Background and Aim:
Mechanism of friction is based on an atomistic motion at frictional interface. To understand the mechanism of the friction, its an elementary process on an atomic-scale at a simple system, for instance a single asperity and an atomically flat surface, is investigated experimentally and theoretically.
By using two-dimensional frictional force microscope, an elementary process of atomic-scale friction was investigated between single asperity and atomically flat surface of the ionic crystal and layered material, as shown in Fig.1. As a result, the two-dimensional stick-slip phenomenon was found, where the single asperity shows the two-dimensionally discrete motion between stick-domains with the lattice periodicity, as shown in Fig.2. While the asperity shows the two-dimensional discrete jump between the sticking-domains with the lattice periodicity at higher load region, at the lower load region the asperity shows rather smooth motion. These phenomena including its fluctuation and load dependence was successfully explained by the effective adhesive area model, which represents the attracitve force field of stick-region. Moreover, this phenomenon was qualitatively explained by a theoretical simulation assuming a single atom friction.

Principal Publications:
"The two-dimensional stick-slip phenomenon with atomic resolution", S.Fujisawa, Y.Sugawara, S.Ito, S.Mishima, T.Okada and S.Morita, Nanotechnology, vol.4, pp.138-142 (1993).
"Lateral force curve for atomic force/lateral force microscope calibration", S.Fujisawa, E.Kishi, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Applied Physics Letters, vol.66, No.4, pp.526-528 (1995).
"Atomic-scale friction observed with a two-dimensional frictional-force microscope", S.Fujisawa, E.Kishi, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Physical Review B, vol.51, No.12, pp.7849-7857 (1995).
correction: page 7855, right part, line 5, (wrong)stick-point correspongs... ---> (right) scan-point corresponds... |
"Load dependence of two-dimensional atomic-scale friction", S.Fujisawa, E.Kishi, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Physical Review B, vol.52, pp.5302-5305 (1995).
correction: page 5302, left part, line 14, (wrong)Mayer et al.... --->(right) Meyer et al.... |
"Spattially quantized friction with a lattice periodicity", S.Morita, S.Fujisawa and Y.Sugawara, Surface Science Reports, vol.23, pp.3-41 (1996).
correction: page 20, line 24, (wrong)...on the stick-point, both... ---> (right)...on the scan-point, both... |
"Localized Fluctuation of a Two-Dimensional Atomic-Scale Friction" S.Fujisawa, E.Kishi, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.35, pp.5909-5913 (1996).
"Load dependence of the periodicity in frictional force images on the NaF surface" S.Fujisawa, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Philosophical Magazine A, vol. 74, pp.1329-1337 (1996).
"Load dependence of the frictional-force microscopy image pattern of the graphite surface" N.Sasaki, M.Tsukada, S.Fujisawa, Y.Sugawara, S.Morita, and K.Kobayashi, Physical Review B, vol.57, pp.3785-3786 (1998).
"Analysis of load dependence of two-dimensional atomic-scale friction", S.Fujisawa, K.Yokoyama, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Physical Review B, vol.58, pp.4909-4916 (1998).
"Load dependence of sticking-domain disribution in two-dimensional atomic scale friction of NaF(100) surface" S.Fujisawa, K.Yokoyama, Y.Sugawara and S.Morita, Tribology Letters, vol.9, pp.69-72 (2000).
"Frictional-force imaging and friction mechanisms with a lattice periodicity" S.Morita, Y.Sugawara, K.Yokoyama and S.Fujisawa, in Fundamentals of tribology and bridging the gap between the macro- micro/nanoscales, edited by B.Bhushan, NATO ASI Series (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherland, 2001), pp.83-101.
"Lateral displacement of AFM tip with nano meter order observed by in-situ TEM+AFM combined microscopy: The difference of atomic-scale friction and micrometer scale friction image in AFM" S. Fujisawa and T. Kizuka, Tribology Letters, vol.15, pp.163-168 (2003).