2013 |
Best Paper Award of Tribology Online (Japanese Society of Tribologists)
"Effects of Surface Chemical Properties on the Frictional Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers Lubricated with Oleic Acid" |
2005 |
Young Researchers Award (JSME Machine Design & Tribology Division)
"Nanoindentation by Atomic Force Microscopy for Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Bulk and Thin Film Materials" |
2000 |
Young Researchers Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics
"Formation Process of Molecular Necklace Governed by the Intermolecular Interaction between Cyclodextrin Molecules" |
1998 |
SSSJ Paper Award (Surface Science Society of Japan)
"Interaction between Si(100) Surface Dimers and Dynamics of Phase Defects Formed on Dimer Rows at 6K Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy" |
1997 |
SSSJ Student Award (Surface Science Society of Japan)
"Stability and Formation Process of Si(111)-7x7 Structure"