B) Twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators

Journal Papers and Proceedings

1) M. Yamauchi, "Jones matrix models for twisted nematic liquid crystal devices," Applied Optics, 44-21(2005)4484.

2) M. Yamauchi, "Origin and characteristics of ambiguous properties in measuring physical parameters of twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators," Optical Engineering, 41-5(2002)1134.

3) A. Marquez, M. Yamauchi, J. A. Davis, and D. J. Franich, "Phase measurements of a twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulator with a common-path interferometer," Optics Communications, 190(2001)129.

4) M. Yamauchi, "Utilization of elliptically polarized light for phase-only modulation by twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators," Proceedings of SPIE, 4296(2001)116.

5) M. Yamauchi, A. Marquez, J. A. Davis, and D. J. Franich, "Interferometric phase measurements for polarization eigenvectors in twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators," Optics Communications, 181(2000)1.

6) M. Yamauchi and T. Eiju, "Optimization of twisted nematic liquid crystal panels for spatial light phase modulation," Optics communications, 115(1995)19.

7) M. Yamauchi and T. Eiju, "Phase modulation capability of thin twisted nematic liquid crystal panels at double-pass configurations," Optical Review, 2-1(1995)24.

Presentation in International Conference

1) M. Yamauchi, “A differential Jones matrix model for twisted nematic liquid crystal devices,” ICO international conference, (2004).

2) M. Yamauchi, “Utilization of elliptically polarized light for phase-only modulation by twisted nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators,” Electronic Imaging 2001, (2001).

3) M. Yamauchi and T. Eiju, “Enhancement of the phase modulation capability of twisted nematic liquid crystal panels,” Frontiers in information optics (Topical meeting of ICO), (1994).

