Futahashi's Homepage

last updated 2025.Mar.20
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)
Bioproduction Research Institute(Website
Symbiotic Evolution and Biological Functions Research Group(Website
Chief Senior Researcher
Address: Central 6, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8566, JAPAN
  • 2001 B.Sc. Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 2003 M.Sc. Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 2006 Ph.D. Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Career History
  • 2003-2006 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1), The University of Tokyo
  • 2006-2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 2007-2009 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD), National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS)
  • 2007-2009 Visiting Researcher, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 2009-present Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), tenured April 2014
  • 2003 Heart Prize 2003, Heart Co. Ltd.
  • 2006 Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award, The University of Tokyo
  • 2012 Young Scientist Prize, the Zoological Society of Japan
  • 2014 The Young Scientists' Prize, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • 2014 Young Scientist Initiative Award, Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan
Publication List

Research interest

Evolution, Biochemistry, Developmental biology, Genetics, Entomology (with a particular interest in insect pigmentation.)

Original papers

  • 79) Samways M.J., Córdoba-Aguilar A., Deacon C., Alves-Martins F., Baird I.R.C., Barmentlo S.H., Brasil L.S., Bried J.T., Clausnitzer V., Cordero-Rivera A., Datto-Liberato F.H., De Knijf G., Dolný A., Futahashi R., Guillermo-Ferreira R., Hassall C., Juen L., Khelifa R., Lozano F., Muzón J., Sahlén G., Sánchez Herrera M., Simaika J.P., Stoks R., Suárez-Tovar C.M., Suhling F., Tsubaki Y., Vilenica Y. (2025) Scientists’ warning on the need for greater inclusion of dragonflies in global conservation. Insect Conservation and Diversity in press.
  • 78) Lachat J., Lextrait G., Jouan R., Boukherissa A., Yokota A., Jang S., Ishigami K., Futahashi R., Cossard R., Naquin D., Costache V., Augusto L., Tissieres P., Biondi E.G., Alunni B., Timchenko T., Ohbayashi T., Kikuchi Y., Mergaert P. (2024) Hundreds of antimicrobial peptides create a selective barrier for insect gut symbionts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (25): e2401802121. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2401802121.
  • 77) Keetapithchayakul T.S., Futahashi R., Danaisawadi P., Ignatius K.J., Wongkamhaeng K. (2024) Description of the Larva of Argiocnemis rubescens rubeola Selys, 1877 (Odonata, Coenagrionidae, Agriocnemidinae) from Thailand with Systematic Notes on the Subfamily Agriocnemidinae. Tropical Natural History. 24, 48–59.
  • 76) Natsume H., Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2023) In memoriam Kiyoshi Inoue (29th March 1932–21st May 2023). Odonatologica, 52(3/4): 143-171. DOI: 10.60024/odon.v52i3-4.a1
  • 75) Oishi S., Moriyama M., Mizutani M., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2023) Regulation and remodeling of microbial symbiosis in insect metamorphosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (40) e2304879120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2304879120.
  • 74) Nishida K., Adachi H., Moriyama M., Futahashi R., Hanson P.E., Kondo S. (2023) Butterfly wing color made of pigmented liquid. Cell Reports, 42(8): 112917. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112917.
  • 73) Hu F.-S., Futahashi R. (2023) Molecular phylogenetic analysis and its impact on the conservation of Ischnura rubilio Selys, 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in Taiwan. International Journal of Odonatology, 26: 63–73. DOI: 10.48156/1388.2023.1917031.
  • 72) Sasamoto A., Kotabe A., Takuma Y., Kawashima I., Okude G., Futahashi R. (2022) Description of larva of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister,1839) from Japan, including changes and developments in external morphology (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Tombo, 65: 28-37.
  • 71) Sasamoto A., Cho S., Futahashi R. (2022) Genetic similarity between Paracercion sieboldii and P. v-nigrum, with special reference to the population of Tsushima Island (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Tombo, 65: 21-27.
  • 70) Kalkman V. J., Boudot J-P., Futahashi R., Abbott J. C., Bota-Sierra C. A., Guralnick R., Bybee S., Ware J., Belitz M. W. (2022) Diversity of Palaearctic Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata). Diversity, 14: 966. DOI: 10.3390/d14110966.
  • 69) Nishide Y., Nagamine K., Kageyama D., Moriyama M., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2022) A new antimicrobial peptide, Pentatomicin, from the stinkbug Plautia stali. Scientific Reports, 12(1): 16503. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20427-w.
  • 68) Okude G., Moriyama M., Kawahara-Miki R., Yajima S., Fukatsu T., Futahashi R. (2022) Molecular mechanisms underlying metamorphosis in the most ancestral winged insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(9): e2114773119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2114773119.
  • 67) Sun J., Futahashi R., Yamanaka T. (2021) Improving the accuracy of species identification by combining deep learning with field occurrence records. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 762173. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.762173.
  • 66) Deng J., Assandri G., Chauhan P., Futahashi R., Galimberti A., Hansson B., Lancaster L.T., Takahashi Y., Svensson E.I., Duplouy A. (2021) Wolbachia-driven selective sweep in a range expanding insect species. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21(1): 181. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-021-01906-6.
  • 65) Kompier T., Karube H., Futahashi R., Toan Q. (2021) The genus Planaeschna McLachlan, 1895 and its subgroupings in Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Zootaxa, 5027(1): 1-35. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5027.1.1.
  • 64) Tomihara K., Satta K., Matsuzaki S., Yoshitake K., Yamamoto K., Uchiyama H., Yajima S., Futahashi R., Katsuma S., Osanai-Futahashi M., Kiuchi T. (2021) Mutations in a β-group of solute carrier gene are responsible for egg and eye coloration of the brown egg 4 (b-4) mutant in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 137: 103624. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2021.103624.
  • 63) Takahashi M., Okude G., Futahashi R., Takahashi Y., Kawata M. (2021) The effect of the doublesex gene in body color masculinization of the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Biology Letters, 17: 20200761. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0761.
  • 62) Ogoh K., Futahashi R., Ohmiya Y. (2021) Intraspecific nucleotide polymorphisms in seven complete sequences of mitochondrial DNA of the luminous ostracod, Vargula hilgendorfii (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Gene Reports, 23: 101074. DOI 10.1016/j.genrep.2021.101074.
  • 61) Okude G., Fukatsu T., Futahashi R. (2021) Comprehensive comparative morphology and developmental staging of final instar larvae toward metamorphosis in the insect order Odonata. Scientific Reports, 11: 5164. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-84639-2.
  • 60) Okude G., Fukatsu T., Futahashi R. (2021) Electroporation-mediated RNA interference method in Odonata. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 168: e61952. DOI: 10.3791/61952.
  • 59) Nishide Y., Kageyama D., Tanaka Y., Yokoi K., Jouraku A., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2021) Effectiveness of orally-delivered double-stranded RNA on gene silencing in the stinkbug Plautia stali. PLoS One, 16(1): e0245081. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245081.
  • 58) Sasamoto A., Yanagisawa T., Yokoi N., Zhang H., Souphanthong V., Futahashi R. (2020) The record of dark color form of Merogomphus pavici from Laos (Odonata: Gomphidae). Tombo, 62: 73-76.
  • 57) Okude G., Futahashi R. (2020) Interspecific hybrid between Paracercion sieboldii and P. melanotum from Japan (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Notulae odonatologicae, 9(5): 204-208. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3823261.
  • 56) Okude G., Fukatsu T., Futahashi R. (2020) Interspecific crossing between blue-tailed damselflies Ischnura elegans and I. senegalensis in the laboratory. Entomological Science, 23(2): 165-172. DOI: 10.1111/ens.12408.
  • 55) Nishide Y., Kageyama D., Hatakeyama M., Yokoi K., Jouraku A., Tanaka H., Koga R., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2020) Diversity and function of multicopper oxidase genes in the stinkbug Plautia stali. Scientific Reports, 10(1):3464. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60340-8.
  • 54) Conniff K., Sasamoto A., Futahashi R., Singh Limbu M. (2019) Revision of the status of Anaciaeschna donaldi and A. martini, with allied species, and distributional notes (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Odonatologica, 48(3/4): 265-284. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3539740.
  • 53) Mitani Y., Yasuno R., Futahashi R., Oakley T.H., Ohmiya Y. (2019) Luciferase gene of a Caribbean fireworm (Syllidae) from Puerto Rico. Scientific Reports, 9(1):13015. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-49538-7.
  • 52) Ohbayashi T., Futahashi R., Terashima M., Barriere Q., Lamouche M., Takeshita K., Meng X.Y., Mitani Y., Sone T., Shigenobu S., Fukatsu T., Mergaert P., Kikuchi Y. (2019) Comparative cytology, physiology and transcriptomics of Burkholderia insecticola in symbiosis with the bean bug Riptortus pedestris and in culture. The ISME Journal, 13: 1469–1483. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-019-0361-8.
  • 51) Sasamoto A., Yokoi N., Souphanthong V., Phan Q. T., Futahashi R. (2019) Discovery of a third species of the genus Noguchiphaea Asahina, 1976 – Noguchiphaea laotica sp. n. from Laos (Odonata: Calopterygidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 22(1): 59-71. DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2019.1570875.
  • 50) Futahashi R., Yamahama Y., Kawaguchi M., Mori N., Ishii D., Okude G., Hirai Y., Kawahara-Miki R., Yoshitake K., Yajima S., Hariyama T., Fukatsu T. (2019) Molecular basis of wax-based color change and UV reflection in dragonflies. eLife, 8: e43045. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.43045.
  • 49) Nishide Y., Kageyama D., Yokoi K., Tanaka H., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2019) Functional crosstalk across IMD and Toll pathways: insight into the evolution of incomplete immune cascades. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286: 20182207. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.2207.
  • 48) Mitani Y., Yasuno R., Isaka M., Mitsuda N., Futahashi R., Kamagata Y., Ohmiya Y. (2018) Novel gene encoding a unique luciferase from the fireworm Odontsyllis undecimdonta. Scientific Reports, 8: 12789. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-31086-1.
  • 47) Sasamoto A., Kawashima I., Kompier T., Futahashi R. (2018) Consideration of the taxonomical relationship of Sympetrum speciosum and its subspecies haematoneura based on adult and larval morphology and genetic analyses, with a first record of speciosum from Vietnam and larval description of haematoneura (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Tombo, 60: 79-89.
  • 46) Okude G., Futahashi R., Tanahashi M., Fukatsu T. (2017) Laboratory rearing system for Ischnura senegalensis (Insecta: Odonata) enables detailed description of larval development and morphogenesis in dragonfly. Zoological Science, 34(5): 386-397. DOI: 10.2108/zs170051.
  • 45) Anbustu H., Moriyama M., Nikoh N., Hosokawa T., Futahashi R., Tanahashi M., Meng X. Y., Kuriwada T., Mori N., Oshima K., Hattori M., Fujie M., Satoh N., Maeda T., Shigenobu S., Koga R., Fukatsu T. (2017) Small genome symbiont underlies cuticle hardness in beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(40): E8382–E8391. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1712857114.
  • 44) Hirota B., Okude G., Anbutsu H., Futahashi R., Moriyama M., Meng X. Y., Nikoh N., Koga R., Fukatsu T. (2017) A novel, extremely elongated, and endocellular bacterial symbiont supports cuticle formation of a grain pest beetle. mBio, 8(5): e01482-17. DOI: 10.1128/mBio.01482-17.
  • 43) *Okude G., *Futahashi R., Kawahara-Miki R., Yoshitake K., Yajima S., Fukatsu T. (2017) Electroporation-mediated RNA interference reveals a role of multicopper oxidase 2 gene in dragonfly’s cuticular pigmentation. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 53(3): 379-387. DOI: 10.1007/s13355-017-0489-9. *Equally contributed
  • 42) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2017) What are Bartenev’s (1930) forgotten Japanese species »Gomphus acutus« and »Gomphus excavatus« (Odonata: Gomphidae)? Notulae Odonatologicae, 8(9), 319-325.
  • 41) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R., Kosterin O.E., Malikova E. I. (2017) Note on Othetrum melania (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from Kunashir Island with a reference to its subspecific status. Tombo, 59: 74-76.
  • 40) Nagahata Y., Futahashi R., Tshistjakov Y. A. (2017) New record of Sympetrum darwinianum from Russia. Tombo, 59: 84.
  • 39) Mitani Y., Futahashi R., Liu Z., Liang Z., Ohmiya Y. (2017) Tibetan firefly luciferase with low temperature adaptation. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 93(2): 466-472. DOI: 10.1111/php.12643.
  • 38) Lee J. B., Park K. E., Lee S. A., Eo H. J., Jang H. A., Kim C. H., Ohbayashi T., Matsuura Y., Kikuchi Y., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T., Lee B. L. (2017) Gut symbiotic bacteria stimulate insect growth and egg production by modulating hexamerin and vitellogenin gene expression. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 69:12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.dci.2016.11.019.
  • 37) Kompier T., Futahashi R. (2016) A new subspecies of Orthetrum melania from Vietnam (Odonata: Libellulidae). Tombo, 58: 27-33.
  • 36) Osanai-Futahashi M., Tatematsu K., Futahashi R., Narukawa J., Takasu Y., Kayukawa T., Shinoda T., Ishige T., Yajima S., Tamura T., Yamamoto K., Sezutsu H. (2016) Positional cloning of a Bombyx pink eyed white egg locus reveals the major role of cardinal in ommochrome synthesis. Heredity, 116(2):135-145. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2015.74.
  • 35) Kosterin O.E., Karube H., Futahashi R. (2015) Two new subspecies of Hemicordulia tenera Lieftinck, 1930 (Corduliidae) from Cambodia and Thailand. IDF-Report, 82: 1-19.
  • 34) Futahashi R., Kawahara-Miki R., Kinoshita M., Yoshitake K., Yajima S., Arikawa K., Fukatsu T. (2015) Extraordinary diversity of visual opsin genes in dragonflies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(11): E1247-E1256. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1424670112.
  • 33) Kim J. K., Han S. H., Kim C. H., Jo Y. H., Futahashi R., Kikuchi Y., Fukatsu T., Lee B. L. (2014) Molting-associated supression of symbiont population and up-regulation of antimicrobial activity in the midgut symbiotic organ of the Riptortus-Burkholderia symbiosis. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 43(1):10-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.dci.2013.10.010.
  • 32) Inoue K., Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2013) The true status of Somatochlora taiwana Inoue & Yokota: A genuine species or a synonym of S. dido Needham? (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Odonatologica, 42(4): 325-334.
  • 31) *Suetsugu Y., *Futahashi R., Kanamori H., Kadono-Okuda K., Sasanuma S., Narukawa J., Ajimura M., Jouraku A., Namiki N., Shimomura M., Sezutsu H., Osanai-Futahashi M., Suzuki M.G., Daimon T., Shinoda T., Taniai K., Asaoka K., Niwa R., Kawaoka S., Katsuma S., Tamura T., Noda H., Kasahara M., Sugano S., Suzuki Y., Fujiwara H., Kataoka H., Arunkumar K.P., Tomar A., Nagaraju J., Goldsmith M.R., Feng Q., Xia Q., Yamamoto K., Shimada T., Mita K. (2013) Large scale full-length cDNA sequencing reveals a unique genomic landscape in a lepidopteran model insect, Bombyx mori. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 3(9): 1481-1492. DOI: 10.1534/g3.113.006239. *Equally contributed
  • 30) Mitani Y., Futahashi R., Niwa K., Ohba N., Ohmiya Y. (2013) Cloning and characterization of luciferase from a Fijian luminous click beetle. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 89: 1163-1169. DOI: 10.1111/php.12097.
  • 29) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2013) Taxonomic revision of the status of Orthetrum triangulare and melania group (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) based on molecular phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, with a description of three new subspecies of melania. Tombo, 55: 57-82.
  • 28) Futahashi R., Tanaka K., Tanahashi M., Nikoh N., Kikuchi Y., Lee B.L., Fukatsu T. (2013) Gene expression in gut symbiotic organ of stinkbug affected by extracellular bacterial symbiont. PLoS ONE, 8(5): e64557. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064557.
  • 27) Osanai-Futahashi M., Ohde T., Hirata J., Uchino K., Futahashi R., Tamura T., Niimi T., Sezutsu H. (2012) A visible dominant marker for insect transgenesis. Nature Communications, 3: 1295. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2312.
  • 26) Futahashi R., Kurita R., Mano H., Fukatsu T. (2012) Redox alters yellow dragonflies into red. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(31): 12626-12631. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1207114109. Highlighted in Science, 337: 624 (Aug. 10, 2012).
  • 25) Futahashi R., Shirataki H., Narita T., Mita K., Fujiwara H. (2012) Comprehensive microarray-based analysis for stage-specific larval camouflage pattern-associated genes in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. BMC Biology, 10(1): 46. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7007-10-46.
  • 24) Moriyama M., Koga R., Hosokawa T., Nikoh N., Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2012) Comparative transcriptomics of bacteriome and spermalege of the bedbug Cimex lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 47: 233-243. DOI: 10.1007/s13355-012-0112-z.
  • 23) Futahashi R., Sasamoto A. (2012) Revision of the Japanese species of the genus Rhipidolestes (Megapodagrionidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies, with a special reference of Kyushu-Yakushima population and Taiwan-Yaeyama population. Tombo, 54: 107-122.
  • 22) Karube H., Futahashi R., Sasamoto A., Kawashima I. (2012) Taxonomic revision of Japanese odonate species, based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies and morphological comparison with allied species. Part I. Tombo, 54: 75-106.
  • 21) *Futahashi R., *Tanaka K., Matsuura Y., Tanahashi M., Kikuchi Y., Fukatsu T. (2011) Laccase2 is required for cuticular pigmentation in stinkbugs. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41(3): 191-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2010.12.003. *Equally contributed
  • 20) Terenius O., Papanicolaou A., Garbutt J.S., Eleftherianos I., Huvenne H., Sriramana K., Albrechtsen M., An C., Aymeric J., Barthel A., Bebas P., Bitra K., Bravo A., Chevalier F., Collinge D.P., Crava C.M., de Maagd R.A., Duvic B., Erlandson M., Faye I., Felföldi G., Fujiwara H., Futahashi R., Gandhe A.S., Gatehouse H.S., Gatehouse L.N., Giebultowicz J., Gómez I., Grimmelikhuijzen C.J., Groot A.T., Hauser F., Heckel D.G., Hegedus D.D., Hrycaj S., Huang L., Hull J.J., Iatrou K., Iga M., Kanost M.R., Kotwica J., Li C., Li J., Liu J., Lundmark M., Matsumoto S., Meyering-Vos M., Millichap P.J., Monteiro A., Mrinal N., Niimi T., Nowara D., Ohnishi A., Oostra V., Ozaki K., Papakonstantinou M., Popadic A., Rajam M.V., Saenko S., Simpson R.M., Soberón M., Strand M.R., Tomita S., Toprak U., Wang P., Wee C.W., Whyard S., Zhang W., Nagaraju J., ffrench-Constant R.H., Herrero S., Gordon K., Swevers L., Smagghe G. (2011) RNA interference in Lepidoptera: an overview of successful and unsuccessful studies and implications for experimental design. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57(2): 231-245. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.11.006.
  • 19) Liu C., Yamamoto K., Cheng T.C., Kadono-Okuda K., Narukawa J., Liu S.P., Han Y., Futahashi R., Kidokoro K., Noda H., Kobayashi I., Tamura T., Ohnuma A., Banno Y., Dai F.Y., Xiang Z.H., Goldsmith M.R., Mita K., Xia Q.Y. (2010) Repression of tyrosine hydroxylase is responsible for the sex-linked chocolate mutation of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(29): 12980-12985. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1001725107.
  • 18) *Shirataki H., *Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2010) Species-specific coordinated gene expression and trans-regulation of larval color pattern in three swallowtail butterflies. Evolution and Development, 12(3): 305-314. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-142X.2010.00416.x. *Equally contributed
  • 17) Futahashi R., Banno Y., Fujiwara H. (2010) Caterpillar color patterns are determined by a two-phase melanin gene pre-patterning process: new evidence from tan and laccase2. Evolution and Development, 12(2): 157-167. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-142X.2010.00401.x.
  • 16) Futahashi R., Okamoto S., Kawasaki H., Zhong Y.S., Iwanaga M., Mita K., Fujiwara H. (2008) Genome-wide identification of cuticular protein genes in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 38(12): 1138-1146. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.05.007.
  • 15) The International Silkworm Genome Consortium (including Futahashi R.). (2008) The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 38(12): 1036-1045. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.11.004.
  • 14) *Futahashi R., *Sato J., *Meng Y., Okamoto S., Daimon T., Yamamoto K., Suetsugu Y., Narukawa J., Takahashi H., Banno Y., Katsuma S., Shimada T., Mita K., Fujiwara H. (2008) yellow and ebony are the responsible genes for the larval color mutants of the silkworm Bombyx mori. Genetics, 180(4): 1995-2005. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.108.096388. *Equally contributed
  • 13) *Okamoto S., *Futahashi R., Kojima T., Mita K., Fujiwara H. (2008) A catalogue of epidermal genes: genes expressed in the epidermis during larval molt of the silkworm Bombyx mori. BMC Genomics, 9: 396. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-396. *Equally contributed
  • 12) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2008) Identification of stage-specific larval camouflage associated genes in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Development Genes and Evolution, 218(9): 491-504. DOI: 10.1007/s00427-008-0243-y.
  • 11) Sato K., Matsunaga T., Futahashi R., Kojima T., Mita K., Banno Y., Fujiwara H. (2008) Positional cloning of a Bombyx wingless locus flügellos (fl) reveals a crucial role for fringe that is specific for wing morphogenesis. Genetics, 179(2): 875-885. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.107.082784.
  • 10) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2008) Juvenile hormone regulates butterfly larval pattern switches. Science, 319(5866): 1061. DOI: 10.1126/science.1149786.
  • 9) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2007) Regulation of 20-hydroxyecdysone on the larval pigmentation and the expression of melanin synthesis enzymes and yellow gene of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 37(8): 855-864. DOi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2007.02.014.
  • 8) Lobbia S., Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2007) Modulation of the ecdysteroid-induced cell death by juvenile hormone during pupal wing development of Lepidoptera. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 65(3): 152-163. DOI: 10.1002/arch.20192.
  • 7) Kawashima T., Osanai M., Futahashi R., Kojima T., Fujiwara H. (2007) A novel target-specific gene delivery system combining baculovirus and sequence-specific long interspersed nuclear elements. Virus Research, 127(1): 49-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2007.03.014.
  • 6) Osanai M., Kojima KK., Futahashi R., Yaguchi S., Fujiwara H. (2006) Identification and characterization of the telomerase reverse transcriptase of Bombyx mori (silkworm) and Tribolium castaneum (flour beetle). Gene, 376(2): 281-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2006.04.022.
  • 5) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2006) Expression of one isoform of GTP cyclohydrolase I coincides with the larval black markings of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 36(1): 63-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2005.11.002.
  • 4) Hayashi F., Dobata S., Futahashi R. (2005) Disturbed population genetics: suspected introgressive hybridization between two Mnais damselfly species (Odonata). Zoological Science, 22(8): 869-881. DOI: 10.2108/zsj.22.869.
  • 3) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2005) Melanin-synthesis enzymes coregulate stage-specific larval cuticular markings in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Development Genes and Evolution, 215(10): 519-529. DOI: 10.1007/s00427-005-0014-y.
  • 2) Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2004) DNA analysis of hybrids between Sympetrum eroticum eroticum and S. baccha matutinum. Tombo, 47: 31-36.
  • 1) Hayashi F., Dobata S., Futahashi R. (2004) Macro- and microscale distribution patterns of two closely related Japanese Mnais species inferred from nuclear ribosomal DNA, ITS sequences and morphology (Zygoptera: Odonata). Odonatologica, 33(4): 399-412.


  • 11) Bybee S., Futahashi R., Sharkey C., Simon S., Suvorov A., Wellenreuther M. (2022) Transcriptomic insights into odonate ecology and evolution. In “Dragonflies and damselflies: Model Organisms in Ecological and Evolutionary Research, Second edition” pp. 21-36 (ed. Cordoba Aguilar A) Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN: 978-019-19-2490-3. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192898623.003.0003.
  • 10) Futahashi R. (2022) Sexual differentiation in dragonflies and damselflies. In "Spectrum of Sex", pp. 13-35. (eds. Tanaka M, Tachibana M), Springer. ISBN: 978-981-19-5358-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-5359-0_2.
  • 9) Futahashi R., Koshikawa S., Okude G., Osanai-Futahashi M. (2022) Diversity of melanin synthesis genes in insects. Advances in Insect Physiology, 62: 339-376. DOI: 10.1016/bs.aiip.2022.03.003.
  • 8) Futahashi R., Osanai-Futahashi M. (2021) Pigments in insects. In "Pigments, Pigment Cells, and Pigment Patterns", pp. 3-43. (eds.Hashimoto H, Goda M, Futahashi R, Kelsh R, Akiyama T), Springer. ISBN: 978-981-16-1489-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-1490-3_1.
  • 7) Okude G., Futahashi R. (2021) Pigmentation and color pattern diversity in Odonata. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 69: 14-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.12.014.
  • 6) Futahashi R. (2020) Diversity of UV reflection patterns in Odonata. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 201. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00201.
  • 5) Futahashi R. (2017) Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Color Vision and Color Formation in Dragonflies. In "Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns: An Integrative Approach", pp. 303-320. (eds. Toshio Sekimura, H. Frederik Nijhout), ISBN: 978-981-10-4955-2 (Print), 978-981-10-4956-9 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4956-9_17.
  • 4) Bybee S., Cordoba-Aguilar A., Duryea M.C., Futahashi R., Hansson B., Lorenzo-Carballa M.O., Schilder R., Stoks R., Suvorov A., Svensson E.I., Swaegers J., Takahashi Y., Watts P.C., Wellenreuther M. (2016) Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as a bridge between ecology and evolutionary genomics. Frontiers in Zoology, 13: 46. DOI: 10.1186/s12983-016-0176-7.
  • 3) Fukatsu T., Futahashi R. (2016) Molecular basis of insect colors and patterns. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 17: vi-viii. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2016.08.004.
  • 2) Futahashi R. (2016) Color vision and color formation in dragonflies. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 17: 32-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2016.05.014.
  • 1) Futahashi R. (2011) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of sectioned tissues of species hybrids to detect cis-regulatory changes in gene expression pattern. Methods in Molecular Biology, 772: 319-328. Invited chapter in "Molecular Methods for Evolutionary Genetics.", edited by V. Orgogozo and M. Rockman. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-228-1_19.


  • 27) Futahashi R., Morita R., Maeda K., Iida M. (2024) Order Odonata. In Ibaraki Terrestrial Invertebrate Research Group "Catalogue of Insects of Ibaraki Prefecture" pp. 37-50. Ibaraki Nature Museum. (In Jpn.)
  • 26) Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2024) "The Handbook of Dragonflies" 144 pp. Bunichi-Sogo Syuppan., Co. Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN 978-4829981795.
  • 25) Sugimura S., Yoshida K., Yamamoto T., Ohama S., Futahashi R. (2023) "The dragonflies of Shikoku, Chugoku, and Kinki districts. -Indicators of comfortable environments-". 276 pp. Ikadasha Co.,Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4-87051-594-9.
  • 24) Futahashi R., Osanai-Futahashi M. (2022) Insects. In Akiyama T. (SV) "Commentary book of Animal body color" pp. 262-289. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4-7661-3627-2.
  • 23) Iimura S., Futahashi R. (2021) "Perch on this finger, Red dragonflies!" 27 pp., CHILD HONSHA Co.,Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4805452011.
  • 22) Ozono A., Kawashima I., Futahashi R. (2021) "Dragonflies of Japan, Revised edition" (eBook), Bunichi-Sogo Syuppan., Co. Ltd. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.) ISBN: 978-4-8299-8408-6.
  • 21) Ozono A., Kawashima I., Futahashi R. (2021) "Dragonflies of Japan, Revised edition" 532 pp., Bunichi-Sogo Syuppan., Co. Ltd. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.) ISBN: 978-4-8299-8408-6.
  • 20) Futahashi R., Osanai-Futahashi M. (2020) Various characteristics of silkworms. In "Science of silkworms" pp. 51-53. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4-254-42043-2.
  • 19) Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2019) "Dragonflies are so cool!" 27 pp., CHILD HONSHA Co.,Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4805448755.
  • 18) Ozono A., Kawashima I., Futahashi R. (2019) "The Handbook of Japanese Aquatic Insects. Volume 3: Dragonfly larvae" 120 pp. Bunichi-Sogo Syuppan., Co. Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN 978-4-8299-8161-0.
  • 17) Futahashi R. (2018) Red dragonflies. "Iwanami Science Library: Enjoy Koujien, Part 2" pp. 4-5.(In Jpn.) ISBN: 9784000296700.
  • 16) Futahashi R. (2017) Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Color Vision and Color Formation in Dragonflies. In: Sekimura T., Fujiwara H., Otaki J. (eds) "Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns" pp. 341-361. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4905930594.
  • 15) Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2016) "Everything! dragonflies" 68 pp., POPLAR Publishing Co., Ltd. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4-591-15029-0.
  • 14) Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2015) "Dragonflies" 28 pp., Froebel-Kan Co.,Ltd. (In Jpn.)
  • 13) Futahashi R. (2015) Molecular mechanisms underlying butterfly pattern formation. In: Yagi T. (ed) "Biology of butterfly pattern formation" Osaka Municipal Universities Press, Osaka, pp. 35–66. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4907209438.
  • 12) Osanai-Futahashi M., Futahashi R. (2015) Pigment synthesis and pattern formation in insects. In: Ito S., Shibahara S., Nishigori C. (eds) "Pigment Cells: 2nd edition" pp. 172-191 (In Jpn.) ISBN: 978-4-7664-2252-8.
  • 11) Futahashi R. (2015) Various colors of dragonflies. "The Wonderful World of Insect Science" pp.2-14. (In Jpn.) ISBN: 9784486020356.
  • 10) Futahashi R. (2013) International Congress of Odonatology after the Great East Japan earthquake."Official Report of the 2012 International Congress of Odonatology, Dragonflies in the Changing World" p. 16. (In Jpn.)
  • 9) Futahashi R. (2012) "A guide to the exhibition: The king of the sky - Dragonflies" (In Jpn., contribution writing)
  • 8) Futahashi R. (2012) Odonata. "Red Data Book 2012 Toyama" (In Jpn., contribution writing)
  • 7) Ozono A., Kawashima I., Futahashi R. (2012) "Dragonflies of Japan" 532 pp., Bunichi-Sogo Syuppan., Co. Ltd. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.) ISBN 978-4-8299-0119-9.

This is the first fully illustrated guide to all 203 dragonfly (including damselfly) species of Japan. Every species is generously illustrated with fully-colored photographs, color distribution maps, and detailed line drawings to aid species identification. Key features for identification, distribution, seasons of occurrence, habitats, similar species, and current taxonomic status based on molecular phylogeny is described for every species. Compact book size and user-friendly design make it the only guide you need in the field. This book will be one of the essential references for anyone who is interested in dragonflies in Japan.

"Dragonflies, including damselflies, are one of the most popular and familiar insects in Japan. Ancient Japanese people called their country “Akitsu Shima” which means “dragonfly's island”, and modern Japanese people regard the song “Aka tombo” (red dragonflies = Sympetrum) as a symbol of autumn. This book addresses all 203 dragonfly species recorded in Japan, and provides high quality photographs with behavioral and ecological comments, descriptions of distinctive features with precise illustrations useful for species identification, seasons of occurrence, detailed distribution maps and current taxonomic status of all species. We hope that this book is an essential reference for anyone who is interested in dragonflies in Japan.” (from Preface)

  • 6) Futahashi R. (2010) "Dictionary of Biology" (In Jpn., contribution writing) ISBN: 9784807907359
  • 5) Watanabe Y., Futahashi R., Kawashima I. (2010) Ovaries, eggs, embryonic development, and juvenile larvae in Odonata. "How to research dragonflies. Revised edition" pp. 106-118.(In Jpn.)
  • 4) Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2010) Molecular phylogeny analysis of Odonata based on DNA. "How to research dragonflies. Revised edition" pp. 121-131.(In Jpn.)
  • 3) Futahashi R. (2009) Comprehensive analysis of gene expression. "Molecular Entomology" pp. 29-31.(In Jpn.)
  • 2) Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2005) Molecular phylogeny analysis of Odonata based on DNA. "How to research dragonflies" pp. 118-126.(In Jpn.)
  • 1) Futahashi R. (2002) Odonata. "Red Data Book 2002 Toyama" (In Jpn., contribution writing)

Papers in Japanese

  • 232) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Fuwa M., Iwata T. (2023) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan Based on the Records in 2023. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 48: 83-93. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 231) Kagami T., Ozono A., Futahashi R., Kakinuma S. (2024) Observation on oviposition behavior into a tree hollow in Lyriothemis flava Oguma, 1915. Tombo, 67: 191-192.
  • 230) Okude G., Futahashi R. (2024) Relationship between the type of non-woven meshes and the adult emergence rate of the dragonfly Pseudothemis zonata (Burmeister, 1839). Tombo, 67: 119-120.
  • 229) Miyazaki T., Yago M., Futahashi R. (2024) Record of Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) from Kyoto Prefecture in the Masayo Kato Insect Collection. Tombo, 67: 116-117.
  • 228) Yui M., Morita R., Futahashi R. (2024) The first records of Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839) from Shizuoka Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 67: 114-115.
  • 227) Kotabe A., Nitobe T., Futahashi R. (2024) The second record of Anax junius (Drury, 1773) in Japan. Tombo, 67: 111-113.
  • 226) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2024) Historical background on the change of scientific names for the genera Planaeschna and Aeschnophlebia. Tombo, 67: 103-110.
  • 225) Futahashi R. (2024) A female of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) with a rotated dorsoventral axis of the abdomen. Tombo, 67: 100-102.
  • 224) Shimbori O., Futahashi R. (2024) A record of a presumptive gynandromorph of Lyriothemis pachygastra (Selys, 1878). Tombo, 67: 97.
  • 223) Kotabe A., Futahashi R. (2024) The record of interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and Sympetrum baccha matutinum Ris, 1911 from Aomori Prefecture. Tombo, 67: 93-96.
  • 222) Hirakawa Y., Sugimura M., Futahashi R. (2024) A record of Rhyothemis variegata (Linnaeus, 1763) with blackened wings. Tombo, 67: 90-92.
  • 221) Kitayama T., Kozen M., Umeda T., Sugimura M., Futahashi R. (2024) Interspecific hybrids between Rhyothemis regia (Brauer, 1867) and Rhyothemis variegata (Linnaeus, 1763). Tombo, 67: 81-89.
  • 220) Futahashi R. (2024) The genus Mnais in the Kanto District: Remaining issues. Bulletin of the Kanto Odonatological Society, 1: 2-8.
  • 219) Kitayama T., Futahashi R., Sugimura M. (2024) Record of Rhyothemis regia(Brauer, 1867)from Iriomote Island, Japan. Aeschna, (60): 47-48.
  • 218) Morioka T., Morioka Y., Futahashi R. (2024) Record of Anax panybeus Hagen, 1867 from Minamidaito Island, Japan. Aeschna, (60): 26.
  • 217) Kutsuma T., Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2024) The first record of Paracercion melanotum(Selys, 1876)from Yamanashi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Aeschna, (60): 12.
  • 216) Karasawa Y., Futahashi R. (2024) Record of male interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope(Selys, 1839)and Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 from Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Aeschna, (60): 11.
  • 215) Morita R., Futahashi R., Iida M. (2024) Records of Sympetrum fonscolombii(Selys, 1840)at six sites in Ibaraki Prefecture. Aeschna, (60): 9-10.
  • 214) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2024) Annual Review on Entomology for 2023, Dragonflies. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (639): 38-47.
  • 213) Shimbori O., Futahashi R. (2023) The first records of Aciagrion migratum (Asahina,1949) from Toyama Prefecture. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (634): 10-11. (In Jpn.)
  • 212) Futahashi R. (2023) Current situation of red dragonflies in Toyama Prefecture. The Nature and Insects, 58(8): 5-9. (In Jpn.)
  • 211) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Fuwa M., Iwata T. (2023) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan Based on the Records in 2022. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 47: 95-105. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 210) Kohama T., Futahashi R., Aoki I. (2023) Miscidentification of Rhyothemis regia for R. fuliginosa on Hateruma Island, Okinawa Prefecture. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (628): 24-25. (In Jpn.)
  • 209) Nishimoto S., Horita M., Futahashi R. (2023) Records of Trithemis aurora with partially immature-colored wing. Tombo, 66: 70–72. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 208) Futahashi R., Kagimoto B., Sakamoto M. (2023) Genetic diversity of Orthetrum poecilops among populations in Miyajima Island, Japan. Tombo, 66: 56–59. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 207) Futahashi R., Fukaya W. (2023) Distribution survey of Mnais damselflies (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in Tochigi Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 66: 41–47. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 206) Okude G., Futahashi R. (2023) Morphological changes during the final nymphal instar and the genes essential for metamorphosis in dragonflies and damselflies. Tombo, 66: 1–12. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 205) Ohsawa N., Futahashi R. (2023) Record of male interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839) and Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Aeschna, (59): 29-30. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 204) Fukaya W., Futahashi R. (2023) Record of female interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope (Selys, 1893) and A. nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 from Tochigi Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan. Aeschna, (59): 15-16. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 203) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2023) Annual Review on Entomology for 2022, Dragonflies. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (627): 37-45. (In Jpn.)
  • 202) Futahashi R., Kiyoshi T. (2022) A brief report on Sympetrum kunckeli collected in Taiwan. Tombo, 65: 81-82. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 201) Nakada T., Sawada K., Shimbori O., Futahashi R. (2022) The first records of Coenagrion terue (Asahina,1949) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 65: 75-77. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 200) Kutsuma T., Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2022) The first records of Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen in Selys, 1854) from Yamanashi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 65: 73-74. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 199) Fukaya W., Futahashi R. (2022) Distribution survey of Mnais damselflies (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in Saitama Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 65: 58-62. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 198) Nakada T., Futahashi R., Hori S. (2022) A record of the pale-winged male of Sympetrum croceolum (Selys, 1883) from Hokkaido, Japan. Tombo, 65: 47-48. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 197) Morita R., Watanabe T., Futahashi R. (2022) The second record from Japan of an interspecific hybrid between Paracercion sieboldii and P. melanotum from Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 65: 44-46. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 196) Futahashi R., Kiyoshi T. (2022) The past record of Ischnura rubilio Selys, 1876 from Ishigaki Island, Japan. Tombo, 65: 40-43. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 195) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Nakada T., Fuwa M., Iwata T. (2022) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2021. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 46: 97-107. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 194) Saito K., Futahashi R. (2022) The first record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) from Aichi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 64: 48-49. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 193) Saito K., Futahashi R. (2022) Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 collected in Fukushima Prefecture after an interval of 46 years. Tombo, 64: 45. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 192) Futahashi R. (2022) Abnormally melanized individuals of the genus Orthetrum. Tombo, 64: 27-32. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 191) Wakimoto H., Moriyasu T., Futahashi R. (2022) A record of the abnormal brown-winged male of Mnais pruinosa Selys, 1853 in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Tombo, 64: 25-26. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 190) Kawashima I., Futahashi R. (2022) A record of the brown-winged male of Mnais pruinosa Selys, 1853 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Tombo, 64: 24. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 189) Fukaya W., Futahashi R. (2022) A record of the intermediate form between orange- and hyaline-wing forms of Mnais costalis Selys, 1869 in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Tombo, 64: 21-23. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 188) Futahashi H., Futahashi R. (2022) The record of Ischnura asiatica (Brauer, 1865) on 15 March in Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture. Aeschna, (58): 90. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 187) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2022) Annual Review on Entomology for 2021, Dragonflies. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (615): 40-49. (In Jpn.)
  • 186) Izumi Y., Futahashi R., Sugiura N. (2022) A photo record of Sympetrum uniforme (Selys, 1883) from Rebun Island, Hokkaido, Japan in 2009. Rishiri Studies, (41): 15-16. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 185) Ozono A., Futahashi R., Sakai Y., Kusakabe M. (2022) The first record of Platycnemis phyllopoda Djakonov, 1926 in Japan from Tsushima. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 613: 2-7. (In Jpn.)
  • 184) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Nakada T., Fuwa M., Iwata T (2021) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2020. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 45: 85-105. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 183) Okazaki M., Futahashi R. (2021) The first record of Gynacantha ryukyuensis Asahina, 1962 from Kitadaito Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Tombo, 63: 91-92. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 182) Tamada A., Futahashi R. (2021) Updated northern limit record of Mnais pruinosa (Selys, 1853) from Aga-machi, Niigata Prefecture. Tombo, 63: 83-84. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 181) Takuma Y., Okude G., Futahashi R. (2021) Report on a supernumerary molting Anisogomphus maacki (Selys, 1872) in the final larval instar and Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) in the penultimate larval instar. Tombo, 63: 68-71. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 180) Futahashi R., Yoshioka T., Sugimura M. (2021) A record of the homeosis in Anax parthenope from Kochi Prefecture. Tombo, 63: 63-64. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 179) Futahashi R. (2021) A record of the homeosis in the hybrid between Anax parthenope and Anax nigrofasciatus. Tombo, 63: 61-62. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 178) Takuma Y., Futahashi R. (2021) Report of a malformed egg in Calopteryx japonica (Selys, 1869) with albino phenotype. Tombo, 63: 55-57. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 177) Kotabe A., Futahashi R. (2021) Records of two interspecific hybrids collected from Yaeyama Islands in 2020. Tombo, 63: 51-54. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 176) Ushijima T., Futahashi R., Miyoshi J. (2021) A record of male interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 and A. nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 from Shiga Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Aeschna, (57): 41-42. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 175) Futahashi R. (2021) Records of Ischnura asiatica (Brauer, 1865) in mid-March in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Aeschna, (57): 36. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 174) Sasamoto A., Futahashi R. (2021) Annual Review on Entomology for 2020, Dragonflies. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, (603): 37-50. (In Jpn.)
  • 173) Futahashi R. (2021) Long-term field surveys and decline in red dragonflies. The Japan Butterfly Conservation Society Newsletter, 31: 8-14. (In Jpn.)
  • 172) Yokoyama T., Futahashi R. (2021) Examination of the record of Sympetrum depressiusculum recorded in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan. Bulletin of the Hokkaido Odonatological Society, 32: 11-12. (In Jpn.)
  • 171) Hasebe Y., Futahashi R. (2020) Additional Records of Aciagrion migratum (Selys, 1876) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (23): 41-42. (In Jpn.)
  • 170) Oshii T., Futahashi R., Ozono A. (2020) An unrecorded Japanese damselfly, Ceriagrion cerinorebellum, photographed in Saitama Prefecture. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 596: 59-60. (In Jpn.)
  • 169) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Nakada T., Iwata T. (2020) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2019. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 44: 83-101. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 168) Shimbori O., Futahashi H.,Futahashi R. (2020) Records of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) in January in Toyama Prefecture. Tombo, 62: 141-143. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 167) Oota K., Futahashi R. (2020) First record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) from Yakushima Is., off Kyushu, Japan. Tombo, 62: 135-136. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 166) Futahashi H., Futahashi M., Futahashi R. (2020) The first record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 62: 131-132. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 165) Ogura K., Itoh S., Futahashi R. (2020) First record of Aeschnophlebia anisoptera Selys, 1883 from Iwate Prefecture, N. Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 62: 126-127. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 164) Sasamoto A., Saitoh K.,Futahashi R. (2020) The second record in Japan of Somatochlora exuberata exuberata Bartenev, 1910 (Odonata: Corduliidae) from Nagano Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 62: 123-125. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 163) Okude G., Watanabe K., Futahashi R. (2020) DNA analysis of Neurothemis terminata Ris, 1911 collected in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Tombo, 62: 106-108. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 162) Sugimura M., Futahashi R. (2020) A record of an interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and S. kunckeli (Selys, 1884) from Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Tombo, 62: 104-105. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 161) Futahashi R., Kita H. (2020) Rapid decline of the white-winged morph (forma edai) of Mnais pruinosa Selys, 1853. Tombo, 62: 13-15. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 160) Futahashi R., Kita H. (2019) Migration Record of Tramea virginia (Rambur, 1842)(Odonata, Libellulidae) in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (22): 29-30. (In Jpn.)
  • 159) Futahashi R. (2019) The First Record of Aciagrion migratum (Selys, 1876) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) from Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (22): 25-27. (In Jpn.)
  • 158) Futahashi R. (2019) Novel UV reflective material from dragonflies. Japan Plastics, 70(12): 79-83. (In Jpn.)
  • 157) Futahashi R. (2019) Wax-based color change and sexual differentiation in dragonflies. Chemistry Today, (581): 48-52. (In Jpn.)
  • 156) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Nakada T., Iwata T. (2019) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2018. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 43: 87-99. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 155) Futahashi R. (2019) UV reflective wax discovered from dragonflies. OPTRONICS, (451): 195-199. (In Jpn.)
  • 154) Futahashi R., Matsuki K. (2019) Melanized specimens of Sympetrum darwinianum (Selys, 1883). Tombo, 61: 46-47. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 153) Tamada A., Okude G., Futahashi R. (2019) A white-winged female of Mnais costalis collected in Niigata Prefecture. Tombo, 61: 41-43. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 152) Okazaki T., Miyahata T., Futahashi R. (2019) Distribution survey of two Mnais species in Gunma Prefecture. Aeschna, (55): 51-53. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 151) Nishimura E., Futahashi R., Wada S. (2019) A record of female interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 and A. nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 from Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Aeschna, (55): 39-40. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 150) Futahashi R. (2019) Color change and environmental adaptation in dragonflies. Animals and Zoos, 71(3): 24-28. (In Jpn.)
  • 149) Futahashi R. (2019) Color vision and UV reflection in dragonflies. NGRC Newsletter, 6: 30. (In Jpn.)
  • 148) Aiba H., Kato T., Futahashi R. (2019) Gomphidae dragonfly fossil from the Shiobara Group, Tochigi Prefecture. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 575: 23-26. (In Jpn.)
  • 147) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Iwata T. (2018) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2017. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 42: 83-101. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 146) Ogino S., Ozono A., Futahashi R. (2018) A record of Sympetrum flaveolum from Ishikawa Prefecture. Tombo, 60: 121. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 145) Futahashi R., Miyahata T., Yokoi N. (2018) Distribution of species of the genus Mnais (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in northern Kanto district, C. Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 60: 116-120. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 144) Miyashita T., Futahashi R. (2018) A record of Neurothemis ramburii (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from Fuchu-shi, Tokyo. Tombo, 60: 114-115. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 143) Kuroda T., Futahashi R. (2018) A record of a unique wing marking pattern for Tramea transmarina Brauer, 1867 in Japan. Tombo, 60: 99-101. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 142) Suda S., Futahashi R. (2018) A record of the homeosis in Anax parthenope. Tombo, 60: 98-99. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 141) Ugai S., Futahashi R. (2018) DNA analysis of the two hybrid specimens belonging to the genera Anax and Tramea. Tombo, 60: 57-60. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 140) Sugimura M., Okude G., Futahashi R. (2018) DNA analyses of three dragonfly hybrids previously suspected by external morphology. Tombo, 60: 53-56. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 139) Shimizu N., Futahashi R. (2018) A record of a supposed hybrid between Sympetrum darwinianum and Sympetrum maculatum from Aichi Prefecture. Tombo, 60: 52. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 138) Okude G., Futahashi R., Udono K. (2018) DNA analysis of a hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum and Sympetrum pedemontanum collected in 1962. Tombo, 60: 50-52. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 137) Futahashi R., Okude G., Sugimura M., Ugai S. (2018) Interspecific hybrids in Japanese Odonata. Tombo, 60: 1-49. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 136) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Okude G. (2018) Interspecific hybrids between Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 and Anax parthenope(Selys, 1839) collected around the same pond and time derived from different mothers (2). Aeschna, (54): 45–46. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 135) Futahashi R. (2018) Recent topics on higher classification and DNA analyses in dragonflies. The Nature and Insects, 53(5): 5-9. (In Jpn.)
  • 134) Futahashi R., Okude G. (2018) Metamorphosis of dragonflies. NGRC Newsletter, 5: 12. (In Jpn.)
  • 133) Futahashi R. (2017) Migration Records of Anax guttatus (Burmeister, 1839) (Odonata, Aeshnidae) in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (20): 37-38. (In Jpn.)
  • 132) Goto H., Futahashi R., Okude G. (2017) The Records of Coenagrion lanceolatum (Selys, 1872) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) at Four Sites in Ibaraki Prefecture. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (20): 35-36. (In Jpn.)
  • 131) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O. (2017) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2016. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 41: 87-111. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 130) Futahashi R., Sugiura N., Aoki T. (2017) The first record of Sympetrum uniforme (Selys, 1883) from Rebun Island, off Hokkaido, Japan. Tombo, 59. 101. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 129) Fuwa M., Futahashi R. (2017) Melligomphus viridicostus (Oguma, 1926) collected in Toyama Prefecture after an interval of 57 years. Aeschna, (53): 64. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 128) Nishida A., Futahashi R. (2017) New records of Mnais pruinosa from Tochigi Prefecture. Aeschna, (53): 55-57. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 127) Futahashi R., Ozono A. (2017) Dragonfly larvae found in school pool. Bun-ichi, 2: 14-17. (In Jpn.)
  • 126) Futahashi R. (2017) Wing color polymorphism in dragonflies. NGRC Newsletter, 4: 31. (In Jpn.)
  • 125) Futahashi R., Sugiura N. (2017) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Rebun islands, Hokkaido. Bulletin of the Hokkaido Odonatological Society, 28: 4-7. (In Jpn.)
  • 124) Futahashi R. (2017) New habitats of Erythromma humerale. Bulletin of the Hokkaido Odonatological Society, 28: 1-2. (In Jpn.)
  • 123) Futahashi R. (2016) Red dragonflies. Kagaku, 86(10): 1014. (In Jpn.)
  • 122) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O. (2016) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2015. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 40: 103-126. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 121) Osanai-Futahashi M., Futahashi R. (2016) Recent findings concerning insect pigment synthesis and color vision. Biotechnology and Agrochemistry, 54(6): 422-428. (In Jpn.)
  • 120) Futahashi R. (2016) RNAseq analyses and opsin genes of dragonflies: the importance of manual assembly. Sanshi-Konchu Biotec, 85(1): 13-18. (In Jpn.)
  • 119) Futahashi R., Kitayama T., Sugimura M. (2016) Interspecific hybrids between Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 and Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839) collected at the same pond during the same period derived from different mothers. Aeschna, (52): 75-76. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 118) Futahashi R. (2016) Wing color polymorphism in Mnais dragonfly species. NGRC Newsletter, 3: 33. (In Jpn.)
  • 117) Maeda K., Futahashi R. (2016) A recoed of Anax parthenope in Ibaraki Prefecture on December 16. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 542: 46-47. (In Jpn.)
  • 116) Goto H., Futahashi R. (2015) The first Record of Coenagrion lanceolatum(Selys, 1872) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae)from Ibaraki Prefecture. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (18): 53-55. (In Jpn.)
  • 115) Futahashi R. (2015) A record of Ischnura senegalensis at Matsuhama, Niigata City. Transactions of Essa Entomological Society, 113: 166. (In Jpn.)
  • 114) Okushima Y., Futahashi R., Iwadou M. (2015) Yellow mutant larvae of the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 539: 61-62. (In Jpn.)
  • 113) Futahashi R. (2015) Molecular phylogeny and speciation of Japanese dragonflies. The Nature and Insects, 50(14): 23-29. (In Jpn.)
  • 112) Futahashi R. (2015) Reminiscence of field research in Takamagahara High Moor. Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 23: 1-2. (In Jpn.)
  • 111) Futahashi R. (2015) Diversity of dragonfly opsin genes involved in light reception. The Nature and Insects, 50(9): 24-26. (In Jpn.)
  • 110) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Kawamura H. (2015) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2014. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 39: 105-124. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 109) Futahashi R. (2015) Evolution of color pattern and color vision in dragonflies. KAKENHI news 2015, 1: 14. (In Jpn.)
  • 108) Futahashi R. (2015) Dragonflies possess an extraordinary number of opsin genes involved in color vision. Chemistry, 70(5): 73. (In Jpn.)
  • 107) Futahashi R. (2015) Discovery of extraordinary diversity of genes involved in color vision in dragonflies by RNAseq. NGRC Newsletter, 2: 15. (In Jpn.)
  • 106) Futahashi R. (2014) The researcher who has a passion for dragonflies. Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan News, 15(3): 51-53. (In Jpn.)
  • 105) Futahashi R. (2014) Pigments of red dragonflies used for medicine. Farumashia, 50(11): 1086-1090. (In Jpn.)
  • 104) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Kawamura H. (2014) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2013. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 38: 143-163. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 103) Futahashi R. (2014) A revisional study of Japanese dragonflies based on DNA analysis (2). Tombo, 56: 57-59. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 102) Futahashi R. (2014) The adult flight season with the first and last appearance dates of Japanese dragonflies. Aeschna, (50): 145-181. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 101) Karube H., Sano S., Nagasaki K., Nagasaki M., Futahashi R. (2014) Distributional expansion of alien species Ceriagrion auranticum ryukyuanum in southern Kanto region and trial of extermination. Aeschna, (50): 139-143. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 100) Tanahashi M., Futahashi R. (2014) The first record of Ischnura senegalensis from Akusekijima Island, Tokara Islands.. Aeschna, (50): 135-136. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 99) Takanashi T., Futahashi R. (2013) Recent advances in bioacoustics-biosonar, hearing and their applications. Biological Science, 65(2): 66-67. (In Jpn.)
  • 98) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Kawamura H. (2013) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2012. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 37: 127-147. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 97) Futahashi R. (2013) Color pattern change and color polymorphism in dragonflies. Sanshi-Konchu Biotec, 82(1): 25-29. (In Jpn.)
  • 96) Futahashi R. (2013) Introduction of dragonfly robot. PEN, 4(2): 63-64. (In Jpn.)
  • 95) Futahashi R. (2013) The life cycle and diapause: Introduction. Biological Science, 64(4): 194. (In Jpn.)
  • 94) Futahashi R. (2013) DNA analysis of Japanese dragonflies and the book "Dragonflies of Japan". Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 18: 26-34. (In Jpn.)
  • 93) Futahashi R. (2013) Recent progress on molecular mechanisms underlying butterfly wing pattern. The Nature and Insects, 48(3): 9-13. (In Jpn.)
  • 92) Futahashi R. (2013) Mechanisms whereby yellow dragonflies turn into red. The Heredity, 67(1): 76-82. (In Jpn.)
  • 91) Futahashi R., Yamanaka T., Uemura Y., Hisamatsu M. (2012) Collection and photographic data on dragonflies and damselflies from Ibaraki Prefecture. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum, (15): 13-38. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 90) Futahashi R. (2012) Wonders of dragonfly world. PEN, 3(9): 3-8. (In Jpn.)
  • 89) Tanahashi M., Futahashi R. (2012) A record of Eupromus ruber from Tsukuba city, Ibaraki Prefecture. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 502: 20. (In Jpn.)
  • 88) Futahashi R. (2012) How red dragonflies get their color? Chemistry, 67(12): 41-45. (In Jpn.)
  • 87) Futahashi R. (2012) Redox reactions underlying the body color change in red dragonflies. Chemistry Today, 500: 52-54. (In Jpn.)
  • 86) Futahashi R. (2012) Recent decline of red dragonflies in Toyama Prefecture. The Nature and Insects, 47(8): 9-14. (In Jpn.)
  • 85) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O., Kawamura H. (2012) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2011. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 36: 27-53. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 84) Futahashi R. (2012) Organisms living in extreme environmental conditions. Biological Science, 63(4): 194. (In Jpn.)
  • 83) Futahashi R. (2012) Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) and the interspecific hybrid between Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 and Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 taken in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture. Aeschna, (48): 45-46. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 82) Futahashi R. (2011) Towards understanding the molecular mechanism of color pattern evolution in dragonflies. The Nature and Insects, 46(11): 19-22. (In Jpn.)
  • 81) Futahashi R., Yumoto T. (2011) Symbiosis and co-evolution. Biological Science, 63(1): 1. (In Jpn.)
  • 80) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O. (2011) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2010. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 34: 159-175. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 79) Kitayama T., Futahashi R. (2011) The first record of an interspecific hybrid between Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 and Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 from Okayama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 53: 119-120. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 78) Ozono A., Futahashi R., Ozono A. (2011) An interspecific hybrid between Anax parthenope julius female and A. panybeus male. Tombo, 53: 115-118. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 77) Karube H., Futahashi R., Odajima T., Odajima A., Odajima K. (2011) An occurrence of a Southeastern Asiatic species, Pseudagrion australasiae Selys in Japan: a possible case of accidental introduction. Tombo, 53: 111-114. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 76) Futahashi R. (2011) A revisional study of Japanese dragonflies based on DNA analysis (1). Tombo, 53: 59-66. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 75) Futahashi R. (2010) Mitochondrial introgression in Japanese Anax dragonflies. Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 13: 29-33. (In Jpn.)
  • 74) Futahashi R. (2010) Development and evolution of color pattern diversity in dragonflies. Biological Science, 62(1): 9-18. (In Jpn.)
  • 73) Ugai S., Futahashi R., Kimura K. (2010) The first migrate record of Tramea loewii Kaup in Brauer, 1866 from Japan. A Monthly Journal of Entomology, 475: 32-33. (In Jpn.)
  • 72) Ueda Y., Nishu S., Futahashi R. (2010) A male hybrid between Sympetrum e. eroticum male and S. baccha matutinum female caught at Aonogahara. Sympetrum Hyogo, 11: 20-21. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 71) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Shimbori O. (2010) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2009. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 33: 129-145. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 70) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2009) The first record of Sinogomphus flavolimbatus (Matsumura in Oguma,1926) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 52: 14. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 69) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2009) Comparative analysis of larval epidermal cDNA libraries of the two Papilio butterflies with that of silkworm. Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 10: 20-22. (In Jpn.)
  • 68) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2009) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2008. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 32: 143-154. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 67) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2008) Hormonal regulation on larval mimicry markings of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Bioscience and Industry, 66: 363-365. (In Jpn.)
  • 66) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Wada S. (2008) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2007. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 31: 141-156. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 65) Kato Y., Nagata N., Suzuki Y., Abe R., Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2008) Cold-shock induced melanization and expression of dopa decarboxylase in the wings of the yellow butterfly Eurema mandarina. Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 8: 6-8. (In Jpn.)
  • 64) Futahashi R. (2007) Hormonal regulation of larval pattern formation in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Biological Science, 58(4): 233-242. (In Jpn.)
  • 63) Futahashi R., Shirataki H., Fujiwara H. (2007) Towards understanding the molecular mechanism of larval camouflage markings in the swallowtail butterflies. Insect DNA Research Newsletter, 6: 17-22. (In Jpn.)
  • 62) Futahashi R. (2007) Recent state on the taxonomy of Japanese Mnais species. The Nature and Insects, 42(8): 4-7. (In Jpn.)
  • 61) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2007) A record of a black mutant of Nannophya pygmaea Rambur, 1842. Tombo, 50: 73-74. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 60) Kakichi K., Kakichi K., Futahashi R. (2007) The first collecting records of Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) (Libellulidae) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 50: 60. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 59) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2007) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2006. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 30: 127-137. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 58) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2007) Records of Acromantis japonica from Himi-shi and Asahi-machi, Toyama Prefecture. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 30: 79. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 57) Futahashi R. (2006) How does the larva of swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus change its body marking? Butterflies, 44: 14-19. (In Jpn.)
  • 56) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2006) The Odonate fauna of the Noto Peninsula, Hokuriku District, Honshu (2). Tombo, 48: 18-20. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 55) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2006) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2005. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 29: 137-145. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 54) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2005) Molecular mechanisms of pattern formation in butterfly adult wing and larval body markings. The Nature and Insects, 40(11): 13-16. (In Jpn.)
  • 53) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2005) An observation of the egg-laying behavior of Aeschnophlebia anisoptera on the tree. Aeschna, 42: 20. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 52) Hayashi F., Dobata S., Futahashi R. (2005) A new approach to resolve the taxonomic and ecological problems of Japanese Mnais damselflies (Odonata: Calopterygidae) (2). References and examined specimens. Aeschna, 42: 1-18. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 51) Futahashi R. (2005) Identification of interspecific hybrid and mitochondrial introgression based on DNA analyses in dragonflies. Insect DNA Newsletter, 3: 8-14. (In Jpn.)
  • 50) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2005) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan in 2004. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 28: 97-107. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 49) Futahashi R. (2005) The first record of Junonia orithya orithya (Linnaeus, 1758) from Toyama Prefecture. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 28: 95. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 48) Futahashi R. (2005) The Odonate fauna of Yamada Village in Toyama Prefecture. Report of Comprehensive Surveys of Plants, Animals and Geology in Central District of Toyama Prefecture I. pp. 157-162. (In Jpn.)
  • 47) Futahashi R. (2005) The Odonate fauna of Northeastern Imizu Hills in Toyama Prefecture. Report of Comprehensive Surveys of Plants, Animals and Geology in Central District of Toyama Prefecture I. pp. 137-155. (In Jpn.)
  • 46) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2004) Mystery of Insects. 4. Way of Disguise of Insects. Mechanism of Mimetic Pattern Formation. Chemistry Today, 403: 55-60. (In Jpn.)
  • 45) Futahashi R. (2004) Record of the migrant species, Sympetrum fonscolombii in Koto-ku, Tokyo. Tombo, 47: 46. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 44) Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2004) Distribution patterns of two damselfly species, Mnais costalis and M. strigata, in the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture. Tombo, 47: 41-46. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 43) Hayashi F., Dobata S., Futahashi R. (2004) Larval morphology of Japanese Mnais damselflies (Odonata: Calopterygidae) distinguished by nuclear DNA (ITS 1) sequences. Tombo, 47: 13-24. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 42) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2004) Record of the type O triple-connection of Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915. Aeschna, 41: 37-38. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 41) Tsuji I., Tosaka H., Suda S., Futahashi R. (2004) Records of andromorphic type of Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915. Aeschna, 41: 33-35. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 40) Hayashi F., Dobata S., Futahashi R. (2004) A new approach to resolve the taxonomic and ecological problems of Japanese Mnais damselflies (Odonata: Calopterygidae) (1). General remarks. Aeschna, 41: 1-14. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 39) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki K., Negoro H. (2004) The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Toyama Prefecture, Central Honshu, Japan. Special publication of Toyama Science Museum, 17: 1-220. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 38) Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2004) The genetic analyses of Sympetrum frequens. Reports of Japanese red dragonflies in 2004. pp. 42-46. (In Jpn.)
  • 37) Futahashi R. (2004) Dragonflies and damselflies habitats in Japan (5) Midarehashiike-pond, Himi city, Toyama Prefecture. Tombo to Bunka, 106: 5. (In Jpn.)
  • 36) Karube H., Futahashi R., Hayashi F. (2004) A preliminary report on DNA analysis of the endemic dragonflies in the Ogasawara Islands. Research report of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, Natural history, 12: 55-57. (In Jpn.)
  • 35) Futahashi R. (2003) Larval pattern changes in swallowtail butterflies. Konchu Hakken, 2: 38-41. (In Jpn.)
  • 34) Futahashi R. (2003) How are color patterns of butterfly wings formed? Biotechnology and Agrochemistry, 41(7): 461-463. (In Jpn.)
  • 33) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2002) Recent Conditions of Odonata Fauna at Midarehashi-ike Pond (Himi- shi, Toyama Prefecture, Japan) and problems of its conservation. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 25: 141-145. (In Jpn.)
  • 32) Kita H., Futahashi R. (2002) The collecting records of Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus at Enshu-hama, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Suruga no Konchu, (199): 5579. (In Jpn.)
  • 31) Futahashi R., Araki Y. (2002) The Odonata fauna of Takamagahara High Moor, Oyama, Toyama Prefecture including the first record of Sympetrum danae from Toyama Prefecture. Aeschna, (39): 19-24. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 30) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2002) Recent findings concerning Odonata in the Hokuriku district Part2. Tombo, 45: 31-32. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 29) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2002) The first record of the migrant species, Sympetrum vulgatum imitans from Japan. Tombo, 45: 29-30. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 28) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (2002) A case of female adult of Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus (Aeshnidae) bitten by a last instar larva of the same species. Tombo, 44: 33. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 27) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2002) The Odonate fauna of Noto Peninsula, Hokuriku District, Honshu. Tombo, 44: 25-28. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 26) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2001) Observation of copulation and oviposition of Sympetrum cordulegaster. Aeschna, (38): 35-38. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 25) Araki Y., Futahashi R. (2001) Record of collecting and breeding of larvae of Anax guttatus in Toyama Prefecture. Aeschna, (38): 39-40. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 24) Futahashi R., Fukui M., Yoshida M., Yokoyama T. (2001) Breeding records of eggs and larvae of Sympetrum depressiusculum (Selys,1841). Aeschna, (38): 24-26. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 23) Kita H., Futahashi R. (2001) A female hybrid between Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 and A. parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 (Aeshnidae) from Miyagi Prefecture. Tombo, 43: 54-55. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 22) Sugimura M., Futahashi R. (2001) Second record of an interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum eroticum (Selys,1883) and Sympetrm parvulum (Bartenef, 1912) (Libellulidae). Tombo, 43: 51-54. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 21) Futahashi R. (2001) A new record of Sympetrum maculatum from Shizuoka Prefecture. Tombo, 43: 38-39. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 20) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2001) Recent findings concerning Odonata in Hokuriku district. Tombo, 43: 31-36. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 19) Futahashi R. (2000) Successive invasion and colonization of Odonate species into reclaimed land Koshino-kata, Shinminato City, Toyama Pref. (Addition II). Tombo, 42: 68. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 18) Futahashi R., Araki Y. (2000) Records of interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum kunckeli and S. e. eroticum. Tombo, 42: 67. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 17) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Araki Y. (2000) Supposed records on migration of Sympetrum depressiusculum (SELYS). Aeschna, (37): 29-31. (In Jpn.)
  • 16) Futahashi R., Futahashi H., Futahashi M. (2000) A migratory record of Rhyothemis fuliginosa, Ebetsu city, Hokkaido. Bulletin of the Hokkaido Odonatological Society, 12: 21-23. (In Jpn.)
  • 15) Futahashi R. (1999) The collecting record of Sympetrum depressiusculum at Enshu-hama, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Suruga no Konchu, (188): 5270-5271. (In Jpn.)
  • 14) Futahashi R. (1999) Notes on unusual connection and copulation in some species of dragonflies. Aeschna, (36): 47-55. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 13) Futahashi R., Futahashi H. (1999) Records of large scale migration of Sympetrum cordulegaster (Selys) and Sympetrum depressiusculum (Selys) in 1997 and emergence of both species in 1998 at Toyama Pref. Aeschna, (36): 33-42. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 12) Yoshida M., Yagi T., Futahashi R. (1999) Early records of some odonata in 1998 at central Japan. Aeschna, (36): 21-24. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 11) Futahashi R. (1999) Late records of Crocothemis servilia mariannae Kiauta and Aeshnophlebia longistigma Selys. Aeschna, (35): 47-48. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 10) Futahashi R., Araki Y. (1998) Successive invasion and colonization of Odonate species into reclaimed land Koshino-kata, Shinminato City, Toyama Pref.(Addition). Tombo, 41: 32. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 9) Futahashi R., Araki Y. (1998) New records of Anax guttatus from Toyama Pref. Tombo, 41: 5-8. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 8) Futahashi R. (1996) A supposed record on migration of Sympetrum cordulegaster (Selys). Aeschna, (32): 21-22. (In Jpn.)
  • 7) Sugimura M., Futahashi R. (1995) Interspecific hybrid of Sympetrum kunckeli x Sympetrum erotisum eroticum. Gensei, 67: 11-15. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 6) Suzuki K., Futahashi R., Negoro H. (1995) Successive invasion and colonization of odonate species into reclaimed land Koshino-kata, Shinminato City, Toyama Pref. (Supplement). Tombo, 38: 62. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 5) Suzuki K., Futahashi R. (1995) The first collecting records of Tramea virginia from Toyama Pref. Tombo, 38: 61. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 4) Suzuki K., Futahashi R. (1994) Recent conditions of odonate fauna in Toyama Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 37: 56-60. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 3) Suzuki K., Futahashi R., Negoro H. (1994) Successive invasion and colonization of odonate species into reclaimed land Koshino-kata, Shinminato City, Toyama Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Tombo, 37: 49-55. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 2) Futahashi R., Futahashi M., Kitayama T. (1994) Dragonflies of Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, 17: 49-82. (In Jpn. with Engl. Sum.)
  • 1) Futahashi H., Futahashi M., Futahashi R. (1992) The first records of Ischnura senegalensis from Toyama Prefecture. The Nature and Insects, 27(14): 42. (In Jpn.)

Invited Talks (English)

  • 17) Futahashi R. (2024) Molecular mechanisms underlying sexual differentiation and UV reflection in dragonflies/damselflies (Odonata). 27th International Congress of Entomology. Kyoto, Aug. 27, 2024.
  • 16) Futahashi R. (2021) Molecular mechanisms underlying color formation in dragonflies and damselflies. The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan. Online, Sep. 8, 2021.
  • 15) Futahashi R. (2020) Body color changes and environmental adaptation in dragonflies. The 43th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. Online, Dec. 2, 2020.
  • 14) Futahashi R. (2018) Molecular mechanisms underlying color formation in dragonflies. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pigment Cell Research. Kobe, Oct. 13, 2018.
  • 13) Futahashi R. (2017) Molecular mechanisms underlying color vision and color formation in dragonflies. The 29th CDB Meeting "Mavericks, new models in developmental biology". Kobe, Oct. 20, 2017.
  • 12) Futahashi R. (2017) Opsin gene diversity in dragonflies. International Congress of Odonatology 2017. Cambridge, Jul. 17, 2017.
  • 11) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2016) Molecular bases underlying the diversity of color pattern and color vision in dragonflies. XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, USA, Sep. 27, 2016.
  • 10) Futahashi R. (2016) Molecular mechanisms underlying color pattern diversity in dragonflies. AIST-RIKEN Bioinformatics Virtual Joint Laboratory Meeting. Tokyo, Mar. 30, 2016.
  • 9) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2014) Molecular mechanisms underlying color pattern formation in dragonflies. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology. Osaka, Jul. 30, 2014.
  • 8) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2013) Molecular mechanisms underlying sex-specific color pattern formation in dragonflies. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Austin, USA, Nov. 12, 2013.
  • 7) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2012) Molecular basis of color pattern formation in dragonflies. XXIV International Congress of Entomology. Daegu, Korea, Aug. 23, 2012.
  • 6) Futahashi R. (2012) Mechanisms of color pattern formation and evolution in dragonflies. 2012 International Congress of Odonatology. Odawara, Aug. 2, 2012.
  • 5) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2012) Molecular bases underlying the color pattern diversity in dragonflies. Euro Evo Devo Lisbon 2012. Lisbon, Jul. 12, 2012.
  • 4) Futahashi R., Fukatsu T. (2011) Evolution and development of color pattern diversity in dragonflies. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. Yokohama, Dec. 16, 2011.
  • 3) Futahashi R. (2010) Color-pattern evolution and speciation in dragonflies. Silkworm Genome Karaoke Meeting. Tsukuba, Nov. 10, 2010.
  • 2) Futahashi R. (2010) Comparison of color pattern evolution between dragonflies and butterflies. 6th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies. Edmonton, Canada, June 30, 2010.
  • 1) Futahashi R., Fujiwara H. (2007) Hormonal control of larval colour patterns in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. 5th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies. Rome, Italy, July 3, 2007.