(*-------------------------------------------* | | | << The reusable part >> | | | | CSP-Prover on Isabelle2004 | | December 2004 | | February 2005 (modified) | | June 2005 (modified) | | | | CSP-Prover on Isabelle2005 | | November 2005 (modified) | | May 2006 (modified) | | | | Yoshinao Isobe (AIST JAPAN) | | | *-------------------------------------------*) 1 Introduction CSP-Prover [1] provides a deep encoding of the process algebra CSP within the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. It has a generic architecture divided into a large reusable part independent of specific CSP models and an instantiated part for each specific CSP model. This package "CSP" provides the reusable part. The part contains Banach's fixpoint theorem and the metric fixpoint induction rule based on complete metric spaces as well as Tarski's fixpoint theorem and the standard fixpoint induction rule based on complete partial orders. Furthermore, infinite product constructions are provided as lifting theorems which are required for infinite state systems. Another contribution of this reusable part is the definition of the CSP syntax as a recursive type. This means that the syntax is deeply encoded. Therefore, CSP-Prover supports structural induction on processes. 2 Theory files This directory gives theory files for the Reusable part. (1) CSP-Prover infrastructure Infra.thy Infra_list.thy Infra_real.thy Infra_HOL.thy Infra_nat.thy Infra_set.thy Infra_common.thy Infra_order.thy Infra_type.thy Infra_exp.thy Infra_pair.thy Infra_fun.thy Infra_prog.thy (2) CPO theory CPO.thy CPO_pair.thy CPO_prod.thy CPO_set.thy (3) CMS theory and restriction spaces CMS.thy RS.thy RS_pair.thy RS_prod.thy Norm_seq.thy (4) CSP syntax CSP_syntax.thy (5) Trace theory Trace.thy Prefix.thy Trace_hide.thy Trace_par.thy Trace_ren.thy Trace_seq.thy (6) the main theory of this reusable part CSP.thy 2 How to use this part CSP. (note: Isabelle(2005)/HOL-Complex is required for CSP) (1) To build the heap file for CSP: isatool usedir -b HOL-Complex CSP (2) To start Isabelle with CSP: isabelle -I CSP (3) To start ProofGeneral with CSP: Isabelle -l CSP (4) To use CSP: theory [theory name] = CSP: References [1] Y.Isobe and M.Roggenbach: A Generic Theorem Prover of CSP Refinement, TACAS 2005 (11th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems), LNCS 3440, pp.108-123, Edinburgh, April 2005.