(*-------------------------------------------* | Uniform Candy Distribution | | | | November 2007 for Isabelle 2005 | | May 2008 (modified) | | November 2008 for Isabelle 2008 | | | | Yoshinao Isobe (AIST JAPAN) | *-------------------------------------------*) 1 Introduction This is a classical example of self-organizing systems as follows: every child passes half of their candies to the child on their left; any child who ends up with an odd number of candies is given another candy by the teacher. For example, see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/puzzle/puzzle6.html . This directory contains the theory files to prove that the children must eventually all hold the same number of candies after repeatedly passing the candies. 2 Theory files: UCD_data1.thy proves that any list eventually becomes stable when it is repeatedly synchronously changed according to the function circNext. It is proven by induction on the difference the max and the min, and on the number of elements equal to the min. UCD_data2.thy gives functions for dealing with asynchronous passing candies. The important one of them is the function "toStb" to derive the internally-stable state from each unstable state. Then, the lemma "nextLR_toStb_circNext" is given for relating the results on synchronous passing and asynchronous passing. UCD_proc1.thy sequentializes the connected Children's in line by the induction on the number of children. From this result, we can clearly see the changing of the number of candies by asynchronous passing. UCD_proc2.thy proves that the asynchronous passing of candies can be modelled by the function circNext. It shows that the children must eventually all hold the same number of candies after repeatedly passing the candies. 3 How to prove the puzzle (UCD): These theory files require an extended CSP-Prover-4-0-Isabelle2008 with CSP_F_v4_1_2008, on Isabelle 2008. Then, for example start the Proof General by Isabelle -l CSP_F_v4_1 and load the files UCD_data1.thy, ..., UCD_proc2.thy in order. You can see the proofs by C-c C-n step by step. Note: it may take time to complete all the proofs. (e.g. 95 minutes in Pentium-M (1.2GHz)). References Yoshinao Isobe and Markus Roggenbach, CSP-Prover -- a Proof Tool for the Verification of Scalable Concurrent Systems, Journal of Computer Software, Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, 2008. (to be published soon)