田辺 健(Takeshi Tanabe)
〒305-8566 茨城県つくば市東1-1-1 中央事業所6群
TEL:050-3522-3156 ※2024年3月15日より新しくなりました。
E-mail:t-tanabe (at) aist.go.jp
TEL:050-3522-3156 ※2024年3月15日より新しくなりました。
E-mail:t-tanabe (at) aist.go.jp
JST さきがけ「社会課題を解決する人間中心インタラクションの創出」に採択されました.[LINK]
Eurohaptics 2024で把持型牽引力錯覚デバイスに関する研究を発表し,Best Work In Progress Honorable Mentionを受賞しました.[LINK]
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering誌に牽引力錯覚が弾道的な手首の運動に与える影響を調べた論文が受理されました.[IEEE Xplore]
- Takeshi Tanabe, and Hidekazu Kaneko,
“Illusory Directional Sensation Induced by Asymmetric Vibrations Influences Sense of Agency and Velocity in Wrist Motions,”
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 32, pp.1749-1756, 2024. [IEEE Xplore] - Takeshi Tanabe, Kiyohiko Nunokawa, Kouki Doi, and Shuichi Ino,
“Contribution of Vibration, Tapping Sound, and Reaction Force to Hardness Perception During Indirect Tapping Using a White Cane,”
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol.15, no.2, pp.246-254, 2022. [IEEE Xplore] - Takeshi Tanabe, Kiyohiko Nunokawa, Kouki Doi, and Shuichi Ino,
“Training System for White Cane Technique using Illusory Pulling Cues Induced by Asymmetric Vibrations,”
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 30, pp.203-213, 2022. [IEEE Xplore] - Takeshi Tanabe, Hiroaki Yano, Hiroshi Endo, Shuichi Ino, and Hiroo Iwata,
“Pulling Illusion Based on the Phase Difference of the Frequency Components of Asymmetric Vibrations,”
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, no.1, pp.203-213, 2021. [IEEE Xplore] - Takeshi Tanabe, Hiroaki Yano, and Hiroo Iwata,
“Evaluation of the Perceptual Characteristics of a Force Induced by Asymmetric Vibrations,”
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol.11, no.2, pp.220-231, 2018. [IEEE Xplore]