Last Up Date 2005/10/1 My Profile
Publications Takashima, K., Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "An endoscopic tactile sensor for low invasive surgery", Sensors And Actuators A-Physical, Vol.119, No.2, p.372-383, (2005). Yoshinaka, K., Washio, T., Koseki, K., Yamauchi, Y., Iseki, H., Chinzei, K., "Influence of electromagnetic disturbance noise from the medical instrument against Magnetic resonance image", The Papers of Technical Meeting on Linear Drives, LD-04-67, p.1-5, (2004). Takashima, K., Toyoda, K., Okazaki, T., Kitoh, T., Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Magnetic sensor system for detecting position and orientation of an endocranial catheter tip ", 1st Asia Pacific Biomechanical conference 2004, (2004). Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Surface friction control of internal medical probe with magnetic field oscillation", The Papers of Technical Meeting on Linear Drives, LD-03-44, p.5-9, (2003). Yoshinaka, K., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "A method for reduction of surface friction for internal medical instruments using vibration with oscillated magnetic field effect", Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.11, No.4, p.262-267, (2003). Washio, T., Yoshinaka, K., Chinzei, K., "Engineering tools to develop MR compatible mechatronic devices ", SMITQOOR The Society of Medical Innovation and Technology, (2003). Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Reduction of insertion resistance by means of rotation with spiral ribbed impeller for catheters and endoscopes ", CARS2003 Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery, p.1373, (2003). O'Leary, M.D., Simone, C., Washio, T., Yoshinaka, K., Okamura, A.M., "Robotic needle insertion: effects of friction and needle geometry", 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol.2, p.1774-1780, (2003). Yoshinaka, K., Sakamoto, R., Okazaki, T., Ikeuchi, K., "A method for reduction of insertion resistance for low-invasive medical instruments", Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, Vol.23, p.483-487, (2002). Yoshinaka, K., Sakamoto, R., Ikeuchi, K., "Reduction of Insertion Resistance by Means of Vibration for Catheters and Endoscopes", Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol.2208, p.1312 - 1313, (2001). Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Directional control in a point of catheter by magnetic field", Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1, p.15-20, (2001). Zhou, Y.S., Quan, V.X., Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "A new medical microrobot for minimal invasive surgery", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol.215, No.H2, p.215-220, (2001). Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Mori, K., "Development of Bed Sheet Exchanger for Handicapped People", Transactions of the Japan society of mechanical engineers. C, Vol.66, No.647, p.2326-2330, (2000). Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Development of automated catheter insertion system", Proceedings of 10th ICBME International conference on biomedical engineering, p.377-378, (2000). Yoshinaka, K., Semoto, T., Ikeuchi, K., "Directional control in a point of catheter by magnetic field", Proceedings of 9th MAGDA Conference, p.104-105, (2000). Yoshinaka, K., Tomita, N., Ikeuchi, K., "Experimental study of hydrodynamic propulsion of a medical device with a spiral ribbed impeller", Wear, Vol.220, No.2, p.141-144, (1998). Yoshinaka, K., Ikeuchi, K., "Low invasive locomotion system of medical micro robot", WCB98. Third world congress of biomechanics, p.450, (1998). Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Tomita, N., "Low invasive propulsion of medical devices by traction using mucus", Wear, Vol.209, No.1-2, p.179-183, (1997). Ikeuchi, K., Yoshinaka, K., Hashimoto, S., Tomita, N., "Locomotion of medical micro robot with spiral ribs using mucus", MHS'96.The Seventh International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, p.217-222, (1996). |