Library eqtype_example
Module Overloading_of_notations.
Record myeq := Myeq {
carrier : Set ;
myequality : carrier -> carrier -> bool }.
About myequality.
Notation "a '===' b" := (myequality _ a b) (at level 70).
Fail Check (true === false).
Require Bool.
Print Bool.eqb.
Check (Myeq bool Bool.eqb : myeq).
Canonical Structure myeq_bool := Myeq bool Bool.eqb.
Check (true === false).
Unset Printing Notations.
Check (true === false).
Set Printing Notations.
Eval compute in (true === false).
Fail Check (O === 1).
End Overloading_of_notations.
Module Eqtype_example.
Record myeq := Eqtype {
carrier : Set ;
myequality : carrier -> carrier -> bool ;
Hmyequality : forall x y : carrier, myequality x y = true <-> x = y }.
Notation "a '===' b" := (myequality _ a b) (at level 70).
Require EqNat.
Check EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Canonical Structure eqtypenat := Eqtype _ _ EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Canonical Structure eqtypebool := Eqtype _ _ Bool.eqb_true_iff.
Check O : nat.
Check (O : carrier _).
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
From Ssreflect Require Import ssreflect.
Goal forall x y : bool, x === y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
by move/Bool.eqb_true_iff.
Undo 1.
Goal forall x y : nat, x === y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
Fail by move/Bool.eqb_true_iff.
by move/EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Undo 1.
End Eqtype_example.
Module unicity_of_identity_proofs.
Variable H1 : O < 3.
Variable H2 : O < 3.
Goal H1 = H2.
Fail reflexivity.
Require ProofIrrelevance.
now apply ProofIrrelevance.proof_irrelevance.
Lemma eq_symK : forall (A : Type) (a b : A) (e : a = b), eq_sym (eq_sym e) = e.
intros A a b e.
destruct e.
Lemma buip : forall (b1 b2 : bool) (p1 p2 : (b1 = b2 : Prop)), p1 = p2.
intros b1 b2 p1 p2.
pose (fun b (e : b1 = b) =>
match Bool.bool_dec b1 b with
| left H => H
| right _ => e end) as test_against_b1.
cutrewrite (p1 = test_against_b1 b2 p1).
cutrewrite (p2 = test_against_b1 b2 p2).
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct p1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
destruct p2.
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
destruct p1.
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
Variable lt : nat -> nat -> bool.
Check (lt 0 3) : bool.
Variable H1' : lt O 3 = true.
Variable H2' : lt O 3 = true.
Goal H1' = H2'.
Fail reflexivity.
apply buip.
End unicity_of_identity_proofs.
Record myeq := Myeq {
carrier : Set ;
myequality : carrier -> carrier -> bool }.
About myequality.
Notation "a '===' b" := (myequality _ a b) (at level 70).
Fail Check (true === false).
Require Bool.
Print Bool.eqb.
Check (Myeq bool Bool.eqb : myeq).
Canonical Structure myeq_bool := Myeq bool Bool.eqb.
Check (true === false).
Unset Printing Notations.
Check (true === false).
Set Printing Notations.
Eval compute in (true === false).
Fail Check (O === 1).
End Overloading_of_notations.
Module Eqtype_example.
Record myeq := Eqtype {
carrier : Set ;
myequality : carrier -> carrier -> bool ;
Hmyequality : forall x y : carrier, myequality x y = true <-> x = y }.
Notation "a '===' b" := (myequality _ a b) (at level 70).
Require EqNat.
Check EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Canonical Structure eqtypenat := Eqtype _ _ EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Canonical Structure eqtypebool := Eqtype _ _ Bool.eqb_true_iff.
Check O : nat.
Check (O : carrier _).
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
From Ssreflect Require Import ssreflect.
Goal forall x y : bool, x === y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
by move/Bool.eqb_true_iff.
Undo 1.
Goal forall x y : nat, x === y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
Fail by move/Bool.eqb_true_iff.
by move/EqNat.beq_nat_true_iff.
Undo 1.
End Eqtype_example.
Module unicity_of_identity_proofs.
Variable H1 : O < 3.
Variable H2 : O < 3.
Goal H1 = H2.
Fail reflexivity.
Require ProofIrrelevance.
now apply ProofIrrelevance.proof_irrelevance.
Lemma eq_symK : forall (A : Type) (a b : A) (e : a = b), eq_sym (eq_sym e) = e.
intros A a b e.
destruct e.
Lemma buip : forall (b1 b2 : bool) (p1 p2 : (b1 = b2 : Prop)), p1 = p2.
intros b1 b2 p1 p2.
pose (fun b (e : b1 = b) =>
match Bool.bool_dec b1 b with
| left H => H
| right _ => e end) as test_against_b1.
cutrewrite (p1 = test_against_b1 b2 p1).
cutrewrite (p2 = test_against_b1 b2 p2).
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct p1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
destruct p2.
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
destruct p1.
unfold test_against_b1.
destruct b1; simpl; reflexivity.
Variable lt : nat -> nat -> bool.
Check (lt 0 3) : bool.
Variable H1' : lt O 3 = true.
Variable H2' : lt O 3 = true.
Goal H1' = H2'.
Fail reflexivity.
apply buip.
End unicity_of_identity_proofs.