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Ph. D., Physics, Keio University
Yokohama Japan

Advisor: Prof. Shuichi Nose
Title: Examination of structural stability and phase transitions in constant-pressure first-principles molecular dynamics simulations .

M. Sc. in Physics, Keio University

B. Sc. in Physics, Keio University

Apr. 12 - : Visiting associate professor, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences

Apr. 10: Researcher, NRI, AIST

Apr. 09 - Mar. 10: Visiting researcher, RMIT University, Melbourne

Oct. 03: Researcher, RICS, AIST

Apr. 03: Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS Research Fellow)

Oct. 00: Special postdoctoral research fellow, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)

Apr. 00: Postdoctoral fellow, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)

2012: MSSJ Award (The Molecular Simulation Society of Japan)

2012: Nose Award (MSSJ)

2009: Young Scientist Award (The Physical Society of Japan)

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