:703KB)
Situated Music: An Application to Interactive Jogging
ISWC 2006 (PDF:1.17MB)
Visual Assist with a Laser Pointer and Wearable Display for Remote Collaboration
CollabTech 2006 (PDF:2.69MB)
Computer Vision for Wearable Visual Interface
Tutorial in ISWC2005
Tangible Tabletop Interface for an Expert to Collaborate with Remote Field Workers
CollabTech2005 (PDF:3.64MB)
Remote Collaboration using a Shoulder-Worn Active Camera/Laser (WACL)
CSCW2004 (PDF:913KB)ISWC2004 (PDF:3.04MB)

Overview Slides

Fiducial-less 3-D Object Tracking in AR systems
Personal Positioning
ISMAR03(PDF:487MB)MFI2003 (PDF:351KB)

Hand-gesture-based wearable visual interface
MVA2002 (PDF:636KB)
WAC (Wearable Active Camera)
ISWC2002 (PDF:246KB)
A Panorama-based Method of Personal Positioning and Orientation and Its Real-time Applications for Wearable Computers
ISWC2001 (PDF:822KB)