Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/HOL-Complex/CSP/CSP_T/CSP_F
theory CSP_F_xsymbols(*-------------------------------------------* | X symbols for CSP-Prover | | June 2008 (modified) | | | | Yoshinao Isobe (AIST JAPAN) | *-------------------------------------------*) theory CSP_F_xsymbols imports Set_F CSP_F_semantics begin (*------------------------------------* | | | Set_F | | | *------------------------------------*) notation (xsymbols) memF ("(_/ ∈f _)" [50, 51] 50) notation (xsymbols) UnionF ("\<Union>f _" [90] 90) notation (xsymbols) InterF ("\<Inter>f _" [90] 90) notation (xsymbols) nonmemF ("(_/ ∉f _)" [50, 51] 50) notation (xsymbols) UnF ("_ ∪f _" [65,66] 65) notation (xsymbols) IntF ("_ ∩f _" [70,71] 70) (*------------------------------------* | | | CSP_F_semantics | | | *------------------------------------*) notation (xsymbols) semFf ("[|_|]Ff") notation (xsymbols) semFfun ("[|_|]Ffun") notation (xsymbols) semFfix ("[|_|]Ffix") notation (xsymbols) semF ("[|_|]F") notation (xsymbols) refF ("(0_ /\<sqsubseteq>F[_,_] /_)" [51,100,100,50] 50) notation (xsymbols) refFfix ("(0_ /\<sqsubseteq>F /_)" [51,50] 50) end