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Oct 25 - 28, 2009, Culture Resort Festone, Ginowan, Okinawa, JAPAN The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Carbon Nanotube Oct 25 - 28, 2009, Culture Resort Festone, Ginowan, Okinawa, JAPAN KJ6 Overview Korea-Japan symposium on carbon nanotube was first organized in 2004 by scientists of Korea and Japan, who were interested in chemical and physical properties, synthesis and purification, manipulation, and applications of carbon nanotube. The first workshop of this series, “The 1st Japan-Korea Symposium on Carbon Nanotube”, was held in Jeju Island on October 13-16, 2004. There, we had 11 invited talks from Korea, 11 invited talks from Japan, and 16 poster presentations. Deep discussions and grown friendship between researches let the organizers agree upon having the workshop every year. The second one of this series, “The 2nd Korea-Japan Symposium on Carbon Nanotube”, was held in Matsushima on October 27-30. 13 invited talks from Korea, 13 invited talks from Japan, and 44 posters were presented while the number of participants was almost doubled. The 3rd and the 4th series of this symposium were held in Gyeongju Korea (Oct. 14-17, 2006) and in Kyoto Japan (Oct. 28-31, 2007), respectively. In every symposium, participants have enjoyed a growing intensity in the discussions and a friendly atmosphere in host site. In the last year, the 5th symposium was held in Busan (Nov. 9 – 12, 2008), the 2nd largest city in Korea. All the participants enjoyed splendid scenery of Haeundae beach as well as hot discussions on the carbon nanotube and the graphene. In this year, the 6th symposium will be held in Okinawa, Japan. The conference venue is close to Naha airport but also has very beautiful “Tropical beach” within a walking distance. Organizers hope all participants enjoy staying in Okinawa, and meet good opportunities to discuss about science, applications, and international collaborations. This symposium is supported by JSPS Asian Core Program, Interdisciplinary Science of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology Research Institute, AIST, Nanotube Research Center, AIST, Meijo Nano Carbon, Sigma-Aldrich Japan, COSMO BIO Co. LTD., Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd., Bunkoh-Keiki Co., LTD., Nagase Techno-Engineering Co., Ltd. We are looking forward to seeing all the participants in Okinawa! Contact: KJ6 OFFICE: |