Addendum About Groups
Table of Contents
The following is a commented reading of the formalization of finite groups provided by the MathComp library. The goal is to explain the definitions and the notations, and to replay some of the proofs in a less compact way for didactic purposes. I used the following references for the mathematics [2,3] and received comments from Cyril Cohen.
1 Basics About Groups
1.1 Basic Definitions
The formalization of finite groups is essentially built on top of
, the formalization of finite sets, hence the following
sequence of Import
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect. From mathcomp Require Import ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq choice fintype. From mathcomp Require Import div path bigop prime finset fingroup. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
[Loading ML file ssrmatching_plugin.cmxs ... done] Small Scale Reflection version 1.6 loaded. Copyright 2005-2016 Microsoft Corporation and INRIA. Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license. [Loading ML file ssreflect_plugin.cmxs ... done]
In MathComp, finite groups are ``subgroups'' of a ``container
group''. The first part of the container group structure can be found
in the Record mixin_of
(file: fingroup.v
Module FinGroup
): a binary operation, a special element
(the neutral), a unary operation (inverse), associativity, left
identity, involution, antimorphism (i.e., \((xy)^{-1} = y^{-1}x^{-1}\)).
Such a structure is not a group because \(x^{-1} x = 1\) may not hold.
Print FinGroup.mixin_of.
Record mixin_of (T : Type) : Type := BaseMixin { mul : T -> T -> T; one : T; inv : T -> T; _ : associative mul; _ : left_id one mul; _ : involutive inv; _ : {morph inv : x y / mul x y >-> mul y x} } For BaseMixin: Arguments T, mul, one, inv are implicit For mixin_of: Argument scope is [type_scope] For BaseMixin: Argument scopes are [type_scope function_scope _ function_scope _ _ _ _]
The carrier of a container group is put together with
- the assumption that it satisfies the structure above and
- the assumption that the carrier is a finite type.
This forms a baseFinGroupType
Print FinGroup.base_type. Print baseFinGroupType.
Record base_type : Type := PackBase { sort : Type; _ : FinGroup.mixin_of sort; _ : Finite.class_of sort } For PackBase: Argument sort is implicit For PackBase: Argument scopes are [type_scope _ _]
Then, the baseFinGroupType
is put together with the
following law: \(\forall x, x^{-1} x = 1\). This gives a group that will
act as a ``container group'' hereafter.
Print FinGroup.type. Print finGroupType.
Record type : Type := Pack { base : baseFinGroupType; _ : left_inverse ( base) (FinGroup.inv base) (FinGroup.mul base) } For Pack: Argument base is implicit
Finally, a finite group is defined as a set of elements from a finite
container group together with the assumption that it is a
, i.e., that it contains the neutral element and
that it is stable by the binary operation. It is worth noticing that
the definitive definition of a finite group appears very late in the
file (almost in the middle of a 3,000 lines file).
Print group_set. Print group_type.
group_set = fun (gT : finGroupType) (A : {set gT}) => (1%g \in A) && ((A * A)%g \subset A) : forall gT : finGroupType, {set gT} -> bool Argument gT is implicit and maximally inserted Argument scopes are [_ set_scope]
1.2 Basic Usage
How to declare a finite group? First declare a finite container group
gT : finGroupType
and then a finite group using the
dedicated notation G : {group gT}
, notation for group_of (Phant gT)
group _
has type predArgType
which means
that it comes with the generic notation \in
Section group_example. Variable gT : finGroupType. Variable G : {group gT}.
Groups enjoy the following notations.
Local Open Scope group_scope. Check (1 : gT). Fail Check (1 : G). Check (1 \in G). Check (1 * 1 : gT). Check (1 ^-1 : gT). Lemma neutral_in_group : 1 \in G. Proof. Check group1. rewrite group1. done. Qed. Lemma neutral_neutral_in_group : 1 * 1 \in G. Proof. Search _ left_id mulg in fingroup. rewrite mul1g. rewrite group1. done. Qed.
Point multiplication and inverse are lifted to set of points.
Check set_mulg. Check set_invg.
set_mulg : forall gT : baseFinGroupType, {set gT} -> {set gT} -> {set FinGroup.finType gT}
For two nonempty subsets \(A,B\) of \(G\), let \(AB := \{ ab | a \in A, b \in B\}\).
\(AB\) is the (complex) product of \(A\) and \(B\). When \(A = \{ a \}\),
we write \(aB\) instead of \(AB\). A product is not necessarily a group (the
multiplication needs to commute for that) but it is at least
a group_set_of_baseGroupType
Fail Check (G * G : {group gT}). Check (G * G : group_set_of_baseGroupType gT). Set Printing All. Check (1 = [set 1] :> {set gT}). Unset Printing All. Lemma neutral_in_group_group : 1 \in G * G. Proof. Check mulSGid. rewrite mulSGid. rewrite group1. done. rewrite subxx. done. Qed.
The command has indeed failed with message: In environment gT : finGroupType G : {group gT} The term "G * G" has type "FinGroup.sort (group_set_of_baseGroupType gT)" while it is expected to have type "{group gT}".
Let \(A\) and \(B\) be subgroups of \(G\). Then \(AB\) is a subgroup of \(G\) iff \(AB = BA\).
Lemma group_set_group_group : group_set (G * G). Proof. Search _ group_set reflect in fingroup. apply/comm_group_setP. Search (commute _ _). apply commute_refl. Qed.
1 subgoal gT : finGroupType G : {group gT} ============================ group_set (G * G)
Let \(U\) be a subgroup of \(G\) and \(x \in G\). The product \(U
x\) is a right coset of \(U\) in \(G\).
The right coset of \(H\) by \(x\) is noted H :* x
MathComp (notation scope: group_scope
; file:
). There is another definition of right cosets
(Definition rcoset
) that is proved equivalent
(Lemma rcosetE
Variable x : gT. Variable H : {group gT}. Check (H :* x : {set gT}). Locate ":*".
x is declared
The map \(H \to Ha; h \mapsto ha\) is injective. Thus a coset \(Ha\) has cardinal \(|H|\).
Lemma mycard_rcoset : #|H :* x| = #| H |. Proof. Check card_rcoset. Check card_imset. rewrite -[in X in _ = X](@card_imset _ _ (mulg^~ x)); last first. Search _ left_injective mulg. exact: mulIg. rewrite -rcosetE. rewrite /rcoset. done. Qed.
1 subgoal gT : finGroupType G : {group gT} x : gT H : {group gT} ============================ #|H :* x| = #|H|
The set of the right cosets of \(H\) by elements of \(G\) is
denoted by rcosets H G
(file: fingroup.v
Check (rcosets H G : {set {set gT}}). Check (rcosets H G).
rcosets H G : {set {set gT}} : {set {set gT}}
If the set of right cosets of \(U\) in \(G\) is finite then the number of
right cosets of \(U\) in \(G\) is the index of \(U\) in \(G\),
denoted by \(|G : U|\) (Definition indexg
file fingroup.v
Print indexg. End group_example.
indexg = fun (gT : finGroupType) (B A : {set gT}) => #|rcosets A B| : forall gT : finGroupType, {set gT} -> {set gT} -> nat Argument gT is implicit Argument scopes are [_ group_scope group_scope]
2 Lagrange's Theorem
Lagrange's theorem is already proved in fingroup.v
. In the
following, we replay this proof in a less compact way.
Check LagrangeI. Section myLagrange. Variable gT : finGroupType. Local Open Scope group_scope. Variable (H G : {group gT}). Hypothesis HG : H \subset G.
LagrangeI : forall (gT : finGroupType) (G H : {group gT}), #|G :&: H| * #|G : H|%g = #|G|
The relation \(xy^{-1} \in H\) is an equivalence relation. The equivalence class of \(x\) (the set of \(y\) such that \(xy^{-1} \in H\)) is actually the right coset \(Hx\). The set of cosets forms a partition of \(G\). We first prove this fact.
Print equivalence_partition. Lemma rcosets_equivalence_partition : rcosets H G = equivalence_partition [rel x y | x * y^-1 \in H] G. Proof. apply/setP => /= X. case/boolP : (X \in equivalence_partition _ _). case/imsetP => x Hx. move=> ->. apply/rcosetsP. exists x => //. apply/setP => y. rewrite inE /=. case/boolP : (_ \in _ :* _). case/rcosetP => z Hz. move=> ->. rewrite invMg. rewrite mulgA. rewrite mulgV. rewrite mul1g. rewrite groupVr //. rewrite andbT. rewrite groupM //. move/subsetP : HG. by apply. apply: contraNF. case/andP => Hy xy. apply/rcosetP. exists (y * x^-1). rewrite groupVl //. rewrite invMg. by rewrite invgK. rewrite -mulgA. rewrite mulVg. by rewrite mulg1. apply: contraNF. case/rcosetsP => x Hx ->. apply/imsetP. exists x => //. apply/setP => /= y. rewrite inE. case/boolP : (_ && _). case/andP => Hy xy. apply/rcosetP. exists (y * x^-1). rewrite groupVl //. rewrite invMg. by rewrite invgK. rewrite -mulgA. rewrite mulVg. by rewrite mulg1. apply: contraNF. case/rcosetP => z Hz ->. apply/andP; split. rewrite groupM //. move/subsetP : HG. by apply. rewrite invMg. rewrite mulgA. rewrite mulgV. rewrite mul1g. by rewrite groupVr. Qed. Lemma myrcosets_partition : partition (rcosets H G) G. Proof. rewrite rcosets_equivalence_partition. apply/equivalence_partitionP. move=> x y z Hx Hy Hz /=. split. rewrite mulgV. by rewrite group1. move=> xy. case/boolP : (y * _ \in _) => yz. move: (groupM xy yz). rewrite mulgA. rewrite -(mulgA x). rewrite mulVg. by rewrite mulg1. apply: contraNF yz => yz. move/groupVr in xy. move: (groupM xy yz). rewrite invMg. rewrite invgK. rewrite mulgA. rewrite -(mulgA y). rewrite mulVg. by rewrite mulg1. Qed.
equivalence_partition = fun (T : finType) (R : rel T) (D : {set T}) => let Px := fun x : T => [set y in D | R x y] in [set Px x | x in D] : forall T : finType, rel T -> {set T} -> {set set_of_finType T} Argument T is implicit Argument scopes are [_ _ set_scope]
Lagrange's theorem follows from the fact that the right cosets form a partition of \(G\) and that each coset has the same cardinal as \(H\).
Lemma myLagrange : #| G | = (#|H| * #|G : H|)%nat. Proof. have -> : #|G| = \sum_(U in rcosets H G) #|U|. move: myrcosets_partition. move/card_partition. done. transitivity (\sum_(U in rcosets H G) #|H|). apply eq_bigr => /= U HU. case/rcosetsP : HU => u hG ->. by rewrite mycard_rcoset. rewrite big_const. rewrite iter_addn. rewrite addn0. rewrite -/(#|G : H|). done. Qed. End myLagrange.
2 subgoals gT : finGroupType H, G : {group gT} HG : H \subset G X : {set gT} x : gT Hx : x \in G y : gT z : gT Hz : z \in H ============================ z \in G subgoal 2 is: x * (z * x)^-1 \in H
3 Normal Subgroups
For \(x, a \in G\) set \(x^a := a^{-1}xa\). This element \(x^a\) is the
conjugate of \(x\) by \(a\). (notation: x ^ y
notation scope: group_scope
; file: fingroup.v
Print conjg. Locate "^".
conjg = fun (T : finGroupType) (x y : T) => y^-1 * (x * y) : forall T : finGroupType, T -> T -> T Argument T is implicit and maximally inserted Argument scopes are [_ group_scope group_scope]
Sample property: \(x^1 = x\)
Check conjg1.
conjg1 : forall (T : finGroupType) (x : T), (x ^ 1)%g = x
For \(g \in G\) we set \(B^g := g^{-1} B g\) and say that \(B^g\) is the
conjugate of \(B\) by \(g\). In MathComp, the conjugate of \(H\) by \(x\)
is denoted by H :^ x
Print conjugate.
conjugate = fun (gT : finGroupType) (A : {set gT}) (x : gT) => [set (x0 ^ x)%g | x0 in A] : forall gT : finGroupType, {set gT} -> gT -> {set FinGroup.finType gT} Argument gT is implicit and maximally inserted Argument scopes are [_ group_scope group_scope]
The normalizer of \(A\)? \(\{x | A^x \subseteq A\}\) (Notation:
; definition; file: fingroup.v
Print normaliser. Locate "'N". Section normalisersect. Variable gT : finGroupType. Variables A B : {group gT}. Local Open Scope group_scope. Hypothesis nor : B \subset 'N(A). Lemma normaliser_equiv b : b \in B -> A \subset A :^ b. Proof. move=> bB. suff : A :^ b^-1 \subset A. by rewrite -sub_conjgV. move/subsetP : nor. move/(_ b^-1). move/groupVr in bB. move/(_ bB). rewrite /normaliser. rewrite inE. done. Qed. End normalisersect.
normaliser = fun (gT : finGroupType) (A : {set gT}) => [set x | (A :^ x)%g \subset A] : forall gT : finGroupType, {set gT} -> {set gT} Argument gT is implicit Argument scopes are [_ group_scope]
There are many ways to state the fact that a subgroup is normal. For
example, a subgroup \(N\) of \(G\) that satisfies \(N x = x N\) for all \(x
\in G\) is a normal subgroup of \(G\) (or is normal in \(G\)). We
write \(N \trianglelefteq G\) if \(N\) is normal in \(G\). \(H\) is normal
in \(G\) is noted H <| G
in MathComp, it is a boolean
binary predicate (definition: normal
; notation scope:
; file: fingroup.v
Print normal.
normal = fun (gT : finGroupType) (A B : {set gT}) => (A \subset B) && (B \subset ('N(A))%g) : forall gT : finGroupType, {set gT} -> {set gT} -> bool Argument gT is implicit and maximally inserted Argument scopes are [_ group_scope group_scope]
The following example was originally taken from [1] (exercises-10.v
Section normalsect. Variable gT : finGroupType. Variables (H G : {group gT}). Local Open Scope group_scope. Hypothesis HG : H <| G. Lemma normal_commutes : H * G = G * H. Proof. case/normalP : HG => HG' nor. apply/setP => x. case/boolP : (_ \in G * _). case/mulsgP => x1 x2 Hx1 Hx2 x1x2. move: (nor _ Hx1). move/setP/(_ x2). rewrite Hx2. case/imsetP => h1 Hh1 x2x1. rewrite x1x2 x2x1. rewrite -conjgC. apply/mulsgP. by exists h1 x1. rewrite (mulGSid HG'). rewrite (mulSGid HG'). by move/negbTE. Qed. End normalsect.
[1] | Yves Berthot, Assia Mahboubi, Laurence Rideau, Pierre-Yves Strub, Enrico Tassi, and Laurent Théry. International Spring School on Formalization of Mathematics (MAP 2012), March 12--16, 2012, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2012. Available at: Last access: 2014/08/05. [ bib ] |
[2] | Hans Kurzweil and Bernd Stellmacher. The Theory of Finite Groups---An Introduction. Springer, 2004. [ bib ] |
[3] | Frédérique Oggier. Algebraic methods. Available at:, Nov. 2011. [ bib ] |