
羽坂俊一・西村裕一・宝田晋治・高橋裕平・中川 充・斎藤英二・渡辺和明・風早康平・川邊禎久・山元孝広・廣瀬 亘・吉本充宏 (2001)



 Numerous cracks were observed at the northern and western part of the Usu Volcano due to the 2000 eruption. Many echelon-type cracks were found at the northeastern foot of the volcano from March 30. Horizontal displacement, width, and vertical displacement of cracks were measured on March 31, April 1, and April 2. Deformation rates were dramatically decreased after the first eruption from 13:07 on March 31. Twelve targets were selected at the northern foot of the Usu Volcano for theodolite monitoring. The monitoring was started on April 5. Northward horizontal movements in the whole northern foot of the volcano were observed until April 6. Deformation area became smaller and limited to the northwestern part of the volcano until April 10. Horizontal movements at the northwestern foot area were stopped around April 25. Many graben-type normal faults were developed at the center of the uplifting area in the western foot of the volcano. Eight targets were selected in and around the uplifting area for the theodolite monitoring. Uplifting and lateral movements at 500m west of the uplifting center were stopped at the end of June. Uplifting and lateral movements in the uplifting-center area were stopped at the end of July. Uplifting rates at the targets in the uplifting center were 90 cm/day - 30 cm/day during the middle of April and the deformation rate was decreased gradually. Targets in the uplifting center were uplifted ca. 10 m and moved toward west ca. 1 m - 3.5 m by the monitoring from an observation point at the southwestern foot of the volcano.

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