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OKAYA David 様の 共著関連データベース

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+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "OKAYA David")

共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))

    33: OKAYA David

    14: 佐藤 比呂志

    11: 岩崎 貴哉

    10: 平田 直

    7: 松原 誠

    6: HIRATA Naoshi, SATO Hiroshi, STERN Tim, 伊藤 谷生, 石山 達也

    5: IWASAKI Takaya, KASAHARA Keiji, KOKETSU Kazuki, 井川 猛, 伊藤 潔, 笠原 敬司, 纐纈 一起, 阿部 進

    4: BECKER Thorsten, DAVEY Fred, HARDER Steven, 橋間 昭徳, 河村 知徳

    3: FREED Andrew, HAGIWARA Hiroko, HENRYS Stuart, IKAWA Takeshi, ITO Tanio, MILLER Kate, SAVAGE Martha, STERN Tim A., WU Francis, 川中 卓, 武田 哲也, 水藤 尚, 蔵下 英司

    2: ABE Susumu, EBERHART-PHILLIPS Donna, GODFREY Nicola, ITO Kiyoshi, KAWANAKA Taku, MOLNAR Peter, SUTHERLAND Rupert, 大西 正純, 小林 励司, 木村 尚紀, 矢来 博司, 萩原 弘子, 飯高 隆

    1: AKTAR Mustafa, ARMBRUSTER John G., AVENDONK Harm Van, BARIS Serif, BEN-ZION Yehuda, BROCHER Thomas, CHRISTENSEN Nikolas, CHRISTENSEN Nikolas I., CLAYTON Robert, DAVEY Fred J., DAVIES Rob, DEELMAN Ewa, EBERHART-PHILLIPSA Donna, FIELD Ned, FREED Andy, FUJS Gary, GODFREY Nicola J., HENYEY Thomas, HENYEY Thomas L., HOLBROOK W.Steven, IIDAKA Takashi, ISHIYAMA Tatsuya, JORDAN Thomas H., KATO Naoko, KLEFFMANN Stefan, KOBAYASHI Reiji, KURASHIMO Eiji, MAECHLING Phil, MATSUBARA Makoto, MCEVILLY TOM, MELHUISH ANNE, MEYERS David, OZER Naside, SATOW Hiroshi, SCHERWATH Martin, SEEBER Leonardo, SHIMAZAKI Kunihiko, SUTHERLAND Repert, WONG-BARNUM Mona, 中山 貴隆, 加藤 愛太郎, 加藤 直子, 北村 重浩, 太田 陽一, 斉藤 秀雄, 望月 公広, 畑中 雄樹, 篠原 雅尚, 西村 卓也, 野田 克也

発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))

    1996: Transpressional Plate Boundaries: Geophysical Transects Across Southern California (LARSE) and New Zealand (SIFHT) (T41A 1) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Anisotropic Elastic Finite Difference Synthetic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media allowing for Dipping Anisotropic Internal Fabrics (Arbitrarily Tilted Symmetry Axes of Elastic Constants) (S31A 16) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Crustal Structure and Deformation of the Eastern Province (Mesozoic Terranes), Southeastern South Island, New Zealand (T41B 8) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Crustal Structure from Seismic Data in the Vicinity of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, Results from SIGHT Line 2. (T41B 4 [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Deep Seismic Profiles Across the Pacifis Australian Plate Boundary, South Island, New Zealand (T41B 3 [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Geophysical Investigation of a Modern Continental Transpressional Orogen: Southern Alps, New Zealand (T41B 1) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: P wave Delay Data and the Missing Mantle Beneath the Central South Island, New Zealand. (T41B 11) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: The Effects of Velocity Anisotropy on Seismic Refraction Data and its Analysis: An Example from South Island, New Zealand (T41B 9) [Net] [Bib]

    2000: Teleseismic P wave delays and modes of shortening the mantle lithosphere beneath South Island, New Zealand [Net] [Bib]

    2000: The 1999 Earthquake Sequence along The North Anatolian Transform at the Juncture between the Two Main Ruptures [Net] [Bib]

    2003: Deep Seismic Profiling of Metropolitan Areas in Japan for Strong Ground Motion Evaluation: Preliminary Results of Boso 2002 and Sagami 2003 (SS03/08A/D 004) [Net] [Bib]

    2003: 大都市圏地殻構造調査と最近の成果 房総2002および相模2003 [Net] [Bib]
    Deep Seismic Profiling of Metropolitan Area in Japan for Strong Ground Motion Evaluation: Preliminary Results of Boso 2002 and Sagami 2003 [Net] [Bib]

    2003: 大都市圏地殻構造調査・房総半島縦断地殻構造探査について(S046 P010)(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    Deep Seismic Profiling of Metropolitan Areas in Japan for Strong Ground Motion Evaluation: Preliminary Results of Boso 2002(S046 P010) [Net] [Bib]

    2004: オフラインレコーダを用いた三浦半島とその周辺部における3次元地下速度構造(B054) [Net] [Bib]
    A 3 D velocity structure in and around the Miura Peninsula, Japan, using off line recorders(B054) [Net] [Bib]

    2004: 関東地域におけるフィリピン海プレート上面の形状と反射特性(B055) [Net] [Bib]
    Geometry and reflectivity of the upper surface of the Philippine Sea plate beneath Kanto region revealed by deep seismic profiling(B055) [Net] [Bib]

    2005: Earthquake Source Fault Beneath Tokyo [Net] [Bib]

    2005: 三浦半島とその周辺部における地殻構造解明(S053 P009) [Net] [Bib]
    Crustal structure in and around the Miura peninsula, Japan, using off line recorders (S053 P009) [Net] [Bib]

    2005: 長大オフセット記録を用いた三浦半島・東京湾直下の地殻構造解明(P071) [Net] [Bib]
    Crust structure is revealed by long offset seismic data in and around the Miura Peninsula and the Tokyo Bay (P071) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: Imaging of seismogenic source faults in metropolitan areas in Japan(T31G 03) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: Mega thrust and Intra slab Earthquakes beneath Tokyo Metropolitan Area(S31C 03) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: 大都市圏地殻構造調査の成果について(C066) [Net] [Bib]
    Results of deep seismic profiling in the Tokyo and Kinki metropolitan areas(C066) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: 大都市圏(首都圏・近畿圏)地殻構造調査の成果について(U051 018) [Net] [Bib]
    Seismic reflection profiling in the metropolitan areas, Japan: results from the Kanto and Kinki areas(U051 018) [Net] [Bib]

    2007: Interaction between two subducting plates under Tokyo and its possible effects on seismic hazards [Net] [Bib]

    2007: Mega thrust and Intra slab Earthquakes beneath Tokyo Metropolitan Area around subduction and collision zones in JAPAN(T42A 03) [Net] [Bib]

    2007: Metadata Management on the SCEC PetaSHA Project: Helping Users Describe, Discover, Understand, and Use Simulation Data in a Large Scale Scientific Collaboration(IN53C 06) [Net] [Bib]

    2009: 首都圏の地殻・フィリピン海プレートの構造とテクトニクス(S221 010) [Net] [Bib]
    Lithospheric structure and tectonics of Tokyo metropolitan area(S221 010) [Net] [Bib]

    2010: ニュージーランド北島下メガスラストを探る 日本−ニュージーランド共同構造探査 (SSS024 12) [Net] [Bib]
    Megathrust Structure beneath North Island, New Zealand Japan New Zealand Joint Geophysical/Geological Research Project(SSS024 12) [Net] [Bib]

    2012: ニュージーランド北島、ウエリントン地域下における地震波散乱体分布(SSS34 02) [Net] [Bib]
    Seismic scatterer distribution beneath the Wellington region, southernmost part of New Zealand's North Island(SSS34 02) [Net] [Bib]

    2013: 有限要素法による日本列島域における2011年東北沖地震の余効変動シミュレーション(SCG68 09) [Net] [Bib]
    Simulation for coseismic and postseismic deformation in the Japan region due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake with finite e (SCG68 09) [Net] [Bib]

    2014: 2011年東北沖地震後の首都圏周辺断層にかかる応力への粘弾性的影響(MAG39 04) [Net] [Bib]
    Viscoelastic effects on stress on the active faults around the Tokyo metropolitan area after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (MAG39 04) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: SAHKE seismic scatter imaging of subduction beneath Wellington, North Island, New Zealand [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 東北日本下の地震波速度異常領域による2011 年東北沖地震の地殻変動への影響(SCG57 P12) [Net] [Bib]
    Effects of seismic velocity anomaly zone below Northeast Japan on displacement of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (SCG57 P12) [Net] [Bib]

    2016: 粘弾性と余効すべりを考慮した2011年東北沖地震による関東地方の応力変化モデル(SSS33 12) [Net] [Bib]
    Time dependent stress change in the Kanto region due to 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan, considering viscoelastic relaxation in the asthenosphere and afterslip (SSS33 12) [Net] [Bib]

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