This document provides the knowledge obtained by porting a rather large Java program to MixJuice (the program has about 20 thousands lines including comments, 10 thousands lines excluding comment). The aim of the task and the document is to validate whether the new module mechanism of MixJuice, namely difference-based modules, works well with a rather large programming development or not, from the following view points:
The porting task will be done in two phases. The first phase will be devoted to porting to MixJuice, afterwards refactoring and extension with difference-based modules will take their place to make code be more MixJuice flavored in the second phase. As a result, the aims stated above will be clear in the second phase.
The following conditions are required for the target Java program to be ported to MixJuice:
As an open source program satisfying conditions above, a Java library Grappa(license) to make graphs (not graphs visualizing numerical values but graphs in graph theory) is chosen. Some of the reasons of the choice are listed below:
Grappa is available from The page of the URL says that "Grappa is licensed under the same arrangements as are used for GraphViz", and it is available via the download page of GraphViz( In the paragraph marked as bold "Extras" on the download page of GraphViz, there is a link to the Grappa distribution file grappa.tgz. To install Grappa, please download and expand it.
Grappa is a Java library to plot on 2 dimensions a logical graph described in dot language. The input dot file contains the information of logical graph structure made of nodes and connecting edges, fonts to plot on 2 dimensions, and geometrical informations such as line thickness and coordinates. Grappa draws the graph according to the description of the dot file. If there is no specification of coordinates, Grappa lays out the graph automatically.
The center of Grappa is formed with the class hierarchy shown in figure 1. Node and Edge classes constitute Subgraph, and the special top level subgraph is Graph (in the class hierarchy, Subgraph is the parent class of Graph).
The rather independent collaborations and aspects in Grappa are following:
table 1. Important Aspects in Grappa
No. | aspect | dependency |
1 | related to the logical structure of a graph | |
2 | related to the geometrical representation of a graph | depends on 1 |
3 | related to parsing and dumping a dot file | depends on 2 |
4 | related to GUI | depends on 2 |
When we ported Grappa, we thought that the modules can be divided according to the classification
Grappa distribution includes the source for both JDK1.1 and 1.2. Our target is only the source for 1.2, which is in the directories src/jdk1.2 and DEMO/jdk1.2. The source code for 1.1 is, thus, deleted.
From the previous research result of MixJuice and from the structure of Grappa, we decided to port Grappa with the following strategy. The decision was made with emphasis on not to introduce new bugs.
The previous investigation shows that much parts of Java source code need to be changed to port to MixJuice. Especially, Java source code which has static methods and/or inner classes needs a lot of changes. For the efficiency and avoidance of introducing of bugs, We refactored at the stage of Java for porting to MixJuice. The followings are the details.
MixJuice does not support static methods. Then, we moved static fields/methods to a newly created class and set their singleton instances to old class's static fields.
In Grappa source code, there are some inner classes. We changed them to ordinary classes.
In the process of the refactoring Grappa, we thought the modules can be divided as the following:
To prepare for the division, we tried to divide classes before porting MixJuice, at the time of refactoring Java. The code in methods, however, lies across aspects, and the trial of division was not so successful. It was, as a rare example, easy to divide the interface defining constants (GrappaConstants).
If we look back this step after we finished the phase 2, we should have abstracted interfaces from classes and have separated interfaces from implementation, to make the module separation into specification module and implementation module on porting to MixJuice easy. However, we didn't think about separating specification module and implementation module when we were refactoring Java source code.
The interface GrappaConstants of original Grappa is a collection of constants referred from various contexts. Moreover, almost all classes implements the interface and use its constants. As a result, it is unclear from which function each constant is referred.
At first, then, at the stage of Java, we split the constants along with their domains, and we create 4 new interfaces; GCElementType, GCHighlightSettings, GCAttributes, and GCShapes. Moreover, we change GrappaConstants to extend these 4 interfaces. This makes clear to which domain each constants belongs. On the other hand, the constants which does not belong to any domain remain in the interface GrappaConstants.
A class referring only limited domain constants should refer needed one among 4 interfaces.
Note that GCElementType, GCHighlightSettings, GCAttributes, and GCShapes will become submodules of GrappaConstants in MixJuice.
In order to refactor the source code, it is necessary to understand the program structure. Using function of eclipse such as searching and/or showing type hierarchy helped us to understand it.
We also use eclipse for actual refactoring. There are functions like interface extraction and method extraction ready to use.
It is important in refactoring process to clarify the influenced areas and not to introduce bugs. Using IDE, the influenced areas were shown as compile error, the refactorings were done with short cycles, and the introduction of bugs could be as little as possible. Especially, for large program as the present one the effect is enormous. We didn't see any problems caused by refactoring.
Here is the class diagram after refactoring at Java level.
We describe here the concrete steps of porting Java code to MixJuice. However, the very basic steps such as put define in front of the classes and methods are omitted.
First of all, as written in The steps to rewrite in MixJuice the application written in Java (Japanese) we tried to put every class into a module. The source code was, however, too huge, and it took unexpectedly long time to make it compilable. Moreover, a single huge source made efficiency go down (it took more time to compile, to point out the cause of error, to move the cursor, etc.). As a consequence, we decided to split complicated implementation classes into specification modules and implementation modules.
In the specification modules, we did some module division as stated before (table 1Important Aspects in Grappa or section Trial of Change Preparing for Module Division). We made each implementation module extend all necessary specification modules, and we took care not to change the original methods. The reason is that it is probable to introduce bugs if we change the inside of the methods. We decided, in phase 1, to port to MixJuice without changing methods as much as possible, and after we confirmed the behavior, in phase 2, to make changes the contents of the methods. We made the decision because we can't confirm the behavior during porting to MixJuice.
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use specification modules to rearrange complicated dependencies of classes and modules |
Specification modules are helpful for untangling and understanding complicated dependencies among classes and/or modules. Interfaces relatively often belong to a single module. On the contrary, implementations in methods often belong to multiple modules. Because of the fact, it is difficult to divide modules if they contain implementation. We, thus, separated specification modules and implementation modules first, and divided specification modules into smaller pieces. The step made changes on the method implementations as small as possible, and we could avoid introducing bugs. |
When the number of classes in modules became bigger, the length of argument passed to mjjavac during execution of mjc exceeded the limit of Windows command line, and it made compilation impossible. Since Windows JDK's javac has a function to read command line arguments from a file, we changed mjtools.jar to use the function to avoid the problem; the names of files for compilation are written to a temporary file and passed to javac as "@temporary_filename".
If a block has extremely many statement as shown in example 1, at the mjc preprocess stage, stack overflow arises. We suspect the cause of it is that epp does not process them as loop but as recursion, or that there does not come to reduce but continues to shift. The class having 400 methods has been successfully compiled, the problem seems to emerge with a specific scope having so many elements.
example 1. long flat block
{ hoge(0); hoge(1); hoge(2); // ... hoge(100); }
The problem can be avoided by sectioning the block at a point where name space can be divided without any problems as shown in example 2.
example 2. sectioning long flat block
{ { hoge(0); hoge(1); // ... hoge(50); } { hoge(51); // ... hoge(100); } }
When a method is defined as define, exceptions are specified with a throws clause. If the method is overridden in another module(example 3), normally, it is necessary to write try/catch or throws clause for overriding code since there is a possibility of arising exception specified at the throws clause with calling original().
example 3. ignorance of throws
module m { define class MyException extends Exception { define MyException() {} } define class Base { define void func() throws MyException { throw new MyException(); } } define class Derived extends Base { void func() { try { original(); // possibly MyException is thrown } catch (MyException e) { } } } }
However, calling original() is treated, in reality, as the exception specified with throws will never be thrown, and a compile error like the following emerges with try/catch.
m\ exception m.MyException is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement super.m_func(); } catch ( ^
To avoid the error, we wrote dummy throw statement to overriding code as follows:
try { original(); if (false) throw new MyException(); // dummy } catch (MyException e) { }
A part of Java interfaces can not be implemented on MixJuice (see on the page of "known bugs and workaround" at MixJuice site). To work around the problem, it is necessary to create a class implementing the interface in Java, and to do extends the class in MixJuice. In the case, however, that the class in Java already has a parent class, since Java prohibits multiple inheritance, it is necessary to do extends the parent class.
In the current porting project, Subgraph needs implement java.util.Comparator. We, then, prepared a Java class ComparatorWrapper implementing java.util.Comparator. As shown in figure 1The Structure of Grappa, however, Subgraph already has the parent class Element, we made Element change to do extends ComparatorWrapper. This caused that all descendants of Element to implement java.util.Comparator, and it means the equivalence between original and ported program was lost.
Sometimes NullPointerException is arose from unknown reasons. The conditions we could observe were:
The problems were usually solved with renaming modules or doing define problematic class constructors at higher level of inheritance hierarchy. Since the names of modules which had the problem had somewhat general names like panel.impl, parser, or demo, it is suspected that there should be naming conflicts. We avoided the problem with moving the constructor of GrappaPannel to, renaming parser module to grappaparser module, etc..
There existed the cause of NullPointerException resolved by adding a normally unnecessary cast from child class to parent class; the constructor of DemoFrame in
If a class with $ in its name is referred from two different modules, it causes an error at the link stage.
module dollar1 { define class doll$doll { define doll$doll() {} } class SS { doll$doll d = null; void main(String[] args) { d = new doll$doll(); } } } module dollar2 extends dollar1 { class SS { void main(String[] args) { original(args); d = new doll$doll(); } } }
The error message is as following:
java.lang.LinkageError: duplicate class definition: dollar1/_Dummy_dollar1_doll$doll
The solution is to stop using $ if the class is MixJuice class. If the class is Java class (remember that inner classes of Java have $ in their names), one must create a class named without $ inheriting the named with $, and use the inherited class in MixJuice. (We are experiencing difficulty without inheriting it in MixJuice again, but it can be caused by CLASSPATH.)
If there is a module inheritance tree such as module b inheriting module a. It is highly probable that recompilation of module b is required when module a has been changed. Sometimes, besides the recompilation, deletion of eppout directory is required.
It is impossible to create a module in MixJuice having the same name with a Java module. It can be solved by renaming one of them.
To resolve ambiguous names, the notation FQN[moduleName::simpleName] is used. However, the names of classes and/or interfaces must have moduleName.simpleName to be compiled, and it is inconsistent with FQN notation of member names.
module M { define class A {} define interface I {} } module M1 extends M { class A implements I {} } module M2 extends M { class A implements I {} } module M3 extends M1, M2 { }
As in the example above, the multiple inheritance of module (module M3) from multiple modules (module M1, M2) in which a same interface (interface I) is added to a class (class A) causes the following runtime error:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Repetitive interface name
First of all, it is unclear whether it is correct in MixJuice syntax that an implementation interface is added to a class in submodules.
module m { define class Base { } } module m1 extends m { class Base { define void f() {} } class Base { define void g() {} } }
As in the example above, defining the same name classes having different methods in a module cause a compile error.
Preprocessing phase. m.Base:(id f) define void f() {} ^ java.lang.Error: MJC: FATAL ERROR : m.Base:(id f)
First of all, there is no need to write the same class separately in a module, it seems incorrect description in MixJuice syntax. It is not a problem if the error message is appropriate.
On the other hand, the following example shows that if they have the methods of the same name, the code can be compiled and executed. The result of execution is "FOO" only, and it seems that only the latter f() is effective. In such cases, error should be the result.
module m { define class Base { define Base() {} } } module m1 extends m { class Base { define void f() {System.out.println("FOOx");} } class Base { define void f() {System.out.println("FOO");} } class SS { void main(String[] str) { (new Base()).f(); } } }
When a normally compiled program is executed, sometimes it stops with java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError. The error emerges in the case that the order of static initialization is important. In the example below, the exception is arose if Grappa.DICT is initialized after Grappa.self is initialized, but the example code does not cause the exception. We think that the phenomenon appears when the order of initialization is reversed as the result of module linearization. Simpler example can not be detected, though we tried.
module att.grappa { define class Grappa { static final Grappa self = new Grappa(); define Grappa () {} } } module att.grappa.base extends att.grappa { class Grappa { static java.util.Map DICT = new java.util.HashMap(); } } module att.grappa.attribute extends att.grappa.base { class Grappa { Grappa () { original(); DICT.get(""); } } } module m.all extends att.grappa.attribute { class SS { void main(String[] args) { Grappa x = Grappa.self; System.out.println("ok"); } } }
Since the porting to MixJuice have a lot of stereotyped tasks, the errors are accordingly stereotyped. Here we show especially frequent error messages.
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There are two define's for the same class |
---|---| MJ: Ambiguous class name "GrappaPanel" is used at module panel.impl This error is arose if there are two define's for the same class. The error message is too hard to understand, so we note here. |
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There are two define's for the same method |
---|---| MJ: Reference to prepPatchWork(java.lang.String, int) of att.grappa.Subgraph is ambiguous. : findMethodInfo: More than one MethodInfo found. java.lang.Error: MJC: FATAL ERROR : findMethodInfo: More than one MethodInfo found. Both error can be arose if there are two define's for the same methods. Comparing the problematic method declaration and the invocation of the method, if the declaration is detected earlier by preprocessor the former message appears, the invocation the latter. The former message is harder to understand, so we note here. It is emerged in the case that define is attached to the method which is already defined in the parent class like equals method. |
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The class has no define |
---|---| MJ: No class definition of GrappaPanel found. Probably, missing "define" for it, missing "extends" declaration or misspelling. This is caused if the class has no define. |
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The method has no define |
---|---| MJ: In att.grappa.GrappaPanel at module panel.impl : Definition-method does not have "define" . : addGrappaListener This is caused if the method has no define. |
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Assignment to a final field fails in constructor |
subgraph/impl/ cannot assign a value to final variable subgraph_impl_self ((subgraph.impl._Delta_subgraph_impl_SubgraphEnumerator)(Object)(this)).subgraph_impl_self = (((subgraph.impl._Delta_subgraph_impl_SubgraphEnumerator)(Object)(this)).subgraph_impl_root = (self)); ^ If the error message has final, not limited to this case, the final must be removed. |
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static final variable is referred without class name qualification in constant context |
panel/impl/ constant expression required case ((att.grappa._Delta_att_grappa_GCElementType)(Object)(this)).att_grappa_SUBGRAPH : Qualify static final variable with the class name. |
By the works above, we succeeded, as a first step, to port Grappa to MixJuice. The next step is to refactor in order to make the program more natural and more maintainable as a MixJuice program.
The followings are the contents of the refactoring and the knowledge obtained from it.
The dump function is the function to dump the structure of a graph with dot format. Here are the original Java code's class diagram and layered class diagram of the MixJuice code after refactoring.
Though the functions to output in dot format, which is used to describe the graph structure in Grappa, are scattered across modules att.grappa.element.impl, att.grappa.node.impl, att.grappa.graph.impl, att.grappa.subgraph.impl, and att.grappa.edge.impl, they belong to the same aspect. According to the idea, we created a module named att.grappa.dump, and moved dot format output functions into it. att.grappa.dump inherits all of att.grappa.element.impl, att.grappa.node.impl, att.grappa.graph.impl, att.grappa.subgraph.impl, and att.grappa.edge.impl.
In each of att.grappa.element.impl, att.grappa.node.impl, att.grappa.graph.impl, att.grappa.subgraph.impl, and att.grappa.edge.impl modules, the dump functions occupy large parts of the code, and the readability of each modules decreased by the functions. Since we could collect the dump function into the att.grappa.dump module, the maintainability of each module increased. Moreover, since the module att.grappa.dump contains only the dump functions, it has become possible not to inherit the module if a client does not use the functions.
Here shows the class diagram of the original Java code and layered class diagram of the MixJuice code after refactoring, concerning the activity below.
In the module, there was a method named updateText, which parses an attribute held as a String and sets it to a member. The method was called when the Observable has been changed in order to refresh the state of class Nexus. The task of parsing the attribute string is highly specialized and complex, the mixture with other code made the readability of the module decreased.
Then, we abstracted the process of parsing the attribute string from the module, and separated into a new module inheriting As a result, the readability of the module has been improved, and tracing the process of parsing attribute string has become easier.
As explained in the paragraphs above, though the separation of specification module and implementation module is completed and they are settled in an appropriate aspect, if the size is too large or if a highly specialized code occupies the large part of the code, it is possible to increase the maintainability by dividing the module into smaller units. Of course, the effect can be expected only in restricted cases. For an extreme example, separating all methods into modules results merely harmful.
Here shows the class diagram of the original Java code and layered class diagram of the MixJuice code after refactoring, concerning the activity below.
Since the classes GrappaBox, GrappaSize, GrappaPoint are required from wide range of various modules, each implementation is defined individually near the modules requiring it. They are, however, the basic utility classes of geometrical information, and they do not have the deep relationship with such modules. We created att.grappa.geom module at very high level of the module inheritance hierarchy, and integrate the classes into it.
This made the maintainability of the modules to which the classes had belonged increased, and made clear not at the comment level but at the language level that the three classes are the group of basic classes for geometrical information. It is sometimes possible, contrary to the previous section, to make maintainability increased by arranging the same kind of classes into a module.
As explained above, there is no general principle to separate a module, to integrate modules, or not to do both. Therefore, the decision must be make case by case considering trade-off, and the possibility of choice of appropriate separation by cases is a great merit of MixJuice. Actually, comparing the original Java Grappa restricted to one class per one file and the Grappa ported to MixJuice, Java Grappa has 48 files from the minimum 34 lines to the maximum 2547 lines and MixJuice Grappa has 22 files from the minimum 311 lines to the maximum 2785 lines. The variance of translation unit sizes is smaller for MixJuice Grappa, and it appears that appropriate module division can be done with MixJuice.
As stated in the section Classification of Constants, We have classified the constants in the interface GrappaConstants into some interfaces at the Java stage.
In MixJuice, it is possible to control whether a constant can be referable or not by combinations of classes (interfaces) and modules. Therefore, instead of using multiple interfaces as we had done in Java, we declared all constants in the interface GrappaConstants (note that the constants were classified by modules). In the refactoring process in MixJuice, constants common to Grappa in the module att.grappa.constants, and each domain constant in the modules att.grappa.constants.highlightSettings, att.grappa.constants.attributes, att.grappa.constants.shapes, and att.grappa.constants.elementTypes are declared to be in the interface GrappaConstants.
By the divided declarations, the usages of each constant became clearer, and the maintainability of the source code is increased. We consider that the description by module division is more precise than the description by inheritance in the object-oriented sense. As just described, the module mechanism of MixJuice is appropriate in the cases of dividing class of independent constants into modules. (On the other hand, there are more than a little complicated cases, we will state, in which it is difficult to express with the mechanism.)
The class GrappaSupport was a class consisted of only static methods, providing widely necessary functions, functions hard to belong in a specified class (such as required by two classes of neighboring domains), and so on. We created the module in higher layer of the inheritance tree at an early stage of porting MixJuice, and placed the class in. The methods only used locally but placed in GrappaSupport because of hardness to find the class to fit were moved to more appropriate lower layer modules.
As a result, the methods from GrappaSupport have distributed in very large number of modules, and the class has become hard to specify the positions of its method definitions. For a person who does not grasp the entire project, it has become hard to find the method definitions. The problem will be able to be relaxed with a good code browser, but never solved completely, and in the current situation without such a tool the problem is still big.
A solution can be giving different symbol names to GrappaSupport classes of each domain. For example, the function used only in grappaparser can be moved to a newly defined class GrappaParserSupport. The solution, however, inevitably brings the increase of small classes. Moreover, a number of functions in GrappaSupport are considered to be used from other modules in future, it will not be a quite hopeful solution.
As just described, utility classes to be used from anywhere are considered that it is better for maintainability not to distribute their methods in various modules but to pack them in a module where the classes are done define. In the case of the class GrappaSupport, it is considered that moving all methods back to is the most appropriate way. Then, all methods are publicly available to almost all modules, but it does not matter because they are utility methods.
In actual situations, the solution above and the solutions according to the situation (moving a part of functions to an appropriate class, for example) should be combined to solve the problems. In the refactoring of this time, the solution has not been realized, but we could recognize the module division of large utility class is a hard problem.
Here are the class diagram of original Java code and the layered class diagram of MixJuice code after refactoring, concerning this section.
The class GrappaPanel in the module att.grappa.panel.impl was a big class equipped all of MVC. Since it obscured the code of user interface, we separated the part implementing *Listener methods and moved it to the module att.grappa.ui. The result gave the clear meaning to att.grappa.ui, which had had only an unclear meaning, that it has responsibility to C of MVC (controller, literally), it also reversed the inheritance relation between the modules att.grappa.panel.impl and att.grappa.ui. (CVStag: FIX_8 see section Refactoring Process)
At this stage, because the class GrappaPanel declared in the module att.grappa.panel.impl had to override the *Listener methods, it implements the *Listener interfaces. The module att.grappa.panel.impl was, however, the module for model and view of MVC, it was unnatural to import the packages including *Listener interfaces; such as java.awt.event.* etc.. Then, we defined a new class GrappaPanelControl implementing *Listener interfaces and having the role of controller, and moved it to att.grappa.ui, to make the module att.grappa.panel.impl to be independent from java.awt.event.* etc.. (CVStag: FIX_9 see section Refactoring Process)
The following is a simplified model of the refactoring. the module view is corresponding att.grappa.panel.impl and the model control att.grappa.ui.
// before FIX_8 module view { define class View extends JFrame implements SomeListener { define View() { // initialize... addSomeListener(this); } void handleSomeEvent(SomeEvent ev) { // handling... } } }
// after FIX_8 module view { define class View extends JFrame implements SomeListener { define View() { // initialize... addSomeListener(this); } } } module control { class View { handleSomeEvent(SomeEvent ev) { // handling... } } }
// after FIX_9 module view { define class View extends JFrame { define View() { // initialize... } } } module control { define Control implements SomeListener { View view; define Control(View view) { this.view = view; } handleSomeEvent(SomeEvent ev) { view.updateView(...); } } class View { Control control; View() { original(); addSomeListener(control); } define updateView(...) { // ... } } }
In the refactoring process, the separation of specification modules and implementation modules always brought us good results.
The first merit of separating specification modules and implementation modules is it enables to minimize the number of dependent modules of a specification modules. If the specification and the implementations are in the same module, one must extend the modules required for implementations, or writing the contents of methods. By separating specification and implementation into different modules, it is possible to limit the dependent module for the specification modules to ones required for resolving types appearing on interfaces. As a result, the information hiding is efficiently realized.
In the following example, the modules mod1 and mod2 are specification modules. They, mod1 and mod2, are independent at interface (specification) level. On the other hand, at implementation level (in module mod12.impl), method1 and method2 depend on each other.
module mod0 { define class Grappa { define Grappa() {} define boolean isX() { return false; } } } module mod1 extends mod0 { class Grappa { define abstract void method1(); } } module mod2 extends mod0 { class Grappa { define abstract void method2(); } } module mod extends mod1 { class SS { void main(String[] args) { Grappa g = new Grappa(); g.method1(); } } } module mod12.impl extends mod1, mod2 { class Grappa { void method1() { System.out.println("method1"); method2(); } void method2() { System.out.println("method2"); if (isX()) method1(); } } }
Without separation of specification modules and implementation modules, the interface of mod2 is visible from a client of mod1 (module mod).
The second merit of separating specification modules and implementation modules is the decrease in compilation time. Because in compilation of a client module using an interface of a specification module only the specification module is needed to be referred, the compilation speeds up. In addition, when an implementation module is changed, there is no need to recompile client modules, but only the recompilation of the implementation module is necessary. As a consequence, the time to build the program is significantly decreased.
Though the merit like this is also obtainable using the Java interface, we could recognize that the merit can be obtained by generalizing the idea to modules.
For analyzing the refactoring process afterwards, we tagged on the source in CVS at each turning point during the refactoring. The followings are the tags and corresponding refactorings:
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FIX_1(only using revision 1.1) The change of the inheritance base of the module grappaparser |
Since there exists a constructor of the class Graph in the module att.grappa.graph.impl, by declaring abstract constructor in the module att.grappa.base, we made the module grappaparser independent from the module att.grappa.graph.impl. As a result, the module grappaparser became dependent on the modules lexer and att.grappa.attribute. We also changed the file name of the module grappaparser from to |
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FIX_2 The extraction of geometrical classes to att.grappa.geom |
We extracted some geometrical classes GrappaBox, GrappaPoint, etc. in the modules like to the module att.grappa.geom. |
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FIX_3 The change of the inheritance base of the module att.grappa.graph.impl to att.grappa.element.impl |
We changed the module att.grappa.graph.impl inheriting the module att.grappa.subgraph.impl to inherit the module att.grappa.element.impl. |
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FIX_4 The trial of change the inheritance base of the module to att.grappa.element.impl and att.grappa.patchwork |
It seemed that the module did not need to inherit the module att.grappa.edge.impl by nature. We tried to change it instead of inheriting att.grappa.edge.impl to inherit the module att.grappa.element.impl, but the module was referring an implementation of the module att.grappa.edge.impl (direct reference of a field), we suspended the change. |
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FIX_5 Purge of empty method only with asserts. |
Once we had misunderstood compile errors of other cause as errors for abstract methods by define abstract, and had edited the methods as a dummy implementation having only assert false;. We edited back them to abstract methods, except the following case. As we stated in Note on disability to implement Java interfaces on MixJuice, because of the limitation of MixJuice, the class Subgraph had implemented java.util.Comparator interface in Java but the parent class Element instead of Subgraph implemented java.util.Comparator interface in MixJuice. As a side effect, the calls of and have become logically possible, though they are bugs in reality. These methods, thus, has been keeping their contents assert false; as before. |
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FIX_6 Separation of dumping parts of states of each element(see section Separation of Dump Function) |
We moved the methods related to dump distributing in the modules att.grappa.element.impl, att.grappa.node.impl, att.grappa.graph.impl, att.grappa.subgraph.impl, and att.grappa.edge.impl to the module att.grappa.dump. |
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FIX_7 Separation of parsing part of nexus |
We separated the parsing process in nexus into Actually, att.grappa.patchwork had almost nothing with parsing. Instead of it, there are some methods related to dump in att.grappa.patchwork. |
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FIX_8 ui - make panel MVC - part 1(see Support for MVC Implementation by Module Mechanism) |
We made att.grappa.panel.impl responsible to M and V, att.grappa.ui to C. According to the change, while ui had inherited panel before the refactoring step, att.grappa.panel.impl has been inheriting att.grappa.ui. At the same time, a higher module att.grappa.panel.impl also has been changed to inherit |
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FIX_9 ui - make panel MVC - part 2(see Support for MVC Implementation by Module Mechanism) |
In part 1, the class GrappaPanel was responsible to both V and C, the declaration time of the class GrappaPanel, it was required to do implements *Listener interfaces. Consequently, it was necessary to import the modules related to events for att.grappa.panel.impl. To avoid the problem, we introduced a new class GrappaPanelControl which inherit the *Listener interfaces of GrappaPanel and to which the role to register callbacks moves. |
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FIX_10 Removal of unnecessary code |
We removed unnecessary code and updated the build file. |
In this section, we will explain how to compile Grappa ported to MixJuice.
Expanding the attached mjGrappa.jar with jar command results a directory named mjGrappa including source under it. $MJGRAPPA denotes the mjGrappa directory.
% jar xvf mjGrappa.jar % cd mjGrappa % MJGRAPPA=$PWD
The following is the list of files:
figure 1. list of files
directory | contents |
src/jdk1.2 | Java Grappa after refactoring |
src/jdk1.2/java_cup | a part of source code above used also from MixJuice ported Grappa |
DEMO/jdk1.2 | demo programs written in Java |
javawrap | Java classes unusable directly from MixJuice or implementations of interfaces | | DEMO/jdk1.2 directory demos ported to MixJuice |
other *.java's | Grappa ported to MixJuice |
build.xml | build file to build and/or run Grappa ported to MixJuice |
Here shows the module structure of Grappa after ported to MixJuice.
Create a file named in $MJGRAPPA including the following contents according to your environment.
MJ_EXT=.cmd (1) JAVA_EXT=.exe (2) JAVA_HOME=C:\opt\j2sdk1.4.2 (3) MJ_HOME=C:\Program Files\mj (4)
On the environment where ant can be run, do as the following:
% ant
Do as the following:
% ant run
If the window like the following picture appears, it runs correctly.
The original Grappa enables anti-aliasing, but on porting MixJuice we disabled anti-aliasing. The reason is the following. To enable anti-aliasing it is required to use some constants of java.awt.RenderingHints.Key type like java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON, and it forces us to care about the problem explained in section The Classes with $ in Their Names of chapter Porting We decided to omit the care and to comment out the part since the problem is not so influential.
Currently, we don't see any other problems.
In this chapter, we will give the knowledges and discussions from the tasks including the phase 2. The phase 1 was merely a thoughtless porting to MixJuice, and it could not use the potential of MixJuice. In the phase 2, we refactored the source to get the merit of MixJuice, and could get some knowledge to be given here.
With the current MixJuice, it is hard to create reusable modules, but, in some sense, it is possible to divide into maintainable units. The form of reuse to which MixJuice aims is considered to be likely with mixin, but it seems hard to reuse as mixin from the two reasons below.
The first reason is that, as it is mentioned in MixJuice FAQ, a difference is only applicable to a specific class. For example, assuming that there is a linked list module, it is not possible to apply the module to multiple classes. We hope that a difference could be applied to various classes like a Java interface is implemented to various classes, then a module will become more reusable.
The second reason is that it can not be specified whether a certain module should be applied or not with each instantiation, and the application influences the whole program. (Is it the case of 'I want to use in an application both existing class hierarchy and extended class hierarchy' in the FAQ?) For example, if there is a class DomNode in a module m and we extend it in a module m2, we sometimes need both instances; one applied m2 and one not applied m2.
From the discussion above we conclude that the current difference-based module mechanism of MixJuice is better to ease the extension of existing program or to divide some complex class collaborations into simpler collaborations than to increase productivity reusing the modules. In other words, it is literally good for development based on difference (not reuse).
We classify the forms of reuse below. The mixin we stated here is supposed as equivalent to Self('s mixin (described in The Self Programmer's Reference Manual 3.2.3 Mixins)
In this section, we will discuss the maintainability from the view point of easiness to fix bugs and to change for function extension.
About the change at the source code level, it is simply necessary to fix bugs if there are bugs. There is no distinction between MixJuice and Java, in the case. Suppose there be the following program. The implementation of the method Job.execute() is wrong, and the correct behavior is to print "no bug".
example 1. original source
module mod { define class Job { define abstract Job(); define abstract void execute(); } } module mod.impl extends mod { class Job { Job(){} define void enter() {} define void leave() {} void execute(){ enter(); System.out.println("bug"); leave(); } } } module m.all extends mod { class SS { void main(String[] args) { Job job = new Job(); job.execute(); } } }
To fix the bug, it is natural to correct the string "bug" in the original source to "no bug". Therefore, if the correction of original source is possible, it is not preferable to fix bug by adding the new module like the following:
module mod.impl.fix extends mod.impl { class Job { void execute(){ enter(); System.out.println("no bug"); leave(); } } }
In the case that the original source can not be changed, the addition of the module mod.impl.fix above fixes the bug. However, the correctness of the implementation of the module mod.impl.fix depends on the fact the original code is available. If the original source is hidden, it is dangerous to replace the method with the module mod.impl.fix. In addition, if the original source is publicly available, it is usually possible to correct the original source.
On the other hand, if the reason to modify the code is not for bug fixes but for extensions or customizes to a specific needs, the difference based module of MixJuice is very useful. There is no reason to preserve the code for a bug, and it is preferable to change the original source code with a bug. In contrast, in case of extensions for a specific needs or so, while modification is required, there is a reason to preserve the original code. Usual way to carry out it is by branching the source code or by conditional compilation, but MixJuice can deal with it as addition of modules. The maintainability of branched versions or sources with many conditional compilation is rather low.
To extend the previous example 1 to print "extension" instead of "bug", modify the module mod.impl at first as the following:
module mod.impl extends mod { class Job { Job(){} define void enter() {} define void leave() {} define void doIt() { // method extraction System.out.println("bug"); } void execute(){ enter(); doIt(); // call of the extracted method leave(); } } }
then, add the following module:
module mod.impl.ext extends mod.impl { class Job { void doIt(){ System.out.println("extension"); } } }
In object-oriented programming, by creating subclasses, it is possible to make extension as similar to the module addition. There are, however, advantages gained by MixJuice module addition.
table 2. advantages of MixJuice for extension
merit | contents |
instantiation | Extending with subclassing, the points of instantiation must be changed. The extension is predictable, the instantiations can be localized with, for example, factory method. Otherwise, many points should be modified. Using MixJuice module can, without influencing instantiations, change the behavior, if the arguments of constructors remain the same. |
extension of classes other than most derived | Extending classes with derived classes by subclassing requires a lot of changes in the original code. On the other hand, by using MixJuice module extending classes other than most derived is also easy. |
putting extended parts together | When an extension needs changes of multiple classes, MixJuice can group them by describing the changes of each class in a module. This makes easy to understand the relationship of the changes of classes and to maintain them. |
As stated above, MixJuice can extend methods with method addition, but using the function too much makes readability decreased and traceability in debugging harder. In Java, sometimes a process is fragmented in parent and child classes. In the following example, the behavior of the child class when it accept an event can not be understood without reading the methods handle in each of parent and child classes.
// parent class public void handle(Event e) { // ... } // child class public void handle(Event e) { super(e); // ... }
In MixJuice, the fragmentation occurs by not only the class inheritances but also module inheritances. It means that the module mechanism increases the maintainability to some degree, but decreases if it is used too much. We conclude that the appropriate use of MixJuice difference-based module enables to manage the extensions, which must be in multiple source branches in Java, in the easily maintainable unit.
In addition, concerning the maintainability, the documentation is an important part. The informations needed for maintenance are the difference-based module provides what kind of difference and the combination of difference-based module results what kind of class. Especially, in the latter case, the documents need be merged as the programs do. In the example below, the semantic interface of the fortune method varies with according to the application of the module mod.ext. Therefore, the way of documentation about interpretation of arguments, exceptions thrown, result, etc. and the system of creating documentation is required.
module mod { define class Fortune { define Fortune() {} /** * Tell fortune. * @return "happy" or "unhappy" */ define String fortune(int seed) { switch (Math.abs(seed % 5)) { case 0: return "happy"; } return "unhappy"; } } } module mod.ext extends mod { class Fortune { /** * Tell fortune. * @return "heartbreak" or "lose money" or {@original} */ String fortune(int seed) { switch (Math.abs(seed % 5)) { case 1: return "heartbreak"; case 2: return "lose money"; } return original(seed); } } } module mod.main extends mod { class SS { void main(String[] str) { Fortune f = new Fortune(); for (int i = -5; i < 6; i++) System.out.println(f.fortune(i)); } } }
The unit of information hiding is considered appropriate, basically. However, the inheritance of a module means inheritance of the name space, the terminal module, which inherit many modules, can be suffered with name collision; as in Java importing java.awt.* and java.util.* causes a collision of List. The collision can be avoided by FQN and it is not fatal, but the numbers get the more, the maintainability of program become the lower. In MixJuice, the name spaces are inherited with rather big units, namely modules, there is a possibility that in a huge program the problem of collisions of names will be critical. Thus, to use MixJuice in a huge project it is required to be easy for developers of lower ability than average level to handle without failure and it is required an safety device like limitation.
The unit of information hiding is appropriate, but the unit is module , and the module is also a unit of dividing interfaces with aspect and a unit of extending a program. The module has, as stated above, various roles, and the appropriate division of modules can vary with the roles. For example, we divide Java program into modules with hiding information and at the same time according to the aspects.
package test; public class Sample { public static Sample createSample() { return new SampleImpl(); } protected Sample() { } /* aspect A */ public void methodA() { methodAut(); } private void methodAut() { } /* aspect B */ public void methodB() { } } class SampleImpl extends Sample { SampleImpl() { super(); } }
First of all, considering information hiding requires at least three layered modules for public, protected, private (here we ignore the package scope). Then, considering aspects requires to divide specification modules also into three as AandB, A and B. As a consequence, there must be 6 modules; 6 is not from 3+3, it can be 7 or more.
module m { // specification module common to aspect A,B define class SampleFactory { define SampleFactory() {} define abstract Sample createSample(); } define class Sample { } } module mA extends m { // specification module for aspect A class Sample { define abstract void methodA(); } } module mB extends m { // specification module for aspect B class Sample { define abstract void methodB(); } } module m.protect extends mA, mB { // specification module for implementer of subclass of Sample class Sample { define abstract Sample(); } } module m.sub extends m.protect { // implementation module for SampleImpl define class SampleImpl extends Sample { define SampleImpl() { super(); } } } module m.impl extends m.sub { // implementation module for Sample class SampleFactory { Sample createSample() { return new SampleImpl(); } } class Sample { Sample() { } define void methodAut() { } void methodA() { methodAut(); } void methodB() { } } }
As in the example, using modules for various usages segments modules. Too much segmentation makes program hard to maintain. It is possible to use module as the unit of information hiding, but it is rather realistic to use other methods (using access specifier public etc., for example) for the purpose. It also eases to think about module division with reducing the things to be considered.
MixJuice is the best at the division into functional units, and the difference-based module offers advantages. At the time of porting Grappa, we added:
Since the task was a porting Grappa from the original Java implementation, it is appropriate to call it separation rather than extension, but anyway, it is possible to extend by functional unit.
In addition, because the units of extension are not classes or interfaces but modules collecting multiple classes and interfaces, the whole extended functions can be easily grasped.
Grappa has some implementations that there are several functions (aspects) in each method. It is a situation commonly seen. There are also many cases that a method interface lie across several aspects. We will give some discussions about such cases.
As shown in the picture below, in the case where the class Z has the method A belonging to the aspect A, the method C belonging to the aspect C, and the method B positioning in between A and C, it is difficult to decide how to divide them into modules. Generally, a class is not made as a unit of aspect, the real programs is often with the case. Moreover, if this kind of overwraps appears here and there, the code seems in state of deadlock, we feel suffering from how to divide into modules.
If the method B depends both aspect A and C for implementation, it is solvable by division into a specification module and an implementation module. However, the method B as interface positioning in between aspect A and C, The solution can be one of the followings:
For the development of a framework, strict module division like 1 seems preferable. On the other hand, for much of application development, strict module division (and Java packaging, too) has less important meaning, and it is realistic to choose not to divide like 2 rather than spending time for module division.
In the porting, the method createElement of the class Subgraph is one of the ambiguous methods hard to decide to which module it should belong. The reason is the following:
table 3. The reason why the createElement method is ambiguous which module it should be in
module | the reason to be in the module |
att.grappa.attribute | The method has an argument of type Attribute, automatically it can belong to the module collecting operations of attributes. |
att.grappa.base | Considering the function of the method (appending graph elements to a subgraph), it is not the operation of attributes but a characteristic function of the class Subgraph. If we put importance on it, the method should belong to the module collecting core methods representing graph structure. |
att.grappa.ui | The method is called only from the method related to UI, and it would mean the method is only needed for realization of UI. In such cases, the method should belong to the module. |
It is possible to employ separate compilation, but it requires advanced build system. For example, we consider the case of 1 module per 1 source file. There is the dependency that parent modules must be compiled before child modules, only the build systems which understands the inheritance relations of module (or source file) can compile in the required order. As a result, for safety, all source files are recompiled. On the other hand, to understand the inheritance relations of modules, it is paradoxically necessary to compile them.
To solve the problem, it needs to prepare an IDE which always grasp the dependency relations between modules and minimize the compilation time. Another solution can be obtained by making a path to grasp the dependency relations before build, like makedepend and make used in compiling X window.
In addition, separating specification modules and implementation modules minimize the necessity of recompilations.
The merit that it is possible to select modules on run time is worth mentioning. For example, you can use it as the following:
If one can suppose to divide into specification modules and implementation modules, it is possible to divide tasks according to the modules. Otherwise, the recompilations of derived submodules are required each time the implementation is changed, it is difficult to share the work (or to develop simultaneously).
In usual application development is carried out in two orthogonal axes.
Creating base modules from the implementations of architecture side and creating submodules for each application functions seems to make the division of application development smooth; the division according to the functional units of the application. For example, to create DataAccessObject for accessing a database, the following code make the partition of development easy:
module dao { define class DAO { define void open() { //... } define java.sql.Connection getConnection() { // ... return null; } define void commit() { //... } define void rollback() { //... } define void close() { //... } } } module dao.addUser extends dao { class DAO { define void addUser(java.util.Map userData) { //... } } } module extends dao { class DAO { define void buy(int userId, int productId, int amount) { //... } } }
In this example, the module dao should be developed first as the application architecture, then each person responsible to an application function implements the function as the submodules; dao.addUser or As we seen, the difference-based module of MixJuice adapt to the typical development style and make it possible to develop applications in natural pattern.
![]() | Copyright(C) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). All rights reserved. |
Last updated:
$Date: 2003/12/26 04:16:52 $