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Last Up Date 2005/10/1

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Surgical Assist Technology Group

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Kiyoshi YOSHINAKA. Ph.D.


›Takashima, K., Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "An endoscopic tactile sensor for low invasive surgery",
Sensors And Actuators A-Physical, Vol.119, No.2, p.372-383, (2005).

›Yoshinaka, K., Washio, T., Koseki, K., Yamauchi, Y., Iseki, H., Chinzei, K., "Influence of electromagnetic disturbance noise from the medical instrument against Magnetic resonance image",
The Papers of Technical Meeting on Linear Drives, LD-04-67, p.1-5, (2004).

›Takashima, K., Toyoda, K., Okazaki, T., Kitoh, T., Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Magnetic sensor system for detecting position and orientation of an endocranial catheter tip ",
1st Asia Pacific Biomechanical conference 2004, (2004).

›Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Surface friction control of internal medical probe with magnetic field oscillation",
The Papers of Technical Meeting on Linear Drives, LD-03-44, p.5-9, (2003).

›Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "A method for reduction of surface friction for internal medical instruments using vibration with oscillated magnetic field effect",
Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.11, No.4, p.262-267, (2003).

›Washio, T., Yoshinaka, K., Chinzei, K., "Engineering tools to develop MR compatible mechatronic devices ",
SMIT‚Q‚O‚O‚R The Society of Medical Innovation and Technology, (2003).

›Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Reduction of insertion resistance by means of rotation with spiral ribbed impeller for catheters and endoscopes ",
CARS2003 Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery, p.1373, (2003).

›O'Leary, M.D., Simone, C., Washio, T., Yoshinaka, K., Okamura, A.M., "Robotic needle insertion: effects of friction and needle geometry",
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol.2, p.1774-1780, (2003).

›Yoshinaka, K., Sakamoto, R., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "A method for reduction of insertion resistance for low-invasive medical instruments",
Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, Vol.23, p.483-487, (2002).

›Yoshinaka, K., Sakamoto, R., Ikeuchi, K., "Reduction of Insertion Resistance by Means of Vibration for Catheters and Endoscopes",
Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol.2208, p.1312 - 1313, (2001).

›Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Directional control in a point of catheter by magnetic field",
Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1, p.15-20, (2001).

›Zhou, Y.S., Quan, V.X., Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "A new medical microrobot for minimal invasive surgery",
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol.215, No.H2, p.215-220, (2001).

›Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Mori, K., "Development of Bed Sheet Exchanger for Handicapped People",
Transactions of the Japan society of mechanical engineers. C, Vol.66, No.647, p.2326-2330, (2000).

›Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Development of automated catheter insertion system",
Proceedings of 10th ICBME International conference on biomedical engineering, p.377-378, (2000).

›Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Directional control in a point of catheter by magnetic field",
Proceedings of 9th MAGDA Conference, p.104-105, (2000).

›Yoshinaka, K., Tomita, N., Ikeuchi, K., "Experimental study of hydrodynamic propulsion of a medical device with a spiral ribbed impeller",
Wear, Vol.220, No.2, p.141-144, (1998).

›Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Low invasive locomotion system of medical micro robot",
WCB98. Third world congress of biomechanics, p.450, (1998).

›Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Tomita, N., "Low invasive propulsion of medical devices by traction using mucus",
Wear, Vol.209, No.1-2, p.179-183, (1997).

›Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Hashimoto, S., Tomita, N., "Locomotion of medical micro robot with spiral ribs using mucus",
MHS'96.The Seventh International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, p.217-222, (1996).