AmpRV_R.d            Horizontal-to-vertical amplitude ratios of Rayleigh waves (logarithmic mean)

SD1e_SD1e.d          Power-spectral density function (logarithmic mean). The data described in the seismfile are assigned the numbers 1, 2, ... from top to bottom. The letters e, n and u denote the east-west. north-south, and up-down components, respectively.                  Rough explanation of how the analysis results were averaged

nsr.d                      NS ratios of vertical motion (logarithmic mean)

nsr_h.d                   NS ratios of horizontal motion (logarithmic mean)

nsrlim_cca.d           Upper limits on NS ratios calculated using phase velocity estimates from the CCA method (5% tolerance for relative errors) (logarithmic mean)

nsrlim_cca.lwapx.d Upper limits on NS ratios calculated using phase velocity estimates from the nc-CCA method (5% tolerance for relative errors) (logarithmic mean)

powratio_R2L.d       Power shares of Rayleigh waves in the total power of horizontal motion (logarithmic mean)

spr_hv.d                 Ratios of the power of horizontal motion (sum of the two horizontal-component powers) to the power of vertical motion (logarithmic mean)

vel_cca.d                Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the CCA method

vel_cca.lwapx.d       Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the nc-CCA method

vel_h0.d                 Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the H0 method

vel_h1.d                 Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the H1 method

vel_spac.d              Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the SPAC method (with spatial autocorrelation coefficients calculated according to their original definition)

vel_v.d                   Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the V method

velh_cca_minus_L.d          Phase velocities of Love waves according to the CCA-L method

velh_cca_minus_R.d          Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the CCA-R method

velh_spac_minus_L.d        Phase velocities of Love waves according to the SPAC-L method

velh_spac_minus_R.d        Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the SPAC-R method

velh_spac_plus_L.d           Phase velocities of Love waves according to the SPAC+L method

velh_spac_plus_R.d           Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves according to the SPAC+R method

* In the above data files, the frequency, the mean of segment-by-segment analysis results and the standard deviation are laid out in the first, second and third columns, respectively. For data with a note "(logarithmic mean)" in parentheses, the frequency, the mean, the mean minus a standard deviation and the mean plus a standard deviation are laid out in the first, second, third and fourth columns, respectively.


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