Yoichi Higashi's website

Last Updated: 8 Jan. 2025
Yoichi Higashi
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Research Institute for Advanced Electronics and Photonics
Superconducting Electronics and Material Group
AIST Tsukuba Central 2
1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Phone: +81-29-861-2033
E-mail: y.higashi # ( # → @aist.go.jp )
  • Eng.D. Mar. 2015, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan (Supervisor: Prof. Masaru Kato).
    “Theoretical study for identifying unconventional superconductivity through vortex core bound states”

  • M.E. Mar. 2012, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan (Supervisor: Prof. Nobuhiko Hayashi).
    “Theory for phase-sensitive flux-flow resistivity in unconventional superconductors” (in Japanese)

  • B.E. Mar. 2010, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan (Supervisor: Prof. Nobuhiko Hayashi).

  • Oct. 2024 - present: Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Advanced Electronics and Photonics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

  • Apr. 2020 - Sep. 2024: Researcher, Research Institute for Advanced Electronics and Photonics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

  • Feb. 2017 - Mar. 2020: AIST Postdoctoral Researcher, Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

  • Apr. 2015 - Dec. 2016: Postdoctral Researcher, Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University (with Prof. Jung Hoon Han).

  • Apr. 2010 - Jul. 2013: Research Assistant, Research Organization for the 21st Century, Osaka Prefecture University (with Prof. Nobuhiko Hayashi).

  • Memberships
  • Member of The Physical Society of Japan, June 2010 - present.

  • Member of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, June 2017 - present.

  • Member of The Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan, Mar. 2017 - present.

Research achievements


[1] Nobuhiko Hayashi, Yuki Nagai, and Yoichi Higashi,
Analysis of field-angle dependent specific heat in unconventional superconductors: a comparison between Doppler-shift method and Kramer-Pesch approximation,
Physica C 470 (2010) S865-S867. [link] [arXiv]

[2] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Field-angle dependence of the quasiparticle scattering inside a vortex core in unconventional superconductors,
Physica C 471 (2011) 828-830. [link] [arXiv]

[3] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Phase-Sensitive Flux-Flow Resistivity in Unconventional Superconductors,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 400, 022025 (2012). [link] [arXiv]

[4] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Effect of uniaxially anisotropic Fermi surface on the quasiparticle scattering inside a vortex core in unconventional superconductors,
Physica C 484, 97 (2013). [link] [arXiv]

[5] Nobuhiko Hayashi, Yoichi Higashi, Noriyuki Nakai, and Hisataka Suematsu,
Effect of Born and unitary impurity scattering on the Kramer-Pesch shrinkage of a vortex core in an s-wave superconductor,
Physica C 484, 69 (2013). [link] [arXiv]

[6] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Effect of anisotropic Fermi surface on the flux-flow resistivity under rotating magnetic field,
Phys. Proc. 45, 137 (2013). [link] [arXiv]

[7] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Field-angle resolved flux-flow resistivity as a phase-sensitive probe of unconventional Cooper pairing,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 224511 (2013). [link] [arXiv]

[8] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, and Nobuhiko Hayashi,
Impurity Effect on the Local Density of States around a Vortex in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors,
JPS Conf. Proc. 3, 015003 (2014). [link] [arXiv]

[9] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Tomohiro Yoshida, and Youichi Yanase,
Vortex Core Structure in Multilayered Rashba Superconductors,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 568, 022018 (2014). [link] [arXiv]

[10] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Tomohiro Yoshida, Masaru Kato, and Youichi Yanase,
Excitation spectra and wave functions of quasiparticle bound states in bilayer Rashba superconductors,
Physica C 518, 1 (2015). [link] [arXiv]

[11] Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Nagai, Tomohiro Yoshida, Yusuke Masaki, and Youichi Yanase,
Robust zero-energy bound states around a pair-density-wave vortex core in locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors,
Phys. Rev. B 93, 104529 (2016). [link] [arXiv]

[12] Yun-Tak Oh, Yoichi Higashi, Ching-Kit Chan, and Jung Hoon Han,
Adiabatic Green's function technique and the transient behavior in time-dependent fermion-boson coupled models,
Phys. Rev. B 94, 075113 (2016). [link] [arXiv]

[13] Yoichi Higashi, Huiming Zhang, and Yasunori Mawatari,
Analysis of Magnetization Loss on a Twisted Superconducting Strip in a Constantly Ramped Magnetic Field,
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29, 8200207 (2019). [link] [arXiv]

[14] Yoichi Higashi and Yasunori Mawatari,
Electromagnetic coupling of twisted multi-filament superconducting tapes in a ramped magnetic field,
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32, 055010 (2019). [link] [arXiv]

[15] Yoichi Higashi and Yasunori Mawatari,
Efficient Numerical Modeling of the Magnetization Loss on a Helically Wound Superconducting Tape in a Ramped Magnetic Field,
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30, 8200207 (2020). [link] [arXiv]

[16] Takashi Yanagisawa, Yoichi Higashi, and Izumi Hase,
Fractional Skyrmion and Absence of Low-lying Andreev Bound States in a Micro Fractional-flux Quantum Vortex,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 88, 104704 (2019). [link] [arXiv]

[17] Yoichi Higashi and Yasunori Mawatari,
Round-core-radius Dependent Electromagnetic Coupling of Multi-filament Helical Superconducting Tapes in a Swept Magnetic Field,
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31, 5901306 (2021). [link] [arXiv]

[18] I. Hase, Y. Higashi, and T. Yanagisawa,
Quasi-Flat-Band in s1/s2 Pyrochlore Oxides and the Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2164, 012063 (2022). [link]

[19] I. Hase, A. Iyo, Y. Higashi, T. Yanagisawa, and K. Kawashima,
Bulk-Combinatorial Method for Exploring New Superconductors and its Mathematical Aspect,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2323, 012009 (2022). [link]

[20] Yoichi Higashi, Shunsuke Yoshizawa, Takashi Yanagisawa, Izumi Hase, Yasunori Mawatari, and Takashi Uchihashi,
Field resilient superconductivity in atomic layer crystalline materials,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 064504 (2023). [link] [arXiv]

[21] I. Hase, Y. Higashi, H. Eisaki, and K. Kawashima,
Flat band ferromagnetism in Pb2Sb2O7 via a self-doped mechanism,
Scientific Reports 13 , 4743 (2023). [link]

[22] Takahiro Kato, Yuki Iwasa, Sugali Pavan Kumar Naik, Shigeyuki Ishida, Yoichi Higashi, Izumi Hase, Taichiro Nishio, Kenta Hongo, Ryo Maezono, Hiraku Ogino,
Structure, Optical and Electrical Properties of Layered Oxychalcogenide Sr2ZnCu2Se2O2 compounds,
Materials Research Express 10, 095904 (2023). [link]

[23] Izumi Hase, Yoichi Higashi, Hiroshi Eisaki, and Kenji Kawashima,
New three-dimensional flat band candidate materials Pb2As2O7 and Pb2Sn2O7,
Sci. Rep. 14, 26532 (2024). [link]

[24] Junichiro Kato, Shigeyuki Ishida, Tatsunori Okada, Shungo Nakagawa, Yutaro Mino, Yoichi Higashi, Takanari Kashiwagi, Satoshi Awaji, Hiroshi Eisaki, Taichiro Nishio,
Doping Dependence of Upper Critical Field of High-Tc Cuprate Bi2+xSr2−xCaCu2O8+δ Estimated from Irreversibility Field at Zero Temperature,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 93, 104705 (2024). [link]

[25] Sonosuke Kono, Yoichi Higashi, Yuki Iwasa, Izumi Hase, Ryo Maezono, Taichiro Nishio, Hiraku Ogino, and Kenta Hongo,
Prediction of Phase Formation in Layered Perovskite Arsenic Fluorides,
submitted to J. Phys. Conf. Ser.

  • Dissertation (Mar. 2015)
    Theoretical study for identifying unconventional superconductivity through vortex core bound states
    https://omu.repo.nii.ac.jp/records/187 (Osaka Metropolitan University Academic Information Repository)

  • Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Superconducting Electronics Group
  • Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University Manybody Physics Group
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center (N2RC) Dr. Nobuhiko Hayashi
  • Japan Atomic Energy Agency Dr. Yuki Nagai
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University Quantum physics Group
  • Korea Institute for Advanced Study Dr. Kun Woo Kim