- Akira Tezuka and Osamu Okuda, An Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the Finite Element Method(Trial by the r-method),JSME Int. J.,Vol. 31, No. 1, (1988), pp.50-55
- Akira Tezuka, A Development of Automatic Mesh Generator with Arbitrary Geometry-based Input Description, MS. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan, (1989)
- Nnbuki Yukawa, Noboru Kikuchi and Akira Tezuka, An Adaptive Remeshing Method for Analys is of Metal Forming Processes, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1990, Vol.4, (1990), pp.1719-1728
- Akira Tezuka, Adaptive Remeshing Process with Quadrangular Finite Element, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 15, No. 3/4, (1992), pp.185-201
- Akira Tezuka, New Approaches on Automatic Mesh Generation and Automatic Mesh Adaptations for 2D/3D Finite Element Analysis,Ph.D Thesis, Univ. of Tokyo, (1993)
- Noboru Kikuchi and Akira Tezuka, Adaptive Finite Element Methods and its Applications, Geometry and Optimization for Structural Design (Ed. S. Kodiyalam and M. Saxena), (1994), Elsevier, pp177-250
- Matthew R. Jones, Akira Tezuka and Yukio Yamada, Thermal Tomographic Methods, J. of MEL, Vol.49, No.1, (1995), pp.32-43
- Akira Tezuka, 2D Mesh Generation Scheme for Adaptive Remeshing Process in FEM, JSME Int. J., Vol.39, No. 2A, (1996),pp.204-215
- Matthew R. Jones, AKira Tezuka and Yukio Yamada, Thermal Tomographic Detection of Inhomogeneities, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Trans., Vol. 117, No.4, (1995), pp.969-975
- Akira Tezuka , Adaptive Space-Time GLS FEM with Direct Projection for 2D Advection-Diffusion Problem, Int. J Comp. Fluid Dynamics, 12, (1999), pp.214-248
- Akira Tezuka,Se Ho Kim and Hoon Huh, Process Parameter Design in Sheet Stamping Processes with Rigid-plastic
Finite Element Analysis, Transaction of JSCES, paper 20000011, (2000)
- Akira Tezuka and Kiyoshi Matsubara, Development of Common Software Platform on Parallel
Computations for Discretized Numerical Schemes and its Application to Fluid
FEA, Pre-Conference Proceedings of Sixth Japan-US International Symposium
on Flow Simulation and Modeling, p131-134, 2002
- Akira Tezuka, Arbitrary h-adaptive FEM with Improved Blending Functions, Proceedings
of CJK-OSM 2, pp.815-820, 2002
- Il Yong Kim and Akira Tezuka, Optimization and numerical flow analysis of a valveless micropump, JSME
Int. J., Vol.46,No.2, pp.772-778, 2003
- Akira Tezuka, Junichi Matsumoto and Kiyoshi Matsubara, Development of Common Software
Platform on Parallel Computations for Discretized Numerical Schemes and
its Application to Finite Element Fluid Dynamics, International Journal
of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18 (4), pp. 347-354, 2004
- Akira Tezuka, Junichi Matsumoto, Takeshi Suzuki and Kiyoshi Matsubara, A Platform for
Parallel CFD FEM Computations, International Journal of Computational Fluid
Dynamics, 19 (3), pp. 235-242, 2005
- Akira Tezuka, "Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods (Chap. 19)",
Springer Handbook of Materials Measurement Methods, Czichos, Horst; Saito, Tetsuya; Smith, Leslie (Eds.), Springer, ISBN:
3-540-20785-6, 2006, pp.973-1000
- Tomohiro Sawada, Shogo Nakasumi, Akira Tezuka(CA), Gaku Fukishima, Yuichi Yoshizawa, Extended-FEM for the solid-fluid mixture two-scale problems with BCC and FCC microstructures、Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics; An International Journal,2-1,pp.45-68、2009/03
- Tomohiro Sawada, Akira Tezuka, High-order Gaussian quadrature in X-FEM with the Lagrange-multiplier
for fluid-structure coupling,Int J. Numer. Meths in Fluids,-,pp.-, 2010/07
- Tomohiro Sawada, Akira Tezuka, LLM and X-FEM based interface modeling of fluid and thin structure interactions
on a non-interface-fitted mesh, Comp. Mech., 48-3, pp.319 -332, 2011/05
- Akira Tezuka, “Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods (Chap. 19)”, Springer Handbook of Metrology and Testing, Czichos, Horst; Saito, Tetsuya; Smith, Leslie (Eds.), (2011), Springer,
ISBN: 3-642-16640-7, pp.1033-1060
- Akira Tezuka and Il Yong Kim, Optimal Shape Design by Adaptive FEM with B-Spline Description, the proceedings of '96 KSME Int. Sessions on Dynamic, Systems and Design, (KSME),(1996), pp.150-
- Akira Tezuka, Adaptive Space-Time GLS FEM for 2D Advection-Diffusion Problem,the proceedings of The Fourth Japan-US Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics, (1998), pp. 115 -118
- Se Ho Kim, Hoon Huh and Akira Tezuka , Process parameter design with finite element analysis and optimization techniques in sheet metal forming processes, proceedings of AFDM99 (International Symposium on Advanced Forming and Die Manufacturing Technology), Vol.1 -1 , (1999), pp513 -518
- Se Ho Kim, Hoon Huh, A. Tezuka, Y. Umedu, N. Ma, Process parameter determination system with finite element analysis in sheet metal forming processes, proceedings of NUMISHEET99 ,Vol.1 -1 , (1999), pp387 -392
- Akira Tezuka and Nobuki Yukawa, Adaptive Finite Element Method with Arbitrary Mesh Refinement, Proceedings of JSST2000, (2000), pp.67-70
- Chihiro Oishi, Akira Tezuka and Naoki Asano,Finite Element Analysis in Combination with Element Free Galerkin Approach for Discontinuous Mesh, Proceedings of JSST2000, (2000), pp.71-74
- Akira Tezuka and Kiyoshi Matsubara, Development of Common Software Platform on Parallel Computations for Discretized Numerical Schemes and its Application to Fluid FEA, Pre-Conference Proceedings of Sixth Japan-US International Symposium on Flow Simulation and Modeling, (2002), pp. 131-134
- Akira Tezuka, Arbitrary h-adaptive FEM with improved blending functions, Proceedings of CJK-OSM 2, (2002), pp.815-820
- Tomohiro Sawada, Shogo Nakasumi, Akira Tezuka, Optimal-design-based 1DCAE in upstream industries for the proposal to
downstream industries, Proceedings of Design Engineering Workshop 2011,
pp.69-72, 2011/11
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