Publications (English)
Journal papers
- Eiichi Yoshida, Satoshi Murata, Akiya Kamimura, Shigeru Kokaji, Kohji Tomita
and Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Get Back In Shape! A Hardware Prototype Self-Reconfigurable Modular Microrobot
that Uses Shape Memory Alloy
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 54-60, 2002.
- Eiichi Yoshida, Shigeru Kokaji, Satoshi Murata, Kohji Tomita and Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Micro Self-reconfigurable Robot using Shape Memory Alloy,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.13, No.2, pp.212-219, 2001.
- Eiichi Yoshida, Shigeru Kokaji, Satoshi Murata, Kohji Tomita and Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Miniaturization of Self-reconfigurable Robotic System using Shape Memory
Alloy Actuator,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.12, No.2, pp.96-102, 2000.
Proceedings of international conferences, with review
- Eiichi Yoshida, Satoshi Murata,
Shigeru Kokaji, Kohji Tomita and Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Micro Self-Reconfigurable Robotic System using Shape Memory Alloy
Autonomous Robotic Systems 4, Lynne E. Parker, George Bekey, and Jacob Barhen, eds.,, pp.145-154, 2000 (Knoxville, USA).
- Eiichi Yoshida,
Shigeru Kokaji, Satoshi Murata,
Kohji Tomita and Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Miniaturized Self-reconfigurable System using Shape Memory Alloy
Proc. of 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '99), pp.1579-1585, 1999
(Kyongju, Korea).